Guo Heren Beidou Energy Zhu Youshu 2020 HD Video 15 Lectures 17 Hours

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Guo Heren Beidou Energy Wish Youshu 2020 HD Video 15 Lectures 17 Hours

Service Code: F2021031801 Beidou Energy

Location: VIP Good Resources

Source: Shared by Friends of the Book of Changes

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The original price is 3000 video lessons, Guo He Ren Beidou Energy Zhu Youshu, 15 lectures in high-definition video in 2020, 17 hours. Use medicine to test Taoism, use Taoism to show medicine, and Taoist medicine spells are good videos. There are a lot of content, all kinds of mantras, and various Zhu Youke conditioning methods.

Teaching Content of “Beidou Energy Zhuyoushu” Section 1 Beidou Zhuyou Introduction Zhuyoushu Interpretation and Origin , Beidou Annotation of Death “Transfer of Essence and Transformation of Qi” in “Internal Classics” Zhu You Mechanism Mysterious Mantras and Symbols Ming Xin Chao Li With the “Emperor Medical Administration (Hospital)”, Zhu You and Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment Several Core Features of Zhu Youshu Zhu You’s Survival Status and the Birth of “Big Dipper Zhu You Shu” Section 3 Worshiping Dou Rites and Magical Instruments Beidou Zhu You Shu Established the Foundation ——Introduction to Aiki Dafa Zhuyoushu’s healing methods (talismans, forbidden methods, mantras, and blessings) The connotation of Zhuyou’s treatment The essentials of drawing talismans, drawing talisman taboos Section 4 Zhuyuke’s commonly used mantras and secret characters Chapter 5 The Secret Five Thunder Palm Amulet Cultivation Technique The origin of the Lei Fa sect The miraculous effect of the Five Thunder Palm The folk inheritance model of the Five Thunder Palm 1-Lightning Harvesting Qi Method Folk Five Thunder Palm Practice 1-Electricity Harvesting Method Folk Five Thunder Palm Practice-Persuading Li Method Folk Five Thunder Palm Practice-Catching and Sending Method Five Thunder Formulas and Manuals Selected Folk Secrets Five Thunder Practice 25 Thunder Curse, Five Thunder Laws, Total Recovery Talisman, Zhu Youshu, Five Thunder Locking Evil Talismans, Five Thunder Nine Dragons Bone Water, Section Six, Five Thunder Heart Laws, Thunder Law Dao Profound Meanings, Internal Alchemy, and External Use, Thunder My Induction-The Heaven of Thunder Law On the unity of human and human beings, “a little light is a talisman” Section 7 I wish you a medical diagnosis and a divine method to touch the pulse to identify evil diseases. This kind of headache stunt, I wish you can treat gynecological diseases, you can treat mastitis, you can treat bone hyperplasia, you can treat skin diseases, you can treat breast pain, and you can stop bleeding. Toothache Forbidden Curse I wish you cure children’s fright 3. Pain relief and swelling spells 4. Malaria prevention spells 5. Evil magic spells Section 9 Human body three parts three cleansing spells The Secret Records of the Mystical Book of Heavenly Medicine Allusions to the Secret Records of the Mystical Book of Heavenly Medicine The Features of the Mystical Book of Heavenly Medicine Cancer, sores, and inflammations are specially used to treat all kinds of tumors. The folk method of eliminating evil. The five thunders and the mountain method to crack the villain. The second method is to cut evil spirits (chopsticks method). Prohibition and other combination spells, banning water, curing all diseases, suppressing spells, breaking spells after being cursed, archery, resolving diseases and disasters, secret rituals, urgent matters, spells, strange gates, nine-character formulas, travel spells, finding parking spaces, spells, business success, night travel spells, Luban’s body protection Curse Six Ding Liujia Body Protection Curse General Chi You’s Body Protection Method Cracks the Villain Method Red Line Elimination Method Couples and Legal Debt Collection Method Archery Resolves Diseases and Disasters Secret Method Holding Forbidden Fasting Method (Receiving Method) Section 11 Tightening Curse Method Hundred Solutions Curse Traveling without Obstacle Curse Killing Ghosts Curse Exorcism Curse Capture Evil Corpse Cutting, Three Corpses and Nine Insects Curse Section 12 Beidou Energy Secret Practice Method Yubu’s Cultivation Secret Method Three Qi Cultivation Secret Method Manifestation and Secret Mantra Cultivation Method Beidou Tuning Qi Secret Cultivation Method Invite the divine mantra to cleanse the marrow and accept the energy mantra. The thirteenth session of Yuanchen Lantern enters the mystery of disasters. The Big Dipper “bell” and the Big Dipper “calendar”. Taishang Xuanling Beidou Divine Curse One Palm Row of Seven Stars Hand Talisman Talisman Stepping Fight “Sacrifice and Refining” Art Section Fourteen Beidou Talisman Practice Method Dou Yin and Jujube Secret Method Secret Bidou Exorcism Art Beidou Seven Star Protection and Upholding Method Five Precepts, Structural Analysis of Ten Good, Eight Taboos, and Four Returns Beidou amulet, Beidou seven-star evil-breaking talisman, Santai Xingjun, Beidou, longevity, wisdom, god, Beidou, praise, gossip, amulet, town house talisman, Tiangang, Beidou curse, three thunder charms, exorcising plague, exorcising plague, expelling evil, expelling evil Dirty Curse Dragon and Tiger Sutra (for purifying the house) Small Pu’an Mantra (for purifying the house) Avoiding disasters Curse of avoiding plague Five thunders Curse Testing Curse Heaven and Earth Net Charm Spell of Capture and Attachment Curse Nine Heavens Xuannv Water Repelling Plague Curse Fire Bell Jue Purple Clothes True Body Protection Curse to remove disasters, kill ghosts, eliminate evil spells, day fires, curses, plague-breaking curses, plague-repelling charms

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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