Wang Shifu Yuan Essence Lecture on the Three Lives of the Society audio 147 episodes

Jul 18,2024 30 35
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Source name: 王释缘精講三命通会音频147集

Source code: 22800

Data size: 894.82MB

Language: Chinese

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Data Table of Contents.

—/Feng Shui Meaning/2022/22800. Wang Shi Yuan Concise Commentary on the Three Fate Passages
Shi Yuan Commentary on Three Fate Tong Hui 0020 – On the Year, Month, Day and Hour (I) 2016-04-15 203837.mp3 5.77M
Shi Yuan comments on the Three Fates 0021–On the Year, Month, Day, and Hour (II) 2016-04-17 200001.mp3 5.33M
Shi Yuan comments on the Three Fates 0022 – on the year, month, day and hour (three) 2016-04-21 200005.mp3 4.42M
The Three Fates 0023 – On the Great Fortune (I) 2016-04-23 200004.mp3 6.21M
Shi Yuan commentary on the Three Fates 0024 – On Great Fortune (II) 2016-04-25 200004.mp3 5.37M
Shi Yuan comments on the Three Fates 0025 – On Great Fortune (III) 2016-04-27 200005.mp3 5.61M
The Three Fates 0026 – On the Great Luck and the Current Year (4) 2016-04-29 200004.mp3 184M
The Three Fates 0027 – On the Great Luck and the Current Year (5) 2016-05-01 200003.mp3 6.10M
The Three Fates 0028 – On the Great Luck and the Current Year (6) 2016-05-03 200003.mp3 5.61M
The Three Destinies of the Three Fates 0029 – On the Great Luck and the Current Year (7) 2016-05-05 200004.mp3 5.33M
The Three Destinies of the Three Fates – 0030 – On the Great Luck and the Current Year (VIII) 2016-05-07 200004.mp3 5.00M
The Three Destinies of the Three Fates – 0031 – On the Great Luck and the Current Year (9) 2016-05-09 200005.mp3 4.31M
The Three Destinies of the Three Fates – 0032 – On the Great Luck and the Current Year (10) 2016-05-11 200004.mp3 5.85M
Shi Yuan commentary on the Three Destinies of the General Assembly 0033 – on the Taiyang (a) 2016-05-13 200005.mp3 384.00kb
Shi Yuan comments on the three lives of the general meeting of 0034 – on the year (two) 2016-05-15 200005.mp3 5.13M
The three life commentary of the 0035 – on the branch of the yuan six together 2016-05-17 200006.mp3 5.94M

The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0039 – on the three penalties (a) 2016-05-26 200005.mp3 5.45M
The three life commentary of 0040 – on the three penalties (two) 2016-05-28 200005.mp3 5.24M
The three life commentary of 0041 – on the three penalties (three) 2016-05-30 200008.mp3 3.36M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0042 – on the general star Huagai 2016-06-01 200012.mp3 5.34M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0043 – on the peach blossom (on) 2016-06-03 200005.mp3 3.38M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0044 – on the peach blossom (bottom) 2016-06-05 200006.mp3 5.29M
The three life commentary of the 0045 – on the ten stem Locus (a) 2016-06-07 200002.mp3 5.02M
The three life commentary of the 0046 – on the ten stem of Lu (two) 2016-06-09 200003.mp3 5.15M
The three life commentary of the 0047 – on the ten stem of Lu (three) 2016-06-12 200001.mp3 5.22M
The three life commentary of the 0048 – on the ten stem of Lu (four) 2016-06-14 200002.mp3 5.54M
The three life commentary of the 0049 – on the golden public opinion, stage horse 2016-06-16 200002.mp3 5.08M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0050 – on the stage horse (two) 2016-06-18 200002.mp3 5.56M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0052 – on the post horse (four) 2016-06-20 200001.mp3 4.84M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0053 – on the post horse (five) 2016-06-22 200002.mp3 6.87M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0054 – general discussion of the stage horse 2016-06-24 200002.mp3 5.87M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0055 – on the sky Yi Gui Ren (on) 2016-06-26 200001.mp3 6.10M
The three life commentary of the 0056 – on the sky Yi nobleman (bottom) 2016-06-29 200000.mp3 5.58M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0057 – on the sky and the moon de (upper) 2016-07-01 200001.mp3 4.89M

