Purple thunder cross training on the method: recording electronic version

Jul 17,2024 8 32
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Information name: Purple Thunder Cross Training Upper Method: Audio Electronic Version

Information number: 22B08047

Data size: 6.76MB

Language: Chinese

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For the quenching of the physical body and the soul of the law, internal refining method, this method of energy overbearing to drive away evil, protection, promote Wenchang, internal refining, promote Wenchang

This method is the innate three or five trains of the Great Heavenly Father passed down that is, Wang Lingguan, for the quenching of the flesh and soul of the law, internal refining method, this method of energy overbearing, can open the body orifices, is considered to be the foundation for the Heavenly Eye, and help the practice of other thunder law, to the intermediate can improve their own practice of any law.

File directory.

/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/08/22B08047. Purple thunder cross training upper method/

Purple Thunder Cross Practice Upper Method.doc 132.58kb

Purple Thunder Cross Practice.mp3 6.63M

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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