Lv Wenyi disciple, Mr. Geng Xin, has 37 episodes of the Eight Character Numerology intensive class course 75 episodes of the Eight Character Practical Analysis Case Collection

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Information name: Lv Wenyi disciple Geng Xin teacher eight numerology intensive class course 37 episodes eight practical analysis case collection 75 episodes

Source code: 22B10108

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–/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/10/22B10108. Lv Wenyi Disciple Geng Xin Eight Character Intensive
Eight Characters Practical Analysis – Case Collection
01、How to write a destiny analysis report.mp4 261.48M
02、Case 001 坤:癸亥 丁巳 癸亥 壬子 Case Study.mp4 96.33M
03、Case 002 坤:甲申 庚午 癸亥 庚申 Case Study.mp4 87.46M
04、Case 003 Kun: decadent Azi Wuyin Decubitus Case Study.mp4 181.24M
05、Case 004 Kun: Geng Wu G Chen Ding Si Wu Shen Case study.mp4 70.33M
06、Case 005 dry: wuchen azi xinhai nonchen case study.mp4 122.34M
07、Case 006 Qian: Nonsuchu Decimation A Yin A Zi Case Study.mp4 57.03M
08, Case 007 Kun: Geng Chen A Shen E Shen Ding Si Case Study.mp4 62.46M
09, Case 008 Kun: Geng Chen Ding Hai E Yin Nonzi Case Study.mp4 155.34M
10、Case 009 dry: wuxu geng Shen nonwu nonin case study.mp4 138.02M
11、Case 010 dry: Xin You Ding You Xin Chou Xin Mao Case Study.mp4 85.15M
12, Case 011 Kun: C Yin Ding You Xin You G Yin Case Study.mp4 148.97M
13、Case 012 Kun: hex dao hex si xinwei wuzi case study.mp4 77.88M
14、Case 013 Qian: decadent wu wu cxu ding you case study.mp4 97.21M
15、Case 014 Qian: Xin Si G Yin Nonzi Gengzi Case Study.mp4 91.48M
16、Case 015 Kun: Xin You Hexai Xin Chou Geng Yin Case Study.mp4 40.81M
17、Case 016 Qian: B Si B You Ding Mao Hex You Case Study.mp4 75.48M
18、Case 017 Dry: Gengxu Biyou Xinhai Nonchen Case Study.mp4 94.74M
19, Case 018 Dry: Ding You Ding Wei Non Wu Xin Chou Case Study.mp4 82.37M
20、Case 019 Qian: A Yin Wuchen Nonchen Gengxu Case Study.mp4 88.39M
21、Case 020 Kun: wu yin yi mao xin si nonshen Case study.mp4 43.91M
22、Case 021 Kun: C Zi hexai Xin You b Wei Case Study.mp4 105.38M
23、Case 022 Qian: Hexi Geng Wu Wuxu Ding Si case study.mp4 47.38M
24、Case 023 Qian: Decoupage B Chou C Shen Wuxu Case Study.mp4 63.81M
25、Case 024 Qian: Yi Hai hexu wuxu case study.mp4 69.78M
26、Case 025 Qian: Xin Wei Ding You A Shen A Zi Case Study.mp4 110.83M
27、Case 026 Qian: wuxu dingsi azi gengwu case study.mp4 72.03M
28、Case 027 Kun: A Xu A Xu Geng Xu Dec Wei Case Study.mp4 71.15M
29、Case 028 坤:己未 戊辰 庚戌 庚辰 Case study.mp4 74.59M
30、Case 029 Kun: hex dao nonshen hex wei seb yu Case study.mp4 79.51M
31、Case 030 坤:丁卯 甲辰 乙酉 甲申 Case study.mp4 618M
32、Case 031 Kun: Xin You A Wu G Wu Ding Chou Case Study.mp4 65.39M
33、Case 032 Qian: b dao hex dao nonsuch b Si Case study.mp4 69.04M
34、Case 033 Dry: Decai Hai A Zi Fei Mao Geng Wu Case Study.mp4 57.28M
35、Case 034 Qian: Czi C Shen Decisi A Yin Case Study.mp4 60.97M
36、Case 035 Kun: ding dao decu decu decu decu case study.mp4 63.67M
37、Case 036 Kun: Hexi C Zi Nonsuch Gengzi Case Study.mp4 61.45M
38、Case 037 Qian: deca dao hexi wei deca wei deca chou case study.mp4 74.23M
39、Case 038 dry: non yin non son wushen wu case study.mp4 50.50M
40、Case 039 dry: Xin You hexai C Chen Xin Mao case study.mp4 55.31M
41、Case 040 Kun: Nonzi Nongyin Nonchen Cwu Case study.mp4 71.27M
42、Case 041 坤:Yimao 壬午 乙酉 壬午 Case study.mp4 50.22M
43、Case 042 Kun: none-noon A-chen Dechai None-non case study.mp4 54.34M
44、Case 024 Qian: Yihai hexao wuxu wu case study.mp4 69.78M
45、Case 043 Kun: Xinwei Ding You Nongyin Nongyin Case Study.mp4 79.80M
46、Case 044 Qian: Wu Wu A Yin Xinhai G Yin Case Study.mp4 46.58M
47、Case 045 Qian: Decu Genshen Xin Mao Decisi Case Study.mp4 74.49M
48、Case 046 Kun: Dechai Azi Wuxu Bimao Case Study.mp4 106.08M
49、Case 047 Qian: Ding Hai Dec Mao Ding Wei C Wu Case Study.mp4 58.53M
50、Case 048 Qian: Non Shen A Chen C Chen Ding You Case Study.mp4 31.19M
51、Case 049 Kun: ding chou nonzi a shen b chou case study.mp4 61.16M
52、Case 050 Kun: B Mao Decwei B Hai Hao Case Study.mp4 52.18M
53、Case 051 Qian: E Yin B Mao B Hai Xin Si Case study.mp4 64.41M
54、Case 052 Kun: Xin Si Geng Yin Nonzi B Si Case Study.mp4 78.55M
55、Case 053 dry: wuchen dechai nongwu cwu case study.mp4 54.57M
56、Case 054 Kun: C Yin A Wu G xu B You Case Study.mp4 53.97M
