Qing Zhao Jiufeng《 illustrates the three essentials of Yangzhai》 (the Eight House School) 590 pages

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Illustrating the Three Essentials of Yang Residence


Choose a good house type, create good house luck

Top 10 Illustrated House Types

Editor Note: Good house types create good fortune

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Introduction Volume: Ancient Chinese Feng Shui Culture

Guided Reading I. Historical Development and Basic Schools of Feng Shui

1. The origin of feng shui: the historical development of feng shui

2. The basic schools of Feng Shui: the Situation School and the Rational School

Introduction II: Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Sources of Feng Shui

1. The philosophical basis of feng shui1: the concept of yin and yang

2. Philosophical foundations of feng shui 2: The idea of the unity of heaven and man and the origin of feng shui

3. The philosophical basis of feng shui 3: the doctrine of the five elements

4. The methodological origin of feng shui: Bagua and hexagrams

5. The symbolic system of the warp of the heavens and the earth: the heavenly stems and the earthly branches

6. The borrowing of feng shui for astronomical concepts: the nine stars

7. The basic tool of Feng Shui: the compass

Volume 1: The basic theory and application of feng shui in Yang house

Chapter 1, The Basics of Yang House Feng Shui

1, Yang house three important theory: door, main, stove mutual prosperity for auspicious house

2. Wuji, Taiji, and Two Instruments: The World from Nothing to Something

3, King Wen eight trigrams order: eight trigrams of yin and yang matching principle

4. He Tu: the principle of yin and yang generation of the five elements

5. Luoshu: the source of the natural numbers of heaven and earth

6. King Wen eight trigrams orientation chart: the four proper trigrams and the four corner trigrams

7, Bagua belongs to: Bagua and family members match

8, Bagua matching: two matching, Yin and Yang

9, the five elements are born together: the balance and cycle of the universe

10, the five elements grams: imbalance counter-grams, woe to the country and the people

Chapter 2, East and West four house auspicious diagnosis

1, West four houses: the door facing Qian, Kun, Burgundy, Tui

2, West four houses: the door facing Kan, Li, Zhen, Xun

3, East and West eight houses are not allowed to mix theory

4, the big tour of the year song: nine palace flying star method

5, Qianmen nine stars song: Qian house of the nine palaces flying star orientation of the auspicious

6、Good and bad song of the nine stars: the use of space orientation feng shui

7、Gong Xing Xing break: Gong Xing Xing, family members of bad luck

8, the nine stars of the room Xing and defeat song: the prosperous, the grams of defeat

9, children and grandchildren song: nine palace flying star and how many children

10, the transformation song: Yin and Yang changes to balance-based

11, east four west four eight house auspicious stars belong to: Yannian, Tianhe, angry

12, east four west four eight houses belong to the fierce stars: five, life, six fatal

13, five ghosts through the Palace: Lianzhen into the Palace, people and animals by the gram

14、Rising and falling year: Yang house auspicious should be the period

Chapter 3, static house, moving house, change house, change house

1、Moving house Fanxing Guanjing with positive five elements example

2. The change of the house with double gold, double wood, double earth example.

3. Four bad stars are fulfilled: Wen Qu, Lianzhen, Lu Cun, Broken Army

4, the five elements of disease theory: the internal organs of the human body five elements of properties

5, the general view of the quiet house: to determine the three important orientation

6、Moving house, change house, house of three views

7, each with a Taiji: fixed main, fixed door, fixed stove law

8、Still house, moving house, change house, change house to distinguish the law

9、The law of solving fierce stove: breaking fierce stove, safe stove

10、The method of distinguishing auspicious stove: the heavenly doctor, angry, Yannian

Chapter 4, all kinds of Yang house auspicious assertion

1、The four auspicious stars should be fulfilled date: the stove mouth facing the ancient benefit should be period

