Zhou Fusheng Sanhe Feng Shui Yang House Chapter Yin House Chapter PDF

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Source name: Zhou Fusheng Sanhe Feng Shui Yang House Chapter Yin House Chapter PDF

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(Mr. Zhou Fusheng 《 Sanhe Feng Shui 》 Yin House Department a book, Yang House Department a book) Nowadays, there are many friends who love the Sanhe school of feng shui, hard study Sanhe feng shui techniques, but most people contact the Sanhe school of feng shui, have taken a wrong turn, because the contact, are the methods of the Qing Dynasty Zhao Jiufeng 《 Geography Five Decisions 》 book, in fact, Zhao Jiufeng 《 Geography Five Decisions 》 in addition to the introduction of the situation part of the mountain range has merit In fact, Zhao Jiufeng 《Geography Five Decisions》 has merit in addition to the introduction of the situation of the ranges, the book has many points of knowledge that are harmful.

The following interview lists four points:

1, the real four bureau twelve long life water law, not as Zhao Jiufeng 《 geography five decision 》 book as used, not just a simple rash according to the location of a water mouth to determine the bureau to see the good and bad, most of the folk popular flow of land division is based on 《 geography five decision 》 water mouth map to follow the map to do feng shui, you can imagine, the accuracy of the fulfillment is extremely low, and even the blessing is not issued before the disaster.

2, feng shui true academic, to the star on the dragon, to dragon point, and 《 geography five tips》 but the water light dragon, or regardless of the dragon, obviously not in line with the dragon water yin and Yang intersection law.

3, 《Geography five decision》 twelve long life arrangement only obedient, not reverse, not in line with Yang Gong upside-down inverted obedient reverse yin and Yang law.

4, China is vast and the geography of each region is different, the 《Geography Five Decisions》 is more only adapted to a certain regional terrain, and it is difficult to solve the different regional feng shui throughout China. Throughout the above points of 《Geography Five Decisions》 wrong knowledge, many beginners have gone astray in the triad school of feng shui.

If you want to master the true secret method of Sanhe Feng Shui, the best way to learn authentic Sanhe Feng Shui is to follow Mr. Zhou Fusheng, which can be learned first by ordering a set of 《Sanhe Shouri Feng Shui Internal Disciple Heritage Edition》. 《Mr. Zhou is a native of Shandong province and has been involved in feng shui since childhood. verified

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Data List:


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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