2022 Year of the Flying Star Horoscope course video 9 episodes

Jul 18,2024 7 45
Profile information.

Profile Name: 2022 Current Year Flying Star Horoscope Course Video 9 Episodes

Profile Number: 22B09050

Data size: 250.70MB

Language: Chinese

Download method: Baidu Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Email any one of three ways

File directory.

/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/09/22B09050.2022 Flowing Year Flying Star Horoscope
Section 1 Five Yellow Stars.mp4 55.13M
Section 2: The Two Black Stars.mp4 27.42M
Section 3: The three blue stars.mp4 28.29M
Section 4: The four green stars.mp4 23.78M
Section 5: The six white stars of Wuqu.mp4 27.72M
Section 6: The Seven Red Stars.mp4 24.45M
Section 7: The Eight White Star of Wealth.mp4 25.11M
Section 8 Nine Purple Star.mp4 18.60M
Verse 9 One White Star.mp4 20.22M

Video screenshots.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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