2, nine stars prosperous direction: Gong Xing Xiang Sheng main prosperity

3, nine auspicious stars song: calamity trick, five ranks Gua read

4、Valley city theory: mountains around water, blessing for a long time

5, the temple star orientation: three auspicious six show party is auspicious

6、Wenpen high tower orientation: A, Xun, C, Ding side for the auspicious

7, eight temple star: is a fire god temple and nine star relationship

8, three yuan life trick: three yuan nine fortune seeking men and women life trigrams

9, shortcut trick: fast seeking male and female life trigrams law

10, wild horse jumping stream method: row of mountain palm method to seek the fate of the trigrams

Chapter 5, the use of feng shui in ancient government offices

1, look at the magistrate office theory: reveal the ancient most authoritative building feng shui

2, Kan Department away from the door Zhen Zao five layers of government offices

3、Kan main away from the door seven layers of eight layers of government offices

4、The three departments of the general theory of the An Zao method: Zao combined with feng shui, official luck flourished

5, the main Kanmen five layers of government offices

6、Sitting south to the north of the seventh floor government office

7、Narrow in front and wide at the back: big fortune

8, the size of the width of the auspicious theory: odd number for good, double number for bad

9、Long and narrow bad bureau song: officials arrogant, the people suffer

10、Square and wide auspicious bureau song: officials promoted, the people rich

11, the main shock to the door Xun Zao five layers of pressure brakes government offices

12、Tui main Zhen door Kun stove five layers of pressure brakes Yamen

13, the capital county Wenwu Temple auspicious theory: left Temple, right Temple

14, the nine stars of the auspicious and foul Palace theory: auspicious and foul stars should

15, Yang house general outline: the main room as the first priority

volume two, west four doors with eight main house type auspiciousness

Volume 1: West four house door with the main stove combination of good and bad

Chapter 1, Qianmen with eight main each household type auspiciousness

1, Qian door Qian main: Qian Qian pure Yang injury women

2, Qianmen Kan main: Tianmen fallen water out of the lascivious madness

3, Qianmen burgundy master: the sky on the mountain home rich

4, Qianmen Zhen main: ghosts into the Thunder Gate injury eldest son

5. Qianmen Xun main: Qian Xun birth death heart and leg pain

6, Qian door from the main: Qian from the widow to give birth to eye disease

7, Qianmen Kun main: Tianmen to the ground master glory

8, Qianmen Tui main: Tianze wealth more promiscuous

Chapter 2, Kunmen with eight main each household type of luck

1. Kunmen Kun main: heavy land orphaned widow palm home

2. Kunmen Tui main: the ground into the wealth of the absolute heir

3, Kunmen Qian main: the ground from the sky door rich and prosperous

4、Kunmen Kan main: Kuncan in the male life does not exist

5、Kunmen burgundy main: the ground mountain soil heavy field production enough

6、Kunmen Zhen main: people near the dragon position mother died

7、Kunmen is the main: people buried in the ground old mother died

8. Kunmen Li main: the entrance to see the fire more widowed mother

Chapter 3, the burgundy door with eight main each household type of luck

1. Burgundy door burgundy main: heavy mountains stacked wife injury

2. Burgundy door Zhen main: the mountains and thunder to see the death of children

3、Gengmen Xun main: the mountain is near the family of the widowed mother extinct

4、Leave the burgundy door: the ghosts of the earth and women just

5、Gong door Kun main: mountain daily production more into the benefit

6. Burgundy door to the main: mountain people prosperous family rich

7、Gong door dry main: mountain up in the sky son of noble virtuous

8, the main burgundy door Kan: ghosts over the ocean fall into the water injury

Chapter 4, against the door with eight main each household type auspicious meat

1, against the door against the main: Ze heavy young woman in charge of the military power

