Tatsumi Feng Shui Hall Jinqiu teacher compass use compass essence explanation 122 sets

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Information name: Tatsumi Feng Shui Hall Jin Qiu teacher Luo Pan use Luo Pan essence explanation 122 sets

Source code: 22408

Data size: 149.45GB

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/Feng Shui Meaning/2022/22408. Tatsumi Feng Shui Hall Jin Qiu Teacher Compass Use Compass Explained 122 episodes/

001 Luo Pan Explained 1 – Introduction to the structure and basic use of the Luo Pan.mp4 214.16M

02 compass detailed explanation 2 – how to decide the 8 phenomena of the pointer when the direction of the pointer that is the introduction of the eight methods of the odd needle.mp4 1.26G

03 compass explanation 3-about the type of compass and the origin of the introduction – how to choose the three yuan or triad disk.mp4 1.00G

04 compass explanation 4-what is the three needles three discs that is the earth disc positive needle human disc in the needle sky disc sewing needle.mp4 910.38M

05 LuoPan detailed explanation 5 – the application of the eight trigrams in feng shui and the relationship between the twenty-four mountains.mp4 1.26G

06 LuoPan detailed explanation 6 – how to choose a site to the direction of the combination of the eight trigrams with the successive days to see the water law of luck and misfortune.mp4 1.13G

07 LuoPan detailed explanation 7-LoPan first layer of the application of the eight trigrams and how to determine the auspiciousness of the water to water.mp4 930.96M

08 Luo Pan detailed explanation 8 – Luo Pan second layer of nine stars over the trigrams that sit on the mountain over the practical application of the law.mp4 1.77G

09 LuoPan detailed explanation 9 – LuoPan second layer of the nine stars in the direction of the application of the four auspicious stars and four evil stars.mp4 1.03G

10 LuoPan detailed explanation 10 – LuoPan the second layer of sitting on the mountain to turn the trigrams summary that is QianTuiLi ZhenXunKanGengKun turn the trigrams method.mp4 1.42G

11 LuoPan Detail 11 – LuoPan Sitting Mountain robbery brakes application introduction.mp4 1.32G

12 Luo Pan Explanation 12 – The specific application of the twenty-four mountain robbery robbery brakes plate and the method of determining the good and bad.mp4 1.53G

13 罗盘详解13-罗盘应用中天池先天八卦地母九星及坐山丙丙丙煞应用小结.mp4 1.28G

14 Luopan Detail 14 – Ground pan is the needle twenty-four mountain frame dragon multiplied by the gas to stand to the concept of 360 degrees and the circumference of the sky.mp4 1.48G

15 Luo Pan detailed explanation 15-ground pan positive needle twenty-four mountains and the twenty-four seasons and twenty-four mountains yin and yang properties.mp4 1.28G

16 Luo Pan Explanation 16-The concept of the twenty-four mountains of the earth positive needles and the net yin and net yang and noble yin and low yang.mp4 1.01G

17 Luo Pan detailed explanation 17 – twenty-four mountain yin and yang dragon is too rough – need to introduce seventy-two frame dragon refinement.mp4 1012.36M

18 Luo Pan Explanation 18-Zheng Pin twenty-four mountains subdivision of the seventy-two frames of the dragon row and the great empty death detailed.mp4 1.21G

19 LuoPan detailed explanation 19-positive needle twenty-four mountains under seventy-two dragon of the great empty death tortoise shell empty death and yin and yang error.mp4 1.22G

20 Luo Pan detailed explanation 20 – twenty-four mountains each mountain three dragons in addition to the great empty death tortoise armor empty death of the rest of the dragon nayin projection.mp4 1.23G

21 compass details 21-needle twenty-four under the seventy-two dragons of the auspicious judgment based on the phase of death and prisoner rest.mp4 1.48G

22 LuoPan detailed explanation 22-ground plate is the needle ugly burgundy Yin three mountains under the 9 dragon of the application of good and bad detailed explanation.mp4 1.78G

23 Luopan detailed explanation 23-twenty-four mountains A Mao B three mountains under the nine dragons under the death of the death of the detailed explanation.mp4 1.20G

24 Luopan detailed explanation 24-twenty-four mountain Cxun Si C Wu Ding under the eighteen dragons of the prosperous phase rest prisoner detailed explanation.mp4 1.36G

25 compass detailed explanation 25-twenty-four mountain un Kun Shen G You Xin six under the eighteen dragons of the auspiciousness.mp4 1.22G