Shi Yuan comments on the Three Fates of the General Assembly of 0059 – on the school of words 2016-07-05 200002.mp3 4.44M
The three life commentary of the 0060 – on the robbery of the dead god 2016-07-09 200000.mp3 182M
The three life commentary of the 0061 – on sheep blade (a) 2016-07-11 200001.mp3 5.32M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0062 – on the sheep blade (two) 2016-07-13 200002.mp3 5.82M
The three life commentary of the 0063 – on empty death (a) 2016-07-15 200002.mp3 5.60M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0064 – on the empty death (two) 2016-07-17 200001.mp3 5.41M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0065 – on the empty death (three) 2016-07-19 200001.mp3 5.80M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0066 – on the sky and the net 2016-07-21 200001.mp3 5.12M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0067 – on the lonely star and the oligarch (a) 2016-07-23 200001.mp3 5.92M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0068 – on the lonely star and the oligarch (two) 2016-07-25 200002.mp3 5.54M
The three life commentary of the 0070 – on the ten stem sitting branch and the day and time to travel luck A B (two) 2016-07-29 200001.mp3 5.92M
The three life commentary of the 0071 – on the ten stems sitting branches and the day and the time to travel luck C Ding (a) 2016-07-31 200001.mp3 5.83M
The three life commentary of the 0072 – on the ten stems sitting branches and the day and the time to travel lucky (a) 2016-08-02 200002.mp3 5.95M
The three life commentary of the edge of the 0073 – on the ten stems sitting branch of the geng Xin 2016-08-04 200002.mp3 5.61M
Shi Yuan commentary on the Three Fates of the General Assembly 0074–On the Ten Stems Sitting in the Branch of Non and Dec 2016-08-06 200002.mp3 5.78M
The three life commentary of the 0075 – on the December branch of the sun stem auspiciousness (son month) 2016-08-10 200001.mp3 5.97M
Commentary on the Three Fates of the General Assembly 0076 – On the December branch of the sun to get lucky (ugly month) 2016-08-12 200002.mp3 5.59M
The three life commentary of the 0077 – on the December branch of the day stem of the auspiciousness (Yin Mao month) 2016-08-14 200001.mp3 5.63M
The three life commentary of the 0078 – on the December branch to get the day stem of the auspiciousness of the (Chen Si month) 2016-08-18 200001.mp3 7.00M
The three life commentary of the 0079 – on the December branch to get the day stem good and bad (wu wei month) 2016-08-09 231457.mp3 5.53M
Commentary on the Three Fates of the General Assembly 0079 – On the December branch to get the day stem good and bad (wu wei month) 2016-08-20 200002.mp3 5.53M
The three life commentary of the 0080 – on the December branch to get the day stem good and bad (Shen You Xu Hai month) 2016-08-23 200001.mp3 5.65M
The three life commentary of the 0081 – on the five elements of the time and place of the field of luck (a) general discussion and wood born in the first month 2016-08-25 200001.mp3 6.67M
The three life commentary 0082 – on the five elements of the time and place division of the field of luck (2) wood born in each month 2016-08-27 200002.mp3 6.08M
The three life commentary 0083 – on the five elements of the time and place division of the field of luck (3) winter wood spring fire 2016-08-29 200002.mp3 5.74M
The three life commentary of the edge of the 0084 – on the five elements of the time and place division of the field of luck (4) on fire 2016-08-31 200002.mp3 188M
The three life commentary of the edge of the 0085 – on the ancient people to establish the name of the Indian food official wealth (a) 2016-09-04 200001.mp3 6.06M
The three life commentary of the 0086 – on the ancient people to establish the name of Yin eclipse official wealth (two) 2016-09-06 200002.mp3 6.72M
The three life commentary of the 0087 – on the official (a) 2016-09-08 200002.mp3 5.87M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0088 – on the positive official (two) 2016-09-10 200003.mp3 6.21M
The three life commentary of the 0089 – on the positive official (three) 2016-09-12 200002.mp3 6.45M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0090 – on the heavenly blessings of the nobleman, etc. 2016-09-18 200001.mp3 6.21M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0091 – on the concept of heavenly blessing nobleman, etc. 2016-09-20 200001.mp3 6.15M
The three life commentary of the 0092 – on partial official (a) 2016-09-22 200001.mp3 5.90M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0093 – on the partial official (two) 2016-09-24 200002.mp3 5.64M