57、Case 055 Kun: Geng Wu Geng Chen A Chen E Chen Case study.mp4 63.46M
58、Case 056 坤:己巳 丙子 甲寅 甲戌 Case study.mp4 95.78M
59、Case 057 Kun: Wuchen Decai Hai A Shen Deciyou Case Study.mp4 60.26M
60、Case 058 Qian: Geng Chen Xin Si Ding Hai Xin Hai Case Study.mp4 68.53M
61、Case 059 Dry: Decwei Wu Wu Geng Chen Yi You Case Study.mp4 72.53M
62、Case 060 Kun: hexi Wei C Zi Non Shen Geng Zi Case study.mp4 127.24M
63、Case 061 dry: b dao hex ugly hex si xin wei case study.mp4 82.53M
64、Case 062 Kun: Ding Mao Xin Hai Geng Yin Xin Si Case Study.mp4 90.64M
65、Case 063 Qian: hex dao nonshen a c bhai case study.mp4 72.80M
66、Case 064 Kun: Geng Wu C Xu A Zi Xin Wei Case Study.mp4 54.50M
67、Case 065 Qian: C Zi Xin Chou B Hai Yi You Case Study.mp4 47.16M
68、Case 066 Kun: B Chou, hexi, C Zi, hexi, case study.mp4 100.14M
69、Case 067 坤:甲子 丙子 丙戌 癸巳 Case study.mp4 147.81M
70、Case 068 wuchen yichou cxu circle Case study.mp4 88.23M
71、Case 069 坤_壬午 癸丑 戊子 丙辰 Case study.mp4 96.38M
72、Case 070 Kun: Nonsuch Decmao A Yin Dingmao Case Study.mp4 118.49M
73、Case 071 Qian: C Zi Nonchen Ding You A Chen Case Study.mp4 88.22M
74、Case 072 Kun: Deci Hai A Zi Ding Hai Xin Chou Case Study.mp4 163.26M
75、Case 073 坤:Geng Chen 丁亥 丙申 庚寅 Case Study.mp4 82.88M
01、Lesson 1: The overall overview of the eight character theory system.mp4 76.19M
02、Lesson 2: The division of the eight numerology schools.mp4 439.95M
03、Lesson 3: How to learn numerology?.mp4 482.15M
04、Lesson 4: Why can the eight characters be accurate in fortune telling?.mp4 966.79M
05、Lesson 5: The Eight Principles of Destiny Prediction.mp4 223.58M
06、Lesson 6: Explaining the differences in the fate of the \”same eight characters\”.mp4 389.15M
07、Lesson 7: Application of Fate Adaptation Principle in Prediction.mp4 165.79M
08、Lesson 8: The nature of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.mp4 18.28M
09、Lesson 9: The four pillars and the eight characters of the row.mp4 88.99M
10、Lesson 10: Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.mp4 78.60M
11、Lesson 11: How to determine the ten gods and what they represent.mp4 668.80M
12、Lesson 12: Judgment and differentiation of the eight characters of the taboo gods.mp4 41.07M
13、Lesson 13: The relationship between the stem and branch in place, penalties, ramifications, combinations, and harmful effects.mp4 38.91M
14、Lesson 14: Tomb bank all-round fine explanation.mp4 526.48M
15、Lesson 15: The relationship between \”life, luck and age\”.mp4 205.66M
16、Lesson 16: The significance of the role of the ten gods.mp4 300.98M
17、Lesson 17: The fine method of breaking the year of the eight characters.mp4 110.56M
18、Lesson 18: The Eight Character Model: Positioning the Ten Gods.mp4 336.49M
19、Lesson 19: Eight Character Model Positioning Ten Gods Extension.mp4 76.44M
20、Lesson 20: The basic elements needed to determine the eight character model.mp4 199.44M
21、Lesson 21: Criteria for Judging Human Characteristics and Determining Good and Bad Luck.mp4 290.53M
22、Lesson 22: The system of physical signs of the house to determine the eight characters.mp4 190.86M
23、Lesson 23: The original fate of the eight characters – General.mp4 262.78M
24、Lesson 24: The fine method of breaking the fortune of eight characters.mp4 80.52M
25、Lesson 25: The fine method of determining the official luck of the eight characters.mp4 29.10M
26、Lesson 26: Emotional fine method.mp4 46.94M
27、Lesson 27: The fine method of determining the eight characters of study.mp4 32.51M
29、Lesson 29: The eight characters of life short health fine method.mp4 36.06M
30、Lesson 30: The fine method of determining character.mp4 120.27M
31、Lesson 31: Eight character direction system prediction technology.mp4 61.02M
32、The scientific prediction technology of the eight character marriage.mp3 25.99M
33、The specific application method of adjusting the understanding of disasters.mp4 238.92M
34、Lesson 34: The origin of Feng Shui.mp4 30.09M
35、Lesson 35: Sand and water identification & eight palace sand and water auspicious characterization.mp4 52.94M
36、Lesson 36: Feng Shui of people positioning issues.mp4 54.68M
37、Lesson 37: Feng Shui: 24 Mountains, Sand and Water: The Characterization of Good and Bad.mp4 31.54M

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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