The Green Capsule Sutra by Huang Shi Gong

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Reference number: 19368

Qing Nang Sutra by Huang Shi Gong

The Green Capsule Sutra

By Huang Shi Gong

Preface to the Green Capsule

Author:Douzhou Yang Yi Gyun Song

Yang Gong pension to see the male and female, the world books on different, first look at the golden dragon motion, the next check the bloodline to identify the coming dragon

The dragon is divided into two pieces of yin and yang to take, the water to three and careful identification of the trace, Jiangnan dragon to look north of the river, Jiangxi dragon to look east of the river

Is the sage ト River and Luo, Chanshui River two water intersection Huashong, phase its yin and Yang view flowing springs, ト year ト world residence are Palace

Jin Shi Jing pure transmission of this art, the performance of the scriptures to establish the intention out of the XuanKong, ZhuQuFaYuanGangWangQi, one by one to open up the foolishness

One gives birth to two and two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things is the mystery, the mountain controls the mountain and the water, this is the yin and yang not to be said

Know the mysterious theory of yin and yang, know its decay and death, do not ask the sitting mountain and water, but meet the dead air are not taken

The twelve branches of the first Heavenly Law, and the second Heavenly reuse of the stem and dimension, eight stem and four dimensional auxiliary branch position, the son, mother and grandson with this push

Twenty-four mountains are divided into submissive and subversive, a total of forty eight bureau, the five elements that is in this division, the ancestors but from the yin and yang out

The yang is from the left side, the yin is from the right side. If someone knows the yin and the yang, there is no worry that the earth will not meet each other.

The Yang mountain and the Yang flowing towards the water, it is absurd to insist on this, the Yin mountain and the Yin flowing towards the water, it is common to laugh and kill the detaining doubts

If we can find out the truth, we can find out that the use of yin and yang is one and the same, and that it is difficult for yin and yang to meet each other, there is nothing to say about one mountain and one water.

The twenty-four hills both rise, the young master understands this meaning, the five elements are distributed twenty-four, when the master this trick has never remembered

The dragon god on the mountain does not go down to the water, the dragon god in the water does not go up to the mountain, use this measure of mountains and water, a hundred miles of rivers and mountains between one sound

There is a net yin and net yang method, before and after eight feet should not be mixed, oblique and positive to receive the yin and yang to take, the gas multiplied by the prosperity of the party without bogey

The top of the mountain must be known, three sections of four sections do not need to be detained, as long as the dragon gods have been prosperous, yin and Yang but with the point in the different

The stars in the sky like weaving, the water crosses the three eight to pass, the water hair city gate must be met, robbed as the lake geese cross geese

Wealthy and poor in the water gods, water is the essence of the bloodline of the mountain family, the mountain is still water moving day and night, the main water wealth Lu mountain people ding


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 17,2024 未知
Jul 17,2024 未知