2, against the door dry main: Zetian widowed mother to hold the source of wealth

3, against the door Kan main: white tiger cast river six animals hurt

4. The main door of the red door of the burgundy: Zeshan Zengfu small room glory

5. The main door of the exchange of Zhen: the tiger into the dragon nest, labor compulsion Inibs

6、Tui door Xun main: tiger meet the limit also Yin and Yang

7、Tui door from the main: tiger fire steam women less dead

8, the exchange door Kun main: Zedi wealth Long different surname residence

Chapter 5, West four houses each household type feng shui

1, moving house four corner door view: Qiao Fan Bagua

2、West four residence Qiankun burgundy to four tour year up example

3, tear drop room: large room eaves with a small room

maki three, east four doors with eight main house type auspiciousness

Volume 1: East four house door with the main stove combination of good and bad

Chapter 1, kanmen with eight main household type auspiciousness

1, kanmen kan master: water if reunited with his wife away

2、Kanmen burgundy main: water meet mountain grams must lack of heir

3、Kanmen Zhen main: water thunder hair blessing long extinct heir

4、Kanmen Xun main: water wood glory hair female show

5、Kanmen Li main: water and fire both to the great auspicious prosperity

6、Kanmen Kun: water and earth in the male death

7、Kanmen to the main: the Ze met the water drainage girl died

8、Kanmen Qian main: water leaks dry gas kinky defeat

Chapter 2, from the door with eight main house type auspiciousness

1, the door away from the main: flame heavy no children

2, from the door Kun main: fire to the door of the widow run

3, the door to the Lord: away from the fire to the light of injury to the less Wen

4, away from the door Qian main: away from the Qian old princess soon

5, away from the door Kan main: Yin and Yang is matching the rich bureau

6, away from the door burgundy main: volcano woman just menstrual disorder

7、Leave the door Zhen main: fire thunder hair blessing women good

8、Leave the door Xun main: fire wind Ding thin family good good

Chapter 3, Zhen door with eight main house type auspiciousness

1, Zhen door Zhen main: wife Xiangk Zhen wood heavy

2. Zhen door Xun main: thunder wind match speedy fortune

4. The door of Zhen Kun: the dragon enters the door of the people to hurt the old mother

5. Zhenmen Tui lord: the dragon fights with the tiger and is sad and long

6, Zhenmen Qian main: dragon flying in the sky husband disaster

7、The main gate of Zhen Kan: Thunder and water lack of heir to do more good

8, Zhenmen burgundy master: dragon to the mountain less kerang

Chapter 4, Xunmen with eight main household type of luck

1、Xunmen xun main: two women difficult is heavy wind

2、Xunmen Li main: rich lack of heir wind and fire when

3. Xunmen Kun main: the ground to the door of people mother first died

4、Xunmen Tui main: the wind in the tiger hurt the eldest woman

5. Xunmen Qian main: wind and sky pain kill the eldest woman

6、Xunmenkan main: the five sons are feng shui

7. The Lord of the Sundown Gate and the Lord of the Burgundy: The windy mountain and the widowed mother have many lack of heirs.

8. Xunmen Zhen main: wind and thunder merit like fire rush

Chapter 5, the earthquake door with eight main house type auspiciousness

1, the four main doors of the moving house view

2、East four residence greedy wolf to get position song

3、East four residence Kan Li Zhen Xun four tour year starting example

Maki four, 64 trigrams house type auspiciousness

1, Zhouyi trigram song: sixty-four trigrams trigram sequence

2, daily pure dry: northwest kitchen with northwest door, grams wife hurt children

3, the sky wind copulation: northwest kitchen with the southeast door, people and animals by the gram

4、Tianshan: Northwest kitchen with the northeast door, short life span of women

5. Heaven and earth: the northwest kitchen with the southwest door, the family business developed

6. Fengdi Guan: Southeast kitchen with the southwest door, the old mother is sick.

7. mountain peel: northeast kitchen with southwest door,. Children spoiled

8. Fire Jin: south kitchen with southwest door, weak heart

9, fire day big there: south kitchen with the northwest door, the penalty of the old father

10, water water pure kan: north kitchen with the north door, sparse people

11、Water Ze section: north kitchen with the west door, children and grandchildren failure

12、Water Ray Tun: North kitchen with the east door, the people of the new less

13、Water fire both: north kitchen with the south door, easy to suffer from eye disease

