Wo Fung Four Pillars and Eight Characters Advanced Internal Class 180 episodes

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Information name: Wo Feng Four Pillars Eight Characters Advanced Internal Class 180 episodes

Source code: 22532

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—/Feng Shui Meaning/2022/22532. Advanced 180 episodes
Lecture 001: In-depth Analysis of A and B Wood.mp4 99.92M
002 Lecture: In-depth Analysis of C and D Fire.mp4 202.92M
003 Lecture: In-depth analysis of geng xinjin.mp4 141.69M
004 Lecture: In-depth analysis of wu hexi earth.mp4 262.19M
005 Lecture: In-depth analysis of the none-dec water.mp4 291.75M
006 Lecture: deep analysis of the twelve long life principle.mp4 232.40M
007 lecture: dry together.mp4 184.38M
008 Lecture: The conjunction and not the conjunction.mp4 163.30M
009 Lecture: The strong and the weak.mp4 117.78M
010 lecture: the difference between the strong and the weak.mp4 184.43M
011 Lecture: The Solution to the Penalties and Conjunctions.mp4 158.20M
013 lecture: take the god of support and suppression method.mp4 137.36M
014 Lecture: The Method of Sickness and Medicine and the Method of Passage.mp4 121.42M
015 Lecture: taking the gods of the transfer and the law of the weak.mp4 41.06M
.mp4 43.63M
017 Lecture: eight characters with.mp4 79.60M
018 lecture: official seal double full and food gods produce wealth.mp4 42.02M
019 lecture lord seal meet food, kill seal with the show, kill blade meet.mp4 91.73M
020 Lecture: Yin as the Moon Order.mp4 71.36M
021 Lecture: How to take the God of the Moon and how to take the God of the Moon.mp4 256.56M
022 Lecture: The God of the Moon and the Yang Blade.mp4 468.61M
023 Lecture: How to use the God of the Moon as a Cai Guan.mp4 618.63M
024 Lecture: How to take the god of injury as the moon order.mp4 565.22M
025 Lecture: The pattern of breakage.mp4 559.77M
026 Lecture: The Four Pillars of Success and Failure.mp4 985.22M
027 Lecture: The gods of success and failure to save should.mp4 1.44G
028 Lecture: What is to save should.mp4 625.47M
029 Lecture: The use of the gods (pattern) changes.mp4 1.18G
030 Lecture: On the use of the gods pure mixed.mp4 444.71M
031 Lecture _ Examples of high and low patterns of gods.mp4 812.78M
032 Lecture _ The Three Conditions of the Noble Pattern.mp4 496.77M
033 Lecture _ Examples of the noble pattern.mp4 799.27M
034 Lecture: On the use of the gods because of the success of defeat because of defeat to become.mp4 750.71M
035 Lecture: The gods with climate gain or loss.mp4 839.25M
036 Lecture: The gods with climate gain or loss example 2.mp4 658.32M
037 Lecture: Gods with climate gain/loss example 3.mp4 509.78M
038 Lecture: The Gods with climate gain/loss example4.mp4 457.75M
039 Lecture: The role of the gods.mp4 743.59M
040 Lecture: How to take the miscellaneous gas.mp4 1.27G
041 lecture: on the tomb library penal rushing.mp4 1.10G
042 Lecture _ Four auspicious gods can break the pattern.mp4 574.37M
043 Lecture _ The Four Evil Gods can also become a pattern.mp4 437.14M
044 Lecture _ The sequence of births and grammars can be divided into good and bad.mp4 958.65M
045 Lecture: Six relatives.mp4 630.70M
046 Lecture: On the house divided with the gods with six relatives.mp4 811.46M
047 Lecture: Male and Female Fate.mp4 617.28M
048 Lecture: On Wife.mp4 1.05G
049 Lecture: Sonship.mp4 1.25G
Lecture 050: Walking Luck.mp4 816.33M
051 Lecture: The Lineage and the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.mp4 565.14M
052 Lecture: Yearly Luck Combinations.mp4 744.26M
053 Lecture: The Relationship Between the Great Luck and the Original Bureau.mp4 707.76M
054 Lecture: The Relationship Between the Original Bureau and the Great Luck.mp4 516.19M
055 Lecture: The injury of the official with the seal and kill heavy and light body these kinds of cases.mp4 757.17M
