Tan Wenmo’s “Liu Jiangdong’s son-in-law Tan Wenmo’s family biography Yang Gong’s Fengshui secrets” and “Jiangxi Sanliao Fengshui” are bound in two volumes

Jul 17,2024 40 30

Tan Wenmo’s “Liu Jiangdong’s son-in-law Tan Wenmo’s family biography Yang Gong’s Fengshui secrets” and “Jiangxi Sanliao Fengshui” are two bound PDFs, electronic version download. Brief introduction of Yang Junsong, Liu Jiangdong, the three apprentices of Fengshui. Liu Jiangdong passed on his son-in-law Tan Wenmo. Tan Wenmo passed down to the 18th generation grandson Tan Zhongjian. (Tan Zhongjian: Biography of Tan Zhongjian Liu Bowen (21 years old, 1331) According to Yudu County Chronicles and Chengjiang

Tan Wenmo’s “Liu Jiangdong’s son-in-law Tan Wenmo’s family biography Yang Gong’s Fengshui secrets” and “Jiangxi Sanliao Fengshui” are two bound PDFs, electronic version download.


Yang Junsong’s geomantic master Liu Jiangdong. Liu Jiangdong passed on his son-in-law Tan Wenmo. Tan Wenmo passed down to the 18th generation grandson Tan Zhongjian. (Tan Zhongjian: Tan Zhongjian Biography Liu Bowen (21 years old, 1331)

According to historical records such as Yudu county annals and Chengjiang Tan family tree, Chengjiang Village was first built in 930 AD, 1088 years ago. Tan Quanbo, the ancestor of the Tan family In his early years, he was appointed as the defense envoy of Qianzhou (now Ganzhou). After his death, his son Tan Wenmo succeeded his father and continued to be an official in Ganzhou. Tan Wenmo is the son-in-law of Liu Jiangdong (from Yudu, Ganzhou, Jiangxi), a direct disciple of Yang Junsong. Yang Junsong’s geomancy secret book (Tianyuan Yiqi chapter) was presented, and he was handed down by Liu Jiangdong, who is proficient in geomancy. Tan Zhongjian, the eighteenth generation descendant of Tan Wenmo, is also known as Tan Kuan. The essence of geomancy is hidden in his hometown Chengjiang Qianxiu accepted his cousin and nephew as his apprentice in his later years. That was Liu Bowen, the founding military strategist of the Ming Dynasty who became famous all over the world. According to the fact that the Chengjiang Tan family moved to Sichuan Province, Tan Kuan was the first generation ancestor, and his “Tan Family Tree Tan Family Tree “Genealogy” records that “the ancestor of the first generation, Kuan Gong, named Zhong Jian, was born at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and Dewen Mozu had 18 generations of family biography. Because he was old and young, he was afraid of losing his biography, so he passed on his nephew and son-in-law Liu’s Bowen. Therefore It is said that my ancestor’s Yin spirit forgives me, and Liu Jiqi treasures it. The tomb of Tan Gongzhi’s wife Zhu Junhe is in the lake. Praise said: the ancestor who moved first kept the family tradition, and a grain of millet became a true treasure; The sons and youngsters are given to the Qingtian; the kings are created for the opening of the Ming Dynasty, and the red Luo weaves the corners of the fire; ;The descendants of the two generations are all honored, and the yin and spirit are silent and lingering.” Tan Kuan passed on the art of geomancy to Liu Bowen. Catalog: Book Catalog: The book has a total of 90 pages, a total of 180 ancient manuscripts. General purpose, on the unique secret of the dragon’s body to prosper in the tomb, on the dragon’s no distinction, on the theory of the dragon’s direction according to the water, on the method of breaking the dragon and setting up acupoints, on the general method of dragon burial, on the first method of establishing acupoints to get water, dragon water Sitting to eliminate absorption, three methods of Xuanguang orifice, four major water mouth elimination methods, Mr. Liu Bowen’s Longjue song, five-star acupoint formula, Jiamiaoxian’s determination of loyalty, twenty-four mountain divisions, good and bad fortune, and wealth and poverty. A brief introduction to releasing water from graves and houses in four mountains, on the four gods, eight generals, three yangs, six beauties and three auspicious things, on river maps, on Luoshu, five elements of geography, on the weight and weight of the twenty-four mountains of Longfa, on the yin and yang dragons of the twenty-four mountains, and on the star dragon Going into the acupoints to make directions, discussing the twenty-eight mansions stored in the twenty-four mountains, the 28 mansions storing the hexagrams, the stems and branches, the gejue, discussing the concave wind blowing acupoints, discussing the true formula of life and restraint, the five elements restraining each other, the five elements mutual generation, the theory of distinguishing and restraining, and discussing The number of rooms is rich, the poor, the poor, the gold, the wood, the water, the fire and the earth sit in each room, the ten sons break the formula, the crown and the death position are not suitable for standing to the song, the four rounds of left-handed dragons form the shape, and the four rounds of the right-handed dragon form , On Yang Gong not climbing the mountain Liuren Zhangjue, the secret map of the example, on the true method of opening points on the twenty-four mountains to determine the color of the soil, on the upper point, on the opening of the twenty-four mountains to determine the size and color of the earth, and the secret biography of the twenty-four mountains is always fulfilled , Opening the door to determine the law, releasing fish and good or bad pictures, moving into the house and distributing cigarettes, things, discussing the formula for making and burial with great benefits and small benefits, discussing the law of both advantages and disadvantages, discussing sixty years of empty poems, discussing the rules of Ding Gua Palace, Discussing the upper, middle and lower Yuan, discussing the theory of Najia, discussing the method of longevity by sitting on the mountain, seeing the waterway, where the water will go out of the tomb, discussing the eight trigrams and one hexagram to control the three mountains that are Luo, the direction of the compass, the method of using the compass, and the greedy wolf to assist the word Lian Chastity, three-in-one and five-element (that is, the three sides of the tomb on the star, the theory of Shengwang), the two mountains and the five elements, the dragon’s standing, the water collection, the innate and the acquired, the eight trigrams, Yin and Yang, the eight mountains and the yellow spring, and the construction of ancestral halls, temples, houses, patios, water, and pools. , On the size and size of the courtyard, on the good and bad directions of the bed and the direction of the house, the golden rule of the main house sitting on the mountain, the golden rule of the good and bad directions of the twenty-four mountains, the good and bad directions of the stove in the collection of Liu’s family and Xieji, and the secret of the compass Thesis, the gate tower is four feet twenty-four, the general law of opening the gate tower of Yangzhai is the same, the eight house Zhou Shu, the ten evil theory, distinguishing the backwashing of the tomb and killing people from the bottom of the world, born to be prosperous, prosperous to rush Born, but not enough, talk about Shengwanglong, talk about four-game dragon…etc.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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