The three lives of the three fortunes of the commentary of the 0095 – on the heavenly yuan sitting on the brake, the time on a noble, the official brake mixed 2016-09-30 200439.mp3 186M
The three lives of the three lives of the commentary on the 0096 – on the official brake mixed 2016-10-02 200001.mp3 6.36M
The three life commentary of the 0097 – on positive wealth (a) 2016-10-04 195959.mp3 3.25M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0098 – on the positive wealth (two) 2016-10-06 200001.mp3 6.96M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0099 – on the partial wealth (a) 2016-10-08 200003.mp3 6.19M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0100 – on partial wealth (two) 2016-10-10 200003.mp3 5.47M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0101 – on Yin Shou (a) 2016-10-12 200002.mp3 7.10M
The three destinies of the three lives of the commentary on the 0102 – on the Yin Shou (two) 2016-10-14 200002.mp3 6.01M
The three life commentary of the 0103 – on the inverted food 2016-10-16 200002.mp3 5.72M
The three life commentary of the 0104 – on miscellaneous gas (a) 2016-10-18 195954.mp3 6.95M
The Three Fates of Life – 0105 – On Miscellaneous Qi (II) 2016-10-21 200001.mp3 5.30M
The three life commentary of the 0106 – on the wounded official (a) 2016-10-23 200001.mp3 7.36M
The three life commentary of the 0107 – on the wounded official (two) 2016-10-25 200004.mp3 6.23M
The three life commentary of the 0108 – on the wounded official (three) 2016-10-27 200002.mp3 4.23M
The three life commentary of the 0109 – on the food God (a) 2016-10-29 200002.mp3 6.31M
The three lives of the three commentary on the 0110 – on the eclipse of God (two) 2016-11-01 200001.mp3 6.77M
The three lives of the commentary on the 0111 – on the Yang Blade (a) 2016-11-03 200002.mp3 5.66M

The three life commentary of the 0114 – on Jianlu 2016-11-09 200002.mp3 5.24M
The three life commentary of the 0115 – Volume 7 on the appearance of sex (a) 2016-11-11 195944.mp3 6.44M
The three life commentary of the 0116 – on the appearance of sex (two) 2016-11-16 200002.mp3 7.69M
The three life commentary of the 0117 – on disease (a) 2016-11-18 200002.mp3 7.16M
The Three Fates of Life: 0118 – On Disease (II) 2016-11-20 200002.mp3 7.15M
The three fates of the commentary on the 0119 – on disease (three) 2016-11-24 201000.mp3 6.74M
Shi Yuan comments on the Three Fates of the General Assembly of 0120 – on the life of the poor and evil (a) 2016-11-26 200002.mp3 384.00kb
The three life commentary of the 0121 – on the life of the poor and evil (two) 2016-11-28 200002.mp3 4.50M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0122 – on the life (a) 2016-11-30 200002.mp3 7.55M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0123 – on longevity (two) 2016-12-02 200003.mp3 7.84M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0124 – on longevity (three) 2016-12-07 200002.mp3 4.38M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0125 – on the female life (a) 2016-12-09 200003.mp3 8.77M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0126 – on the female life (two) 2016-12-11 200002.mp3 8.93M
The three fates of the three life commentary of the 0127 – on the female life (three) 2016-12-13 200003.mp3 8.80M
The three life commentary of the 0128 – on female life (four) 2016-12-15 200003.mp3 8.93M
The three life commentary of the 0129 – on the children of the children off the brake 2016-12-22 200002.mp3 7.32M
The three lives of the three commentary on the 0131 – on the six relatives of the six relatives positioning 2016-12-26 200003.mp3 7.74M

The Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates of the Three Fates 2016-12-30 200003.mp3 7.53M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0133 – on the six relatives (three) 2017-01-03 200003.mp3 7.53M
The three life commentary of the 0134 – Volume 10 to see the life of the mouth (a) 2017-01-05 200003.mp3 7.40M
The three life commentary of the 0135 – look at the mouth of life (two) 2017-01-07 200004.mp3 7.96M
The three life commentary of the 0136 – to see the fate of the mouth (three) 2017-01-07 200004.mp3 7.84M
The three life commentary of the 0137 – to see the fate of the mouth (four) 2017-01-09 200003.mp3 8.04M
The three life commentary of the 0138 – to see the fate of the mouth (five) 2017-01-11 200004.mp3 8.13M
The three life commentary of the 0139 – to see the fate of the mouth (six) 2017-01-13 200004.mp3 7.72M
The three life commentary of the 0140 – to see the life of the mouth (seven) 2017-01-15 200003.mp3 9.62M
The three life commentary of the edge of the 0141 – wu xian summary (a) the five elements of the image of the transformation of gas 2017-01-17 200003.mp3 8.19M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0142 – wu xian summary of the wealth of the official division 2017-01-19 200003.mp3 7.06M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0143 – wu xian summary of the wealth of the official division (two) 2017-01-21 200003.mp3 7.84M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0144 – wu xian summary of the wealth of the official division (three) 2017-01-23 200003.mp3 2.12M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0145 – wu xian summary of the wealth of the official division (four) 2017-01-25 200003.mp3 7.87M
The three life commentary of the edge of the 0149 – wu xian summary of the wealth of the official trick method (eight) 2017-02-02 200002.mp3 4.79M
The three life commentary of the 0150 – meteorology (a) 2017-02-04 200003.mp3 8.74M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0151 – the weather (two) 2017-02-06 200003.mp3 8.29M
The three life commentary of the 0152 – the weather (three) 2017-02-08 200003.mp3 7.42M
The three life commentary of the 0153 – meteorology (four) 2017-02-10 200003.mp3 9.32M
The three life commentary of the 0154 – meteorology (five) 2017-02-12 200003.mp3 7.42M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0155 – six gods (a) 2017-02-14 200004.mp3 7.22M

The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0157 – six gods (three) 2017-02-18 200003.mp3 7.87M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0158 – the golden tripod mysterious endowment (a) 2017-02-20 200004.mp3 5.72M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0159 – the golden tripod mysterious endowment (two) 2017-02-22 200004.mp3 6.66M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0160 – the golden tripod mysterious endowment (three) 2017-02-24 200004.mp3 6.40M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0161 – the golden tripod mysterious endowment (four) 2017-02-26 200003.mp3 6.43M
The three lives of the commentary on the edge of the 0162 – the Golden Tripod mysterious endowment (5) the life of the art of business 2017-02-28 200004.mp3 6.42M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0163–Jin Ding mysteriously endowed (6) brothers, wives 2017-03-02 200004.mp3 7.20M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0164–Jin Ding mysterious endowment (7) children, female life 2017-03-04 200003.mp3 6.87M
The three fortunes of the commentary of the edge of the 0165 – the theory of the God of surprise (a) 2017-03-07 200001.mp3 6.89M

The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0167 – the essence of the theory of 2017-03-11 200003.mp3 5.67M
The three life commentary of the 0168 – the final chapter: five words alone step (a) 2017-03-13 200004.mp3 6.89M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0169 – the final chapter: five words alone step (two) 2017-03-15 200004.mp3 6.90M
The three lives of the commentary of the edge of the 0170 – the final chapter: five words alone step (next) 2017-03-17 200005.mp3 6.00M


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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