Dongling Yi Zhansheng Tianxing Feng Shui and Qi Series Class [2019 Intermediate Class] – Distribution of textual materials – True Feng Shui also

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Profile name: East Spirit Easy Jim Tianxing Feng Shui and Qi Series Class [2019 Intermediate Class] – Distribution of textual materials – True Feng Shui also

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/Feng Shui Meaning/2022/22727. Dongling Yi Zhansheng Tianxing Feng Shui and Qi Series Class [2019 Intermediate Class] – Distribution of textual materials – True Feng Shui also/

01. U hare sun quick checklist

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02. Imperial star zunxing speed table

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03. Heavenly emperor Heavenly general [rush photo quick hair]

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04. Eight palace objects

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05. Yatsujo song

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06. Lai long standing direction reference – twenty-four dragon standing point multiplying gas table

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07. The 28 pockets of the human plate with sand

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08. Robbery brake 24 mountain broken language

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09. Luo Jing Through Interpretation

Luo Jing Translucency.pdf 7.11M

10. The Earth strange gate

The Earth Gate of Wonderfulness.pdf 4.45M

11. The Earth Gate of Miracles

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Dongling Tianxing Bagua Yang House Feng Shui

01 – East spirit feng shui of modern yang house feng shui preliminary understanding.mp4 106.45M

02- East spirit feng shui of modern yang house feng shui perception of yin and yang balance.mp4 57.34M

03-Why Yang Gong pension to see male and female? Modern Yang house feng shui successive days to pass qi into five elements.mp4 48.64M

04-Dongling Yang house Feng Shui how to effectively extract the trigram information through the two eight easy position.mp4 66.24M

05-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui of the eight palace orientation corresponds to the object out of place to get position.mp4 52.94M

06-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui of judging the physical basis of injury, disease and disaster.mp4 51.50M

07-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui how to improve the accuracy of feng shui test key.mp4 72.82M

08-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui – How to choose the best floor through the relationship of the five elements.mp4 52.16M

09-Dongling Yang house Feng Shui of Yang house injury disease disaster assertion ideas analysis.mp4 68.35M

10-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui of the eight houses of ancient law today.mp4 53.12M

11-Dongling Yang house Feng Shui of Yang house ancient law eight house how to determine the door stove auspicious.mp4 53.40M

12-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui of Yang House ancient law eight house practical application techniques.mp4 81.68M

13-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui of the sky purple white nine stars five yellow great evil.mp4 48.78M

14-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui law of various common shape brakes.mp4 45.42M

15-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui – Definition and use of Yang Sand and Yin Water.mp4 60.62M

16-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui of the enterprise factory Feng Shui layout conditioning and the establishment of the Taiji point.mp4 62.33M

17-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui study of heaven and earth, the great fortune of the flow of the year purple white hanging palace sun to promote shine.mp4 75.99M

18-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui mastering touch machine heart method and Tian Xi Hongluan promote Ding secret method.mp4 75.05M

19-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui law of the use of gas store selection skills.mp4 36.36M

20-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui how to determine the location of wealth to promote wealth.mp4 49.42M

21-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui how to determine the Wenchang position to promote Wenchang a.mp4 62.07M

22-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui – How to Determine Wenchang Position to Promote Wenchang II.mp4 77.45M

23-Dong Ling Yang House Feng Shui how to locate the emotional marriage peach blossom position at home.mp4 69.64M

24-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui how to promote peach blossom and through the palace triangle law.mp4 65.30M

25-Dong Ling Yang house feng shui of common injuries and disasters test ideas and steps.mp4 93.38M

26-Dong Ling Yang house Feng Shui of common cardiovascular disease how to break test.mp4 65.33M

Dongling Yi Zhanyi Tianxing Feng Shui through the mountain through the ground

01-Tian Xing Feng Shui through the mountain through the ground of the three outlines of the Qi.mp4 146.98M

02-Tian Xing Rei Qi Penetrating Mountains and Earth – The General Theory of Penetrating Earth Qimen.mp4 61.91M

03-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain and the earth of the ground Qi Gate Yin and Yang 18 Bureau.mp4 58.31M

04-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain and the earth of the ground Qi Gate of the earth fixed bureau.mp4 53.78M

05-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain and through the earth of the ground of the ground Qi Men ground plate row.mp4 32.61M

