“Xiangchu Daxuankong Lecture Notes” Huaihua Daxuankong Fengshui Improvement Class Textbook 121 pages

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“Xiangchu Daxuankong Lecture Notes” Huaihua Daxuankong Fengshui Improvement Class Textbook 121 pages PDF Word version electronic version download. Chapter 1 of the table of contents, mastering theoretical knowledge and stepping into the threshold of Xuankong Section 1, the difference between Daxuankong and Shen’s Xuankong (Xiaoxuankong) Section 2, the understanding of Xiantianhe Tushu Section 3, Luoshu and The fourth section of Nine Stars, the basic meaning of Nine Stars

“Xiangchu Daxuankong Lecture Notes” Huaihua Daxuankong Fengshui Improvement Class Textbook 121 pages PDF Word version electronic version download.


Chapter 1, mastering theoretical knowledge and stepping into the threshold of Xuankong Section 1, the difference between Daxuankong and Shen’s Xuankong (Xiaoxuankong) Section 2, the understanding of Xiantianhe Tushu Section 3, Luoshu and Jiuxing Section 4, the basic meaning of Jiuxing Section 5, the relationship between congenital, acquired and Bagua Section 6, Houtian Bagua Imagery Chapter 2, understanding the three-dimensional compass to form a mysterious and empty thinking section 1, Compass and 24 mountain directions Section 2, Daxuan Kong and 24 Mountains Section 3, Big Sky Death and Small Space Death Line Chapter 3, Familiar with Nine-Star Flying Stars and Mastering Star Arrangement Section 1, Nine-Star Purple and White Flying Star Rules Chapter 3 Section 2, Sanyuan Star Jue Flying Arrangement Section 3, Four Pans and Xia Gua The Meaning of the Pole Section 3, Stars and Yuan Qi Qi Section 4, Yuan Yun and Earth Luck Chapter 5, Understanding the Four Great Patterns and Grasping the Key Points of Xuankong Section 1, Sanyuan Nine Luck 24 Mountains (Xia Gua) IV The second section of the big pattern, the explanation of the four big patterns Section three, the correct understanding of Wangshan Wangxiang Section four, the correct use of the four big patterns Chapter six, the virtual and real mountains and rivers come and go, the real is the secret of Fengshui Section one, virtual, real, The concept of mountains, water, coming, and going Section 2, Sitting in the sky and sitting in the empty space Chapter 7, Recognizing the righteous god Zero God and grasping the root of Erzhai Section 1, The meaning of Zero God and the Righteous God Chapter 2 , The meaning of urging the gods and illuminating the gods Section 3, Daxuankong and Xiaoxuankong have different usages of Lingshenzhengshen. The first section of blessing, the second section of the basic water method of Daxuankong, the third section of the practical conditions of Zhenling Shenshui, the fourth section of the three-element five-yellow water method, the fifth section of the water method “four images”, the common water method in front of the acupuncture points Section 6, Internal water and external water Section 7, Sanyang water (for reference) Section 8, Common sense of 25 kinds of water methods (for reference) Chapter 9, Mountains and rivers hide mysteries, few people know Section 1, the height, size, distance, movement and stillness of mountains and rivers Section 2, the deviation and positiveness of mountains and rivers Chapter 11 of Twenty-Four Mountains Miscellaneous, Using the Eighth Bureau of Longmen to Help You Accurately Decide on the First Section, The Second Section of the Eighth Bureau of the Longmen, The Third Section of the Eighth Bureau of the Longmen, The Fourth Section of the Sand and Water Response of the Eighth Bureau of the Longmen, Chapter 5, the origin of the Eight Bureaus of Longmen Chapter Six, the good and bad judgments of the Eight Bureaus of Longmen The third section of shooting acupuncture points, the fourth section of the method of avoiding evil in the direction of the concave wind, the good and bad luck of the concave wind chapter 13, the important essence of Xuankong and the careful understanding of the first section, the second section of the three hexagrams of Daxuankong, the third section of the golden dragon, City Gate Section 