14、Zehuo Ge: west kitchen with the south door, injury grams little girl

15, the lightning fire abundance: East kitchen with the south door, rich and powerful

16、Earth fire Ming Yi: southwest kitchen with the south door, the family business decay

17、Earth water division: southwest kitchen with the north door, the penalty grams in the male

18、Shanshan pure burgundy: northeast kitchen with the northeast door, unfavorable wife and children

19, mountain fire Ben: northeast kitchen with the south door, male Confucian weak

20、Shan Tian Dazhu: Northeast kitchen with the northwest door, the penalty of wives and children

21、Shanze loss: northeast kitchen with the west door, success and fame

22、Fire and water: South kitchen with the west door, the family is sick

23、Tianze crawl: northwest kitchen with the west door, men philandering

24、Feng Ze Zhong Fu: southeast kitchen with the west door, male short life

25, wind mountain gradual: southeast kitchen with the northeast door, injury gram children

26, Lei Lei pure shock: East kitchen with the East door, the first prosperous long decline

27, Ray ground Yu: East kitchen with the southwest door, mother and child disharmony

28, Ray water solution: South kitchen with the northwest door, a long time to live in the son

29. Thunder wind Heng: East kitchen with the southeast door, the branch A continuous

30, the wind rose: southwest kitchen with southeast door, the old mother by the gram

31、Water wind well: north kitchen with southeast door, family business prosperity

32, Zephyr Wind: West kitchen with southeast door, the offspring extinct

33, Zelay with: west kitchen with the east door, people and money empty

34, wind wind pure Xun: southeast kitchen with southeast door, strong women and weak men

35. Windy day small animal: southeast kitchen with the northwest door, the family broken

36, wind and fire family southeast kitchen with the south door, a long time to live in the end

37, wind and thunder benefit: southeast kitchen with the south door, rich and prosperous through the people

38, the sky thunder without delusion: northwest kitchen with the south door, the father and son do not get along

39. Fire thunder: south kitchen with the east door, rich and powerful

40、Shan Lei Yi: the northeast kitchen with the east door, the punishment of children

41, mountain wind compulsion: northeast kitchen with the southeast door, disease haunting

42, fire fire pure away: south kitchen with the south door, male and female girls

43、Volcano brigade: south kitchen with the northeast door, children die in heaven

44, fire and wind Ding: south kitchen with southeast door, children and grandchildren are scarce

45, water and fire: South kitchen with the north door, eye disease

46、Shanshui Meng: Northeast kitchen with the north door, ghosts and monsters into the house

47、Feng shui lax: southeast kitchen with the north door, the five sons to ascend

48, the water lawsuit: northwest kitchen with the north door, money scattered

49, the sky and fire with people: the northwest kitchen with the south door, the penalty of father and daughter

50, the ground pure Kun: Southwest kitchen with the southwest door, more women and less men

51、Mine: Southwest kitchen with the east door, the eldest son is not filial

52、Die Ze Lin: Southwest kitchen with the west door, male death and female widowhood

53. Di Tian Qin: Southwest kitchen with the northwest door, prosperous and flourishing

54. Lei Tian Dazhuang: the kitchen in the east with the northwest door, disobedient children and grandchildren

55. Zetian Yang: positive west kitchen with northwest door, favored concubines in charge

56、Water Heaven needs: the north kitchen with the northwest door, male debauchery

57、Water Di Bi: positive north kitchen with southwest door, only orphans

58、ZeZe pure tui: positive west kitchen with positive west door, female dictatorship

59、Ze water trapped: positive west kitchen with positive north door, female miscarriage

60、Ze Di Zui: positive west kitchen with southwest door, sparse people

61, Zeshan salty: west kitchen with the northeast door, people and wealth

62, Shanshui Jian: north kitchen with the northeast door, the middle man died of disease

63、Earth mountain modest: southwest kitchen with the northeast door, the middle-aged decay

64、Thunder Mountain small over: East kitchen with the northeast door, thieves and robbers

65, Lei Ze returned to the sister: East kitchen with the west door, people financial disadvantage


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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