Jin Yuzhang eight-character practice case study, four-pillar precision criticism 28 episodes audio

Jul 18,2024 43 37
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Information name: Jin Yuzhang 八字实务案例精講、四柱精批28集音频

Source code: 22140

Data size: 841.36MB

Language: Chinese

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Data Table of Contents.

—/Feng Shui Meaning/2022/22140. Jin Yuzhang Eight Characters Practice Case Studies, Four Pillars Precision Criticism 28 episodes audio
1.1. [Four Pillars Fine Criticism] Qianzheng: Hexwei A Xu C Zi C Shen..mp3 24.63M
1.2、【Four Pillars Fine Criticism】Health and Safety Qianzheng: Hexwei A Xu C Zi C Shen..mp3 17.25M
1.3、【Four Pillars】Career Wealth Qianzheng: Hexwei A Xu C Zi C Shen..mp3 17.77M
1.4、【Four Pillars Fine Criticism】Marriage and Family Qianzheng: Hexi Wei A Xu C Zi C Shen..mp3 9.51M
10、【Children Special】Qianzao: Dinghai Hexu Nonsuch Bisi..mp3 11.17M
11, [marriage details] QianZheng: XinYou Gengzi Wuchen XinYou..mp3 30.80M
12、【Korean marriage special】KunZhou:YiMao 己卯 戊午 丙辰..mp3 8.84M
13、【Korean year batch guide】QianZhuang:Wuxu XinYou Nonzi Gengzi..mp3 14.05M
14、【Four pillars comprehensive fine criticism】Wu Yin B Chou G Chen Non Wu..mp3 52.18M
15、【2020 Year of the Stream】KunZhou: Yimao Cxu Xinchu Bwei..mp3 16.87M
16, [marriage special] Xin Si male and A Wu female..mp3 25.13M
17、【Case study】乾造 丁酉 丙午 辛未 丁酉..m4a 40.48M
18, [marriage special] C Yin male and A child..m4a 50.78M
19, [Marriage special] Kunzuo: yimao kui wei kui yu wu..m4a 51.59M
2.1, the child off the brake explained Dry: Wuxu B ugly Ding Wei Decimation..mp3 7.76M
2.2, health and safety Qianzheng: Wuxu B Chou Ding Wei Decimation..mp3 11.90M
2.3, personality, talent and education Qian zao: wuxu b chou ding wei sebao..mp3 5.97M
2.4, career and financial fortune Qianzao: Wuxu B Chou Ding Wei Decimation..mp3 3.78M
2.5, luck and the current year Qianzao: Wuxu B Chou Ding Wei Decimation..mp3 11.47M
20, [marriage special] Kun: Xinwei hexai dingwei bisi..m4a 25.66M
21, [Marriage special] Kun made: kwaihai Geng Shen Xin Mao Geng Yin..m4a 21.34M
22、【Health special】KunZheng: C Shen Wuxu G Yin B You..m4a 20.12M
23、【Education Special】Qianzao:Huihai C Yin Nonwu Dingwei..m4a 35.46M
24, [Year of the year special] Qianzheng Nonsui Bisi Hexai C Yin..m4a 31.19M
25, [marriage topic] Kun made: wuchen yichou gengchen dingchou..m4a 28.81M
26, [eight characters full approval] KunZhou: wuchen kuihai c shen wuzi..m4a 46.05M
27、【Education Special】Qianzheng: B Wei 甲申 辛巳 壬辰..m4a 23.63M
28, [marriage details] Kun made Hexi Hexi Hexi Hexi Xinwei..m4a 51.29M
3, Geng Jin born in the month of You, two similar case studies..mp3 22.65M
4. One thing changes a person life..mp3 22.27M
5: No wealth in the four pillars, with the gods as wealth..mp3 4.29M
6, [marriage special] Qianzuo: Geng Shen C Xu Xin Wei B Wei..mp3 31.48M
7、【Case essence】乾造:丙寅 甲午 甲辰 丁卯..mp3 26.98M
8, [Children special] Qianzheng: Dinghai hexu nonsuch bisi..mp3 11.17M
9, [case essence] QianZheng: C Yin A Wu A Chen D Mao..mp3 26.98M
The eight characters of the fierce pattern (1) official kill mixed..html 4.51kb
The eight characters are bad (2) the star of wealth is bad for the seal..html 7.30kb


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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