Yang Gong Sanyuan three bureaucrats ancestral Liu Guosheng disciple Liao Gong Chang face-to-face lecture notes 94 pages are all the best moves are all the best moves.pdf

Jul 17,2024 9 43

Profile Number: 19409

Yang Gong Sanyuan Geographical Feng Shui

Chapter 1 Overview:The types of Feng Shui circulating in the world

(a) Xuankong Feng Shui currently accounts for 40》 of learning (Shen Xuankong)

(b) Eight House Feng Shui

(C) He Luo turn the trigram feng shui (three yuan feng shui)

(IV) Three Harmonious Feng Shui

(E) XuanKong big trigram feng shui (64 trigram feng shui, three years and nine fortune)

(F) Great Xuankong Feng Shui

(G) Golden Lock and Jade Pass (passing yin and yang)

Two, three yuan feng shui:

1, the three yuan of ground transportation, the three yuan of the ground

(1) heavenly yuan: Zi Wu Mao West, Qiankun Burgundy Xun (the sky opened in the \”son\”)

(2) Human element: Yin Shen Hex Hai, B Xin Ding Dec (people born in \”Yin\”)

(3) the ground element: the cinnabar ugly un, A G non C (the ground opened in the \”ugly\”)

2. Heavenly transportation: (180 years)

(1) the upper yuan: 60 years and divided into: 1 transport 2 transport 3 transport

(2) The middle year: 60 years and divided into: 4 luck 5 luck 6 luck

(3) Lower Element: 60 years are divided into 7, 8, and 9.

Third, the first heavenly bagua and the second heavenly bagua:

The first eight trigrams are: dry one, two, three, three, four, five, six, seven, seven, Kun eight

Fourth, Hetu and Luoshu: the first day to check the gas used in the point, the second day to see the shape of the image outside


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 17,2024 未知