056 Lecture_ Yang Blade with Officials and Moon Robbery with Cai.mp4 488.33M
057 Lecture: The official has no seal and is in the food and injury luck and the wealth is not through the food and is in the official killing luck.mp4 697.12M
058: The official with the seal, and the transport of the official.mp4 359.37M
059 Lecture: The Relationship Between the Eight Characters and the Great Luck.mp4 456.38M
060 Lecture: The Great Luck seems to be happy but is actually taboo.mp4 1019.81M
061 Lecture: Row of Stems but not Branches and Row of Branches but not Stems.mp4 811.40M
062 lecture: stem with a class, but not two lines and branch with a class, but not two lines.mp4 591.57M
063 Lecture: The Great Luck and the original Bureau of the eight characters clash.mp4 691.77M
064 Lecture: the line of transport into the pattern of change.mp4 676.46M
065 Lecture: Heavenly Stems are different.mp4 57183M
066 Lecture: When the frame into the frame and not like to change the frame and not taboo.mp4 346.77M
067Speech: FengYunTuQing and how to cooperate with heavenly stem and earthly branch.mp4 437.24M
068Speech: On the time to say confined to the pattern.mp4 785.51M
069说:论时说以讹傳讹.mp4 798.54M
070 Lecture: how to take the positive official with the use of wealth and India and transparent.mp4 442.14M
071 Lecture: The wounded official with the seal.mp4 678.07M
072 Lecture: How to take the Luck of the Official.mp4 1.38G
073 Lecture_ On Cai.mp4 689.09M
074 Lecture: Cai Ge with Yin and Food with Yin.mp4 502.97M
075说:财用伤官以及财带七杀.mp4 416.63M
076 Lecture: wealth with kill India, and wealth star for the use of.mp4 451.83M
077 lecture: non blade is too heavy and abandon the wealth to save the kill is the wealth of prosperity to produce official.mp4 455.04M
078 lecture: the god of food to give birth to wealth as well as wealth frame with India.mp4 682.79M
079 Lecture: with injury food and expensive as well as India and through the official.mp4 746.31M
080 lecture: with food and injury and with partial official.mp4 622.14M
081 lecture: useful kill and with food and injury.mp4 458.03M
082 Lecture: India is heavy and light with injury and food, and India is heavy and light with food and injury to produce wealth.mp4 762.11M
083 Lecture: Transforming Yin into Robbery.mp4 780.08M
084 Lecture: On the god of food.mp4 517.30M
085 Lecture: Summer wood with wealth needs water to regulate the wait and do not need to eat but save the kill seal.mp4 511.13M
086 lecture: gold and water eclipse god with kill and single with eclipse god.mp4 512.68M
087 Lecture: The Indus Takes the Food and the God of Food Through the Kill.mp4 510.31M
088 Lecture: The God of Eating Taking Luck.mp4 962.81M
089 Lecture: Eating Killing Prints and Eating Gods to Produce Wealth.mp4 678.18M
090 Lecture: The God of Food with Seal and the God of Food with Kill.mp4 633.29M
091 Lecture: God of Eating with Yin, the solution to the transmission of wealth and killing with food.mp4 1.06G
092 Lecture: The Seven Killers with Yin and the Killing of a Heavy Body.mp4 629.05M
093 Lecture: Seven Kills with Mixed Qi and Seven Kills with Money.mp4 839.12M
094 lecture: kill and miscellaneous official as well as kill without food.mp4 616.43M
095 Lecture: How to take too much kill and partial official.mp4 711.94M
097 Lecture: Weak kill and kill with proper official.mp4 763.92M
098 Lecture: kill no food system.mp4 971.81M
099 lecture: the wealth of injury with love.mp4 586.61M
100 Lecture: The Wounded Official and the Use of Cai Yin and the Wounded Official and the Use of Kill.mp4 699.14M
101 lectures: the transformation of injury into wealth and injury official with official.mp4 617.18M
102 lecture: water injury official is not like to see official star and injury official and official kill and transparent.mp4 406.32M