26 compass detailed explanation 26-twenty-four mountain xu qian hai mountain under the auspiciousness of the nine dragons and another method of dragon grid.mp4 1.57G

27 LuoPan detailed explanation 27-ground plate positive needle one hundred and twenty gold arrangement method detailed explanation.mp4 1018.48M

28 LuoPan detailed explanation 28- dividing gold is difficult? The twenty-four mountains of the ground to divide the gold of the causes and consequences of the degree of evil.mp4 1.51G

29 Luo Pan Explained 29-Twenty Four Mountains Divided Gold Explained.mp4 1.13G

30 Compass Detail 30-Twenty Four Mountains Divided Gold and the 360 degrees of the Zhoutian auspiciousness deciphered.mp4 1.59G

31 LuoPan detailed explanation 31-ground pan is the needle twenty-four mountains under one hundred and twenty gold auspicious and foul break method detailed explanation.mp4 1.26G

32 Luopan detailed 32-twenty-four mountains under 72 dragon empty death and fire pit detailed.mp4 807.48M

33 LuoPan detailed explanation 33-72 frame dragon in the twelve earthly branch is below the auspicious judgment method to reveal.mp4 579.10M

34 Luo Pan detailed explanation 34-Tian Gan eight yellow springs of Geng Ding Kun on the yellow springs of the decryption.mp4 1.21G

35 Luo Pan detailed explanation 35-Tian Gan eight yellow spring water of B C must prevent the introduction of Xun Shui first.mp4 665.40M

36 compass detailed explanation 36 – yellow spring of eight fatalities of the water law details of the a decimal to the worry to see the burgundy.mp4 405.18M

37 compass detailed explanation 37 – Huangquan water law of Xin non water road fear when the actual use of dry detailed explanation.mp4 489.40M

38 LuoPan detailed explanation 38-four Yang dry to and four Yin dry decay to the yellow spring water mouth to reveal the secret.mp4 938.98M

39 LuoPan detailed explanation 39-establishment of eight dry to yellow spring water in the four dimensional trigrams and the establishment of the four dimensions to yellow spring water in the eight dry to.mp4 562.27M

40 compass detailed explanation 40-establishment of the yellow spring water mouth in the direction of the Qiankun burgundy xun.mp4 428.97M

41 compass detailed explanation 41 – feng shui compass to the specific application of the Huangquan water mouth example.mp4 776.33M

42 compass detailed explanation 42-twenty-four mountains corresponding to the concept of the twenty-four heavenly stars.mp4 1.14G

43 Compass Explanation 43-The specific application of the twenty-four stars.mp4 1.30G

44 Luo Pan Explanation 44-Twenty-four days star yin and yang properties and Yang Long Li Yang direction of the dragon and direction with detailed explanation.mp4 1.05G

45 羅盘详解45-二十四天星立向与入首龙配合-陽龙立阳向-阴龙立阴向.mp4 700.66M

46 compass detailed explanation 46-64 trigrams trigram name detailed explanation – on the thirty trigrams and 34 trigrams.mp4 976.65M

47 compass detailed explanation 47-trigrams overlapping combinations of the sixteen trigrams into a detailed explanation of the name.mp4 1.03G

48 Compass Detail 48 – overlapping trigrams from the trigrams Zhen trigrams into a combination of 16 trigrams detailed.mp4 360.00M

49 Compass Detail 49-Xun Gua Kan Gua combined into 16 hexagrams detailed.mp4 588.98M

50 Compass Detail 50-Guang Gua Kun Gua and the eight trigrams combined into 16 trigrams explained.mp4 528.66M

51 compass detailed explanation 51-64 hexagrams in the compass arrangement explained.mp4 865.90M

52 compass detailed explanation 52-compass corresponding to the hexagrams in the hexagram name composition and how to arrange explained.mp4 931.68M

53 compass detailed explanation 53-64 hexagrams lines change and wandering soul trigram and return to the soul trigram.mp4 983.34M

54 compass detailed explanation 54 – eight hexagrams lines into 64 hexagrams detailed explanation – from the trigrams and Kan.mp4 719.32M

55 compass detailed explanation 55 – Zhen Gua Xun Gua lines change details.mp4 1.14G

56 Compass Detail 56-Burgundragua Tui Gua for the main trigram method of turning.mp4 329.21M

57 compass details 57-64 hexagrams square and round figure of the combination of the dry, red, free and Zhen method.mp4 842.47M

58 compass detailed explanation of 58-64 hexagrams square and circle chart of the combination of Xuncan, Burgundy and Kun.mp4 681.45M