4, Fu Yin and Anti Yin Section 5, Bashan Xiji Section 6, Five Elements and Mountain Shapes Chapter 14, Basic Principles of Xuankong, You Must Understand Section 1, Daxuankong Fengshui Basic Rules Section 2, Nine Stars Anti-Situation Section 3, Basic Principles of Site Selection for Yin and Yang Houses Section 4, “Ten Essentials” Section 5, “Ten Attentions” Section 6, “Five Not Burials” Chapter 15 Know the Secrets of Standing and Avoid Disasters in the world Section 1, Compass Orientation Skills Section 2, Basic Principles of Determining the Sitting Direction of Yin and Yang Houses Section 3, Secrets of Sitting in Yin and Yang Houses The Sixth Section of Lixiang, the Sixteenth Chapter of Receiving the Mountain and Exiting the Evil, the Eight Diagrams Mutual Ventilation Can Promote Ding Wealth and Nobility Section One, the Innate and Acquired Ventilation Section Two, the Heluo Ventilation Section Three, the Three General Ventilation Section Four, Zero Chapter 17, Familiar with the secrets of heaven and tricks to break the second house smoothly Section 1, The dragon is prosperous at the right time Section 2, Dragon, Xiang, and water are born Section 3, Tianji is safe inside Section 4, Fetal position and orders The fifth chapter of the star, the sixth chapter of the vacancies, the sixth chapter, the three yuan nine luck and the sixty Jiazi decree, the seventh chapter, the husband and wife’s injury, the eighth chapter, the high and the low, the ghost chapter, the eighteenth chapter, master the case-solving skills and find the position of the financial official Section 1, Secrets of Official Position Section 5, Secrets of Wealth Position Chapter 19, Knowing the Misfortunes and Fortunes of the Housing Division by Looking at the Official Position and the Housing Division Chapter 20, Pingyang Fengshui is unique, searching for dragons and acupoints are different. Chapter 21, Foreign affairs collide with evil spirits, and the movement and stillness of the mansion hide evil. Feng Shui’s Positioning and Good or Bad Chapter 22, Seizing the Secrets of Yang Zhai to Avoid Evil and Gain Good Luck and Auspiciousness Section 1, Landscape Concepts Section 2, Yang Zhai’s Five Voids and Five Realities Section 3, Opening Doors and Receiving Qi Section 4, City Yang Zhai Orientation Principles Chapter 23, Diverse Yang Zhai Forms, Attention to Avoid Evils Section 1, Shapes and the Five Elements , Familiar with the essentials of Yangzhai, grasp the mysteries of judging things, Section 1, General tips for judging affairs in Yangzhai, Section 2, Secrets of judging good and bad luck in the house, Chapter 25, Going up the mountain to see the real dragon, and the ground without the real dragon. The second section of the dragon, the third section of the dragon’s veins, the fourth section of the dragon’s good or bad, the fifth section of the dragon sand on the left, the sixth section of the tiger sand on the right, the seventh section of the mountain in front of the hall, the eighth section of the case mountain in front of the cave Chapter 9, Watching Qingming Hall, Chapter 10, Watching Mountains and Water, Chapter 11, Watching Mountains and Dragons Escorted, Chapter 24, Dragon Break (for reference) Chapter 26, Acupuncture Points and Acupoints Carefully to Obtain Wealth and Noble Land Chapter 2 Section 1. Confirm the scope of true acupoints. Section 2. Aim at the acupoints of real dragons. answer! ) Section 5, Male and female and Coitus Section 6, Dragon and Tiger Luantou Duan (for reference) Chapter 27, Explanation of the secret of Xuankong Wealth Dinggui Killer Class Earth Master Avoiding Disasters and Avoiding Misfortunes Section 1, Fengshui Killer Daily Lesson 2, Fengshui Taboo Killer Day 3rd, Kung Fu on Graves (for reference) 1-2 Chapter 29 , Fengshui examples I personally experienced Section 1, Fengshui examples (Yin House) Section 2, Fengshui examples (Yangzhai) Chapter 30, classic materials reference Appendix 1 – classic must-read (reference) Appendix 2 – “Luantou Partial screenshot of Jing” (reference)


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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