Zhang Kaijuan “Doushu Numerology New Edition”

Jul 16,2024 2 31

Zhang Kaijuan “Doushu Numerology New Edition” PDF e-book download.

Features of this book ●Must-read classic “Ziwei Doushu” ●In the true sense, create a precedent for the modernization of “Ziwei Doushu” ● Adaptation and improvement of the traditional “Ziwei Doushu” ●The content and form of the modern popular “Ziwei Doushu” are deeply influenced by this book.

A new chapter in Doushu’s numerology is written in open volume. One paperback, two volumes. In 1949, the first edition of Hong Kong Ziwei Doushu Numerology Research Society. According to Xubailu Collection, it was republished, restored and reproduced by Hong Kong Kunlun Publishing Company in 1972.

Ziwei Doushu, also known as “Flying Star Ziwei Doushu”, is said to have been created by Chen Xiyi in the Song Dynasty. According to [Qing] He Rutan’s “Earth and Stars Huiyuan”, there are three kinds of fortune-telling by flying stars: One is “Ziwei Doushu” (that is, “Ziwei Doushu” in this book), the other is “Little Flying Star” (that is, “Ziwei Doushu” (“Shu Tianji” in “Continued Taoist Collection”), and “Eighteen Flying Stars” in “The Complete Works of Merging Eighteen Flying Stars Ziwei Doushu”). The third is the Flying Star technique in “The Origin of Earth and Stars”. However, so far, only the first type “Ziwei Doushu” is still popular. There are very few ancient books on Ziwei Doushu in the market. For decades, the only printed editions of the first kind of “Ziwei Doushu” in the Qing Dynasty or before are “Ziwei Doushu Complete Works” and “Ziwei Doushu Complete Works”, and in recent years The found Ming edition “Ziwei Doushu Jielan”. Then add the ancient banknotes of Ziwei Doushu in Xubailu, such as “Outline of Doushu”, “Secret Banknotes of Doushu”, “Example of Doushu”, “Shortcut to Ziwei Doushu” and “Doushu” by Caishan, the king of the Republic of China. “Xuan Wei” (the first collection) (two collections), “Doushu Observation Record” (all of which are compiled into Xinyitang Shushu Ancient Books and Rare Books Series), there are only a few kinds. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, astronomy was mainly based on Xingxue (Seven Politics and Four Surpluses) and Ziping (Bazi) together (such as “Wenwu Xing Case”), or solely on Seven Politics and Four Surplus and Ziping on fate. In the early years of the Republic of China, Ziping became the mainstream. Until the 1970s and 1980s, “Ziwei Doushu” became popular in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places, and it competed with Ziping Mingxue. The key behind the rise of “Ziwei Doushu” in modern times is Wang Caishan’s “Doushu Xuanwei” (Chapter Two) (Part Two), “Doushu Observation Record” by Wang Caishan in the early Republic of China, and Zhang Kaiju’s “Doushu Numerology” New Chapter”. The former sorts out and simplifies the Anxing method, deduction principles and methods of Ziwei Doushushu: for example, correcting more than one hundred stars in ancient books to sixty-four, unifying different Anxing laws; revising the theories in ancient books And development, such as “the zodiac palace under the guise of dismantling and using” and other methods, there are many inventions, trying to apply the original Ziwei Doushu technique to geomancy and divination. And the opening volume of this book “A New Chapter of Doushu Numerology” is the first of its kind to create the modernization of “Ziwei Doushu” in the true sense. Theoretically, the “false star theory” is put forward–stars are like the ABC symbols in algebra, and modern statistics, induction, and deduction are also applied to explain traditional astrology such as Ziwei Doushu. In terms of content, “However, there is no authentic version of the old and new editions in the market, and there are chaos and absurdities. If it is not reedited and revised thoroughly, it will lose its authenticity over time. This is “Doushu” The original meaning of “New Chapter of Numerology” is also the original intention of writing. Asking people to determine the way to overcome the sky… The deep meaning of this writing is also.” The author’s adaptation of Dadaoge Axe and improvement of the traditional “Ziwei Doushu” fits the “Old Law Cong Chen, Taiyi, Heaven, Man and Five Elements” and the author’s experimental experience have become a “thoroughly improved fate-expelling technique”. Among them, the Five Elements Bureau and the Five Elements attributes of the stars are mostly different from other books. He has unique views on the master of life and the master of the body, and the method of setting the pattern. In terms of form, it is in the form of a modern textbook, so that even beginners can understand it, and a lot of charts are added, and the stars are classified according to the grades of A, B, C, D, E, so that “Ziwei Doushu” can be truly popularized. Later, Hong Kong Lu Binzhao (a famous TCM doctor who later immigrated to the United States) “Ziwei Doushu Lecture Notes” and most of the Ziwei Doushu schools in Taiwan were deeply influenced. It can be said that the content and form of the modern popular “Ziwei Doushu” are actually mostly deeply influenced by the book “A New Chapter of Doushu Numerology” – the improved “Ziwei Doushu” in the open volume.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 16,2024 未知