59 compass detailed explanation 59-64 hexagrams round figure arrangement method.mp4 915.08M

60 compass detailed explanation 60-hexadecagonal inner and outer plate arrangement method – inner plate 2 layer and outer plate 3 layer.mp4 1.62G

61 compass detailed explanation 61-hexadecimal hexagrams square and circle chart specific arrangement method.mp4 1.01G

62 compass detailed explanation 62 – the sixty-four trigrams outside the three layers of the arrangement method.mp4 1018.14M

63 compass detailed explanation 63-trigrams gas disk specific applications that the five elements of the system.mp4 1.50G

64 compass detailed explanation 64 – mountain management of people to manage money – trigrams to see the pattern of prosperity.mp4 1.02G

65 compass detailed explanation 65-liquid to the mouth of the wealth and wealth and failure to return the wealth of auspicious judgment.mp4 895.91M

66 compass detailed explanation 66-compass on the greedy wolf nine stars plate arrangement method detailed explanation.mp4 1.12G

67 compass explanation 67-64 hexagrams within the plate under the greedy wolf nine stars of the arrangement of the method of introduction – from the trigram and Zhen trigram.mp4 1.02G

68 compass explanation 68 – greedy wolf nine star disk arrangement method – the law of lines change.mp4 1.11G

69 compass detailed explanation 69 – nine star disk method of line change and 64 trigrams corresponding to the greedy wolf nine star ending.mp4 903.86M

70 compass details 70-north father south mother trigram lines out of the Jiangdong and Jiangxi trigrams and parents of heaven, earth and human elements.mp4 1.07G

71 Luo Pan detailed explanation 71-North father trigrams lines out of Jiangdong trigrams-Zuo Fu eight broken Jun seven Wu Qu six.mp4 765.19M

72 compass details 72-North father greedy wolf a line change of Jiangdong trigram details.mp4 542.19M

73 compass detailed explanation 73 – South Mother Gua lines change and Jiangxi Gua Gua transport explanation.mp4 739.70M

74 compass details 74-North and South parents of the composition of the trigram and lines change.mp4 729.31M

75 compass details 75 – Jiangxi trigram from the South mother trigram lines change – that is, the mother trigram within the three lines change Jiangxi trigram.mp4 916.54M

76 compass details 76-xuankong big trigram lines – draw lines for the image.mp4 1.24G

77 compass explanation 77-compass 384 lines on the arrangement of the method and the obedience and reversal – parents three general trigrams.mp4 1.50G

78 compass details 78-compass on the north father trigram south mother trigram counterclockwise from the first line of the row introduced.mp4 1.59G

79 compass detailed explanation 79 – the eight transport Tian Yuan left auxiliary star arrangement method.mp4 1.04G

80 compass details 80-seventh-run broken star human element arrangement explained.mp4 833.06M

81 compass explanation 81 – six luck Wuqu Xing Diyuan arrangement – to prepare for the lines for the image.mp4 888.33M

82 compass explanation 82-parental heaven, earth, human three yuan dragon and greedy wolf nine star disk.mp4 953.64M

83 compass explanation 83-Triad Dragon and the six lines of the order of arrangement – divided into lines of obedience and reversal.mp4 936.50M

84 compass detailed explanation 84 – draw lines for the image of the six lines to determine the auspiciousness of.mp4 1.25G

85 compass detailed explanation 85-64 hexagrams draw lines for the image of detailed explanation – Kun Gua.mp4 578.08M

86 compass detailed explanation 86-64 hexagrams to draw lines for the auspiciousness of the hexagrams – Tui.mp4 429.33M

87 compass detailed explanation 87 – the sixty-four divinatory hexagrams from the trigrams Zhen trigrams to draw lines for the auspicious use of.mp4 916.27M

88 compass detailed explanation 88 – burgundy hexagrams and kan hexagrams draw lines for the auspicious and fatal method of breaking.mp4 757.10M

89 compass details 89-North Father Gua Xun Gua draw lines for the image – three lines and six lines together with the number of generating the river map for the auspicious lines.mp4 401.30M

90 compass detailed explanation 90 – two transport giant door star of the thunder days of the great strong and fire Zephyr trigram draw lines for the image of the auspicious.mp4 1.02G

91 compass details 91 – how to determine the Ge Gua no delusion Gua and the ground and wind Guan Gua draw lines for the image of good and bad.mp4 970.50M

92 compass details 92-water mountain Jian Gua mountain water Meng Gua and the wind up Gua draw lines for the image of the auspiciousness.mp4 1.01G

