Yang house floor breaking method and moving house static house change house house total 18 pages

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Yang house floor breaks

When giving feng shui advice, many people ask which floor is better? Which floor is more prosperous? Which floor is worse? What is the basis for this? The following is a combination of ancient Chinese feng shui theory and modern practice to discuss, for your reference when buying a building.

I. A. Using the five sons of the river to choose the floor

The ancient buildings are not high-rise, choose the floor is into the unit of measurement, to a into, two into, three into the plane type of building selection method, modern society, high-rise buildings, the low is a few layers, the high tens of layers, in so many floors to choose the more prosperous floor, people are at a loss, the use of Hetu Wu Zi Yun can solve this problem. This method can be used to determine the luck of the floor and the number of rooms in a Yang house. This method is more applicable to modern buildings and apartments.

The number of Hetu: 1.6 is water, 2.7 is fire, 3.8 is wood, 4.9 is gold, and 50 is earth. This is the five elements between floors, and from eleven onwards, the numbers start from one.

The number of years are: A – B Hai water, C – D – Hai fire, E – Hai wood, G – Xin Hai gold, Prince K – Hai luck. The theory of the five elements is: gold gives birth to water, water gives birth to wood, wood gives birth to fire, fire gives birth to earth, and earth gives birth to gold. According to the above theory, we can determine the prosperity of the floor of the recent five sons luck, the list is as follows: (the floor should be counted from the basement).

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阳宅楼层断法 阳宅楼层断法


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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