06-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain through the ground of the ground Qi Men push eight doors to determine the nine stars.mp4 46.01M

07-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountains and through the earth of through the earth Qi door door Palace fixed trigrams.mp4 36.94M

08-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountains and through the earth of the ground of the strange door to install the trigram method.mp4 74.87M

09-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the ground Qi Men six relatives sand and water Lu Ma Gui Ren identification party positioning.mp4 38.73M

10-Tian Xing Qi theory of the ground Qi Men six relatives of sand and water Lu Ma Gui Ren identification program example.mp4 32.22M

11-Tian Xing Rui Qi of through the ground Qi Men gold water sun and moon four auspicious treasure light.mp4 54.46M

12-Tian Xing Qi theory of through the mountain through the ground to identify the dragon vein auspicious general discussion.mp4 93.73M

13-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountains and through the earth of the Shengwang positive death defeat to identify the pulse gas auspiciousness.mp4 44.32M

14-Tian Xing Qi penetration of the correct frame into the first dragon into the hand vein.mp4 72.81M

15-Tian Xing Qi penetration of the mountain through the earth into the first dragon into the hand pulse measurement method.mp4 70.02M

16-Tian Xing method of identifying the earth dragon veins through the mountains and the earth.mp4 33.93M

17-Tian Xing method of penetrating the mountains and penetrating the earth head dragon to discern the extinct people.mp4 36.53M

18-Tian Xing Qi of the penetration of the mountains through the ground of the auxiliary star dragon method to identify the auspiciousness of.mp4 65.48M

19-The Heavenly Star Qi through the mountains and the earth health robbing Yao Furies.mp4 51.15M

20-Tian Xing Qi (Heavenly Star) through the mountain and through the earth of Heavenly Star sand law shape general outline.mp4 40.85M

21-Tian Xing Qi penetrates the mountains and the earth with the law of the gods.mp4 57.42M

22-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain and the earth of Tian Xing sand law of the earth has five bureau, bureau has five sand.mp4 64.77M

23-Tian Xing Rei Qi penetrates the mountain and penetrates the earth of the Tian Xing sand method.mp4 71.54M

24-Tian Xing Qi penetrates the mountain and penetrates the earth by the method of Tian Xing dialing the sand to penetrate the mountain and the tiger.mp4 41.01M

25-Tian Xing Qi penetrating the mountain and penetrating the earth of the Tian Xing sand dialing method penetrating the mountain and tiger decision 2.mp4 45.11M

26-Tian Xing Qi penetration of the mountains and the earth: the application of Tian Xing sand dialing decision.mp4 56.88M

27-Tian Xing Qi penetrating the mountain and penetrating the earth – Tian Xing dialing sand middle and end of the three levels of the boundary degree invasion.mp4 75.37M

28-天星理氣穿山透地之天星拨砂高级技法如何断應期.mp4 49.67M

29-Tian Xing Li Qi penetrates the mountain and penetrates the earth, and the advanced technique of Tian Xing plucking the sand is to break the period of response.mp4 45.88M

30-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain and through the earth of Tian Xing should be the period of inference example.mp4 33.03M

31-How to deduce the fortune of the Heavenly Star through the mountains and the earth.mp4 42.12M

32-Tian Xing Qi penetrates through the mountains and the earth – how to accurately dial the sand application case study.mp4 43.42M

33-Tian Xing qi penetrates the mountains and the earth: how to use the two stars in the fire to promote the official.mp4 46.73M

34-Tian Xing Qi through the mountains and the earth – how to break Feng Shui through objects.mp4 44.38M

35-Dong Ling Tian Xing Rei Qi penetrates the mountain and penetrates the earth – how to do both form and reasoning of Tian Xing Na Shui).mp4 72.62M

36-Dong Ling Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountains and the earth of the East Lake water law application law.mp4 56.08M

37-Eastern Ling Tianxing Rei Qi through the mountains through the ground of the Kun Yi auxiliary Pil water to break the bureau.mp4 49.11M

38-The East Spiritual Heavenly Star Rational Qi through the mountains and through the earth of the Tui Ding Si You Chou Wu Qu water.mp4 64.64M

39-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountains and how to turn the evil into official.mp4 70.91M

40-Tian Xing Qi penetrates through the mountains and through the earth: the application of Lianzhen Ghost in Zhen Gua.mp4 54.38M

41-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain through the earth of the five ghosts haunting the judgment water and water law to take the principle.mp4 56.82M

