Wang Bingsen eight numerology basic knowledge points course video 55 episodes

Jul 18,2024 39 34
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Information name: Wang Bingsen Eight Character Numerology Basic Knowledge Point Course Video 55 episodes

Source ID: 22B07117

Data Size: 2.78GB

Language: Chinese

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–/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/07/22B07117. Wang Bingsen Eight Character Numerology Basics 55 episodes
01. Analyze a person personality from these aspects _ev.mp4 38.99M
02. Why do you say that you can see people hearts with time, it turns out that the personality on the outside does not represent the inside _ev.mp4 34.53M
03. The greater the ambition, the greater the ability, also means the greater the pressure inside _ev.mp4 35.30M
04. What is likely to happen when the positive seal is the god of use and is grasped by the star of wealth _ev.mp4 22.68M
05. The Ten Gods in Numerology – Use these terms to indicate social relationships _ev.mp4 68.36M
06. Ten Gods Relationships – All complex relationships have an internal law of birth and death.mp4 51.52M
07. The Ten Gods – Zhengguan: Is it compliance, or is it rigidity and inflexibility? To distinguish between different situations.mp4 42.59M
08. The Ten Gods – Seven Kills: The truth that opposites attract and opposites repel is also applicable in Chinese studies.mp4 78.98M
09. The ten gods – partial wealth: through a reference to see whether you are 《water marsh 》 among the Song Jiang or Simon Qing.mp4 59.74M
10. Ten Gods – Positive Wealth: A gentleman loves wealth, but if you love it too much, you become a miser.mp4 5187M
11. The six traditional Chinese branches of the earth, the original is so.mp4 46.24M
12. The Six Pests of the Earth Branches, is it good or bad.mp4 46.95M
13. Why does it end up like this when you open the treasury.mp4 63.93M
14. The first thing you need to do is to open up your wealth, whether it wealthy or broken? It actually neither.mp4 39.80M
15. We all know that personality determines fate, so what determines personality.mp4 43.79M
16. The good or bad academic performance, not only depends on the IQ, but also depends on the emotional intelligence and personality.mp4 42.89M
17. Why do some people look like one and some people don\’t look like one? The answer is here.mp4 49.07M
18. The personality of a person is influenced by multiple factors, each of which is important.mp4 47.49M
19. Seeing through the complexity of relationships to the essence of the problem.mp4 74.11M
20. When the power of earth is enhanced by hedging, the other five elements are harmed.mp4 58.37M
21. People who seek their own trouble are not sick, often there are root causes that we ignore exist.mp4 55.39M
22. Why is it easy to feel offended and have frequent family changes? .mp4 44.76M
23. What information about the mother is revealed through the child pattern.mp4 55.68M
24. Why do some people like to study weird things in their later years.mp4 46.23M
25. What is likely to happen when the God of Lords takes over the food? .mp4 35.90M
26. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you\’re doing.
27. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you\’re getting into.
29. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you\’re getting into.
30. The prodigal son returned to the gold, all thanks to this works.mp4 29.15M
31. Gentleness is also a strength, look at it is so.mp4 29.79M
32. It is said that the rich and powerful, what people are easy to make a fortune.mp4 30.72M
33. The original bureau, the current year, and the big luck root Qi interchangeable.mp4 48.13M
34. This is how to analyze the luck and current year to see who is strong and who is weak.mp4 66.72M
35. Should I follow the twelve long lives for the prosperity and decay of the ten heavenly stems? .mp4 85.66M
36. Why are the earthly branches harming each other not noticeable, it turns out to be more concealing.mp4 44.73M
37. What are the positive and negative aspects of the positive Yin character, and how do they each manifest.mp4 74.73M
38. How to choose the gods of the positive seal pattern, different situations should be treated differently.mp4 79.19M
39. The first thing you need to do is to have a good idea of what you are doing. .mp4 48.82M
40. What is the reason for the easy mental tension and poor health? .mp4 37.05M
41. The difference and connection between the Seven Killers and the Right Officer, must be distinguished.mp4 45.39M
42. The three balances are the most important.mp4 61.10M
43. How to see the level of wealth and poverty from the level of the gods.mp4 49.50M
44. How to distinguish between father and wife who are both wealth stars.mp4 36.83M
45. The sky stems correspond to the seasonal directions.mp4 53.63M
46. The characteristics of a good man who is emotionally devoted.mp4 49.47M
47. How to analyze family origins in relation to the use of taboo gods.mp4 61.28M
48. How to analyze a person intelligence and good learning from the star of food and injury.mp4 55.04M
49. Overview of the three major systems of Numerology.mp4 32.34M
50. What are the factors that affect the accuracy of the Four Pillars.mp4 89.12M
51. How to see a person education from the Star of Seal? .mp4 87.99M
52. What kind of eight character combinations produce geniuses? .mp4 62.89M
53. The characteristics of the eight characters suitable for independent business (1).mp4 75.15M
54. The characteristics of the eight characters suitable for independent business (2).mp4 55.87M
55. What kind of eight characters have a propensity for violence.mp4.mp4 50.01M

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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