Observation and Timing Decoration Fengshui Seminar Tutorial 2018

Jul 17,2024 4 43

Download the 2018 PDF version of the Tutorial for Fengshui Seminar on Observation, Timing and Decoration. Content excerpts “Book of Changes” is the oldest, most mysterious, and most profound classic in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. The study and mastery of the laws of the Book of Changes can be said to be the most valuable cultural activity for human beings, as revealed by the Book of Changes What is caused by the movement of the sun and the changes of the sun itself

Download the 2018 PDF version of the Tutorial for Decorative Fengshui Seminar of Observation and Timing.

Content excerpt

“Book of Changes” is the oldest, most mysterious, and most profound classic in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. The study and mastery of the laws of the Book of Changes can be said to be the most valuable to human Cultural activities, the Book of Changes reveals the law of the earth’s surface temperature change caused by the movement of the sun and the sun itself, and the change law of all things on the earth when the earth’s surface temperature changes, which also explains the emergence and development of life , The natural law of death; Feng Shui academic under the guidance of this natural law theory. It is the only way to improve the quality of human life. It is of great significance to the improvement of the quality of life, especially for urban construction, housing design, cemetery, health care and many other aspects that are closely related to human existence. Regarding Fengshui culture, ancient sages and modern scholars have different views. From the perspective of modern science, Fengshui culture is actually the academic study of human geography and environment in today’s society, and it is the knowledge about the influence of cosmic energy on life. According to the natural principle that like attracts like and seeks like like, we live in the natural world, and all correct scientific things are in line with the laws of nature. Human beings are rich or poor, poor or poor, and their longevity is determined by the energy field of the universe, and these The roots of culture and science all come from the “Book of Changes” in our country. Fengshui culture is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation for 5,000 years. It is vast, subtle, and all-encompassing. Feng Shui covers all things, and it discusses the ways of heaven, the way of nature, and the way of humanity. “Yin Fu Jing” says: “The way to observe the sky, and the way to follow the sky.” Fengshui pays attention to the laws of heaven, people and geography. That is, the law of movement of celestial bodies, mountains and rivers, topography, architectural structure, indoor space, and the law of change and rational use of the natural environment; how human beings follow the way of heaven and the way of authenticity, so as to achieve harmony and unity between heaven, earth and man.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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