42-sky star rationale gas through the mountain through the ground of the off-non Yin Wu Xu fire to prevent the disaster of back to the Lu.mp4 44.58M

43-Tian Xing Rational Qi through the mountains through the ground of Qianshan Qian to water flow Qian, Qianfeng out of the scholar.mp4 76.20M

44-Tian Xing Rei Qi through the mountain through the ground of the xunxin burgundy c sand and water to break the bureau should.mp4 65.34M

45-Tian Xing Qi of the five ghosts to transport money Yin and Yang house put the law of water.mp4 39.93M

46-Tian Xing Li Qi of the body system and the collection of the successive days of the law of Qi.mp4 32.92M

feng shui day selection

01-Feng shui day selection study of the year of the year of the fierce fatalities Taiyang year broken, five yellow, three fatalities.mp4 132.41M

02-Feng shui day selection study of the year of the fatal evil e and fengshui all heavenly (five tiger brake).mp4 46.87M

03-Feng shui sun selection study of positive yinfu, side yinfu.mp4 38.95M

04-Feng shui sun selection study of the heavenly and earthly official symbols.mp4 49.55M

05-Feng shui sun selection study of the big month Jian, small month Jian, committing heavy funeral continuous death.mp4 38.59M

06-Feng shui day selection science of punching the Ding brake and twelve zodiac day.mp4 44.70M

07-Feng shui day selection science of the three virtues of the day, steal repair day, patrol the mountain Luoshu use.mp4 33.00M

08-feng shui day of the sun three together shine Taiyin to the mountain to the direction.mp4 41.93M

09-Feng shui sun selection science only zunxing, emperor star inference method and usage.mp4 37.22M

10-Feng shui day selection science of moving into the house to choose the day of inference method.mp4 46.87M

11-Feng shui day of moving into a house case study.mp4 38.47M

12-Feng shui day selection science of the five yellow will Rex and rabbit sun day selection method one.mp4 50.90M

13-Feng shui day of the selection of the sun of the rabbit sun selection method of two.mp4 45.62M

14-Feng shui sun date selection method of the opening date selection.mp4 32.32M

15-Feng shui day selection science of the rabbit sun day selection method of the next row of nine stars to the mountain.mp4 63.08M

16-Feng shui sun selection method of the first day how to Fanhua five stars and five elements.mp4 47.08M

17-xzx feng shui day of the choice of the first day of the method how to determine the prosperity and decline to identify the good and bad.mp4 56.67M

18-xzx feng shui day of choice method how to identify the head of the mountain wang decay good and bad.mp4 77.31M

River and Luo Rational Numbers

001-The sky star rational qi heluo number of the identification of party positioning najia.mp4 178.26M

002-Tian Xing Rei Qi He Luo Numerology of Najia water Gui Yuan to promote the official water.mp4 46.44M

003-Tianxing qi heluo number theory of the direction of the return of the yuan water net yin net yang usage.mp4 47.69M

004-Tian Xing Qi River and Luo numerology of the four major bases of the river map.mp4 34.81M

005-Tian Xing Qi, He Luo, and Luo Shu – The Four Greatest Bureaux.mp4 46.56M

006-Tian Xing Qi and He Luo Counting Theory of the Four Patterns of the Precessional Couple (Principle of the Couple).mp4 43.94M

007-Tian Xing Qi He Luo numerology after the Heavenly couple treats the fourteen big games.mp4 42.86M

008-Tian Xing Qi He Luo Numerology of the eight Yao Furies.mp4 52.97M

009-The astrological Hieroglyphics of the Eight Furies on the Dragon and the Eight Furies of Water.mp4 50.03M

010-天星理氣河洛数理之纳甲八煞.mp4 36.44M

011-天星理氣河洛数理之八干黄泉.mp4 37.63M

012-Tian Xing Qi and He Luo Number Theory – Save the Poor Yellow Spring.mp4 37.33M

013-Tian Xing Qi He Luo Number Theory of salty pool peach blossom brake.mp4 41.02M

014-The Heavenly Astrology and the River Law – Sheep Edge and the Hall of Fortune.mp4 35.28M

015-天星理氣河洛数理之隔八相生水法.mp4 55.63M

016-Tian Xing Rui Qi He Luo numerology of the three together to give birth to the eight together.mp4 43.02M

Riki Course Outline.mp4 5.48M

Video screenshots.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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