93 compass details 93-water days need and water lawsuit and the wind and zezhongfu Gua draw lines for the image of good and bad.mp4 863.12M

94 compass details 94-Ze wind over trigrams and fire Ming Yi trigrams and fire and Jin trigrams of the lines for luck.mp4 900.67M

95 compass details 95-Shan Lei Yi, the trigrams Thunder Mountain small over, the mountain days big animal trigrams, draw lines for the image.mp4 366.43M

96 compass details 96-Tianshan recluse and fire and wind tripod and wind and fire family trigrams draw lines for the image, with auspicious lines to avoid evil lines.mp4 866.21M

97 compass detailed explanation 97-Linzui Tun Gua draw lines to change the image, to avoid evil, a hundred tests, no inadmissible.mp4 685.79M

98 compass details 98 – decisive trigrams Cua decisive trigrams draw lines for the image of good and bad break – for a trigram pure and clear foundation.mp4 906.65M

99 compass detailed explanation 99-daiyu Gua with people Gua to sister Gua draw lines for the image, 384 lines of good and bad usage detailed explanation.mp4 696.42M

Compass Detail 100 – Draw lines for the image of the auspicious, with the trigram than the trigram division trigram, Feng Shui compass 384 lines.mp4 608.32M

Luo Pan detailed explanation 101 – gradually Gua compass Gua small animal Gua draw lines for the image, combined 5 combined 10 combined 15 and the number of generation of the river map.mp4 593.50M

Luo Pan details 102-64 hexagrams 384 lines to draw lines to change the image of the auspiciousness of the trigrams, trapped trigrams section trigrams copulation.mp4 738.75M

Luo Pan detailed explanation 103 – Huangquan water law and eight dry four dimensions, is the relationship between water and direction.mp4 878.81M

Luo Pan Explanation 104-Examples of specific applications of the elimination of sand in the human pan (the five elements of the middle needle).mp4 930.77M

Luopan detailed explanation 105 – Pingfen sixty dragons – sitting direction and dragon gas does not commit refutation – with three seven positive five names.mp4 3.58G

Luo Pan Explanation 106 – The arrangement of San Qi Zheng Wu Ming and the division of Yin and Yang Qi.mp4 2.76G

Luo Pan Explanation 107 – 60 dragons yin and yang qi and the conditions of yang dragon to yin dragon to yang direction.mp4 5.46G

Luo Pan Explanation 108-evenly divided 60 dragons three seven positive five names-jeweled fire pit and error empty death line.mp4 2.94G

Luo Pan detailed explanation 109-hexty-four Gua Yi Gua Pan application – a specific example of the use of the trigram pure clear.mp4 2.46G

Luo Pan Explanation 110 – I Ching 64 Gua Yi Gua Pure Clear Usage.mp4 1.76G

Luo Pan Explanation 111 – One Trigram Pure Clear and the Tenth Bureau, how to calculate the Qi port of Yang House.mp4 1.98G

Luo Pan Detail 112-Calibration and inspection method before using the compass.mp4 2.66G

Luo Pan Explanation 113-application of the eight methods of odd needles.mp4 2.41G

Luo Pan Explanation 114 – The eight trigrams combined with the 24 mountains of the positive needle to see the water method of extinction specified.mp4 1.96G

Luo Pan Explanation 115 – Greedy Wolf Nine Stars Yellow Spring Eight Furies Twenty-four Heavenly Stars and Positive Needle Twenty-four Mountains.mp4 2.48G

Luo Pan Explanation 116 – The principle of net yin and net yang and noble yin and low yang and the seventy-two frames of dragon.mp4 2.91G

Luo Pan Explanation 117 – The use of the Earth Pan Zhengzhi One Hundred and Twenty Gold and the life of the immortals and the main life.mp4 3.05G

Luo Pan Explanation 118 – The five elements of the needle in the human plate and the method of eliminating sand – the application of one needle through three plates.mp4 2.01G

Luo Pan Explanation 119-Tian Pan Stitching Needle Twenty-four Mountains and Leveling 60 Dragons and San Qi Zheng Wu Names.mp4 3.15G

Luo Pan Explanation 120 – 28 astrological elements and the method of starting the five elements of the line degree.mp4 2.35G

Luo Pan Explanation 121 – The Five Elements of the Star and the Five Elements of the Lineage – The Five Lines of Life and Wealth.mp4 2.94G

Luo Pan Detail 122 – Yi Gua 64 Gua, Sanyuan a Gua pure clear.mp4 1.68G

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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