103 lecture: wounded official and with the use of wealth and India to take.mp4 817.22M
104 lecture: wounded official with a kill seal to take the transport.mp4 770.00M
105 lecture: wounded official with kill to take with.mp4 1.02G
106 Lecture: On Yang Blade.mp4 755.48M
107:Officer Killing with Edge.mp4 551.72M
108 Lecture: Special combination of stem and branch.mp4 596.16M
109 Lecture: Yang Blade with Cai.mp4 540.27M
110 Lecture: Yang Blade with Killing and Using Killing to Control Yang Blade.mp4 962.14M
111Lecture:RuGe with official and SanQi.mp4 1.03G
112 Lectures: Using Cai for Locus and Robbery and Turning Robbery into Cai.mp4 467.44M
113 Lecture: The Use of Killing and the Removal of Killing to Store Cai.mp4 506.70M
114 Lecture: The pattern of the robbery and the official killing competition.mp4 766.00M
115 Lecture: The Moon Robbery and the Moon Order to meet the Moon Robbery.mp4 559.21M
116 Lecture: Jian Lu month robbery to take luck with the official to take luck.mp4 512.22M
117Speech: Cai Sheng Xi Yin take luck and Cai Sheng Xi Yin take luck.mp4 557.86M
118 Lecture: Using Cai with Food and Injury and Using Kill with Cai.mp4 1.10G
119 Lecture: The Way of Heaven, The Way of Earth, The Way of Man.mp4 859.50M
120 Lecture: Knowing Life.mp4 237.14M
121 Lecture: Rational Qi.mp4 773.86M
122 Lecture: Matching.mp4 624.75M
Lecture 123: Di Zhi 1.mp4 1.93G
Lecture 124: Di Zhi 2.mp4 1.65G
Lecture 125: Earthly Branch 3.mp4 872.96M
Lecture 126: Stem 1.mp4 1.12G
Lecture 127: Stem 2.mp4 1.07G
Lecture 128: Stem 3.mp4 964.33M
Lecture 129: Stem 4.mp4 1.16G
Lecture 130: Stem 5.mp4 1.06G
Lecture 131: Stem 6.mp4 1.05G
Lecture 132: Image 1.mp4 743.46M
Lecture 133: Image 2.mp4 1.03G
Lecture 134: Image 3.mp4 564.45M
Lecture 135: The Square Board 1.mp4 643.71M
Lecture 136: Square Game 2.mp4 914.06M
Lecture 137: Bureau 3.mp4 862.83M
Lecture 138: Eight Patterns.mp4 1.00G
Lecture 139: Body and Use.mp4 788.80M
Lecture 140: Spirit.mp4 704.85M
Lecture 141: Moon Order.mp4 829.22M
Lecture 142: Birth Times and Decay.mp4 1.52G
Lecture 143: Origin and Flow.mp4 683.90M
Lecture 143: Neutralization.mp4 786.48M
Lecture 145: Passage.mp4 600.38M
Lecture 146: Official Killing.mp4 2.75G
Lecture 147: The Wounded Official.mp4 2.34G
Lecture 148: Clear Qi.mp4 605.64M
Lecture 149: Turbid Qi, True God, False God, Rigid and Soft.mp4 2.60G
Lecture 150: The Conformity, Cold and Warmth, Dryness and Dampness, Hidden and Apparent, Multitudes and Minority.mp4 2.67G
Lecture 151: Zhen-Tui-Kan-Li.mp4 471.00M
Lecture 152: Husband and Wife_.mp4 560.11M
Lecture 153: Children.mp4 1.47G
Session 154: Parents.mp4 708.71M
Lecture 155: Brothers.mp4 967.97M
Lecture 156: Rich and Rich.mp4 1.76G
Lecture 157: Poverty and Lowliness.mp4 560.71M
Lecture 158: Good and Bad.mp4 1.29G
Lecture 159: Life and death.mp4 475.94M
Lecture 160: Female Fate.mp4 1.19G
Lecture 161: Children and Talent.mp4 822.41M
Lecture 162: Fengyu and Grudges.mp4 1.19G
Lecture 163: Idle God.mp4 1.68G
Lecture 164: From the Elephant.mp4 839.62M
Lecture 165: The Image of Transformation and False From.mp4 639.43M
Lecture 166: Pseudo-transformation of a Shun game.mp4 620.05M
Lecture 167: Counter Game.mp4 1.50G
Lecture 168: Battle and Combination.mp4 543.15M
Lecture 169: King Bishop and Minister Bishop.mp4 611.95M
Lecture 170: Mother Bishop and Child Bishop.mp4 602.67M
Lecture 171: Nature 1.mp4 1.19G
Lecture 172: Sexuality 2.mp4 1.12G
Lecture 173: Sexuality 3.mp4 849.80M
Lecture 174: Temperament 4.mp4 888.66M
Lecture 175: Disease 1.mp4 507.90M
Lecture 176: Disease 2.mp4 620.50M
Lecture 177: Disease 3.mp4 403.29M
Lecture 178: Origins.mp4 1.76G
Lecture 179: Status.mp4 1.36G
Lecture 180: Yearly Luck and Chastity.mp4 1.13G

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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