Xiaoming did not have “The Mystery of the Emperor’s Yin and Yang House” (Volume 1 and 2)

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XZFS0863 Xiaoming No “Mystery of the Emperor’s Yin and Yang House” (Volume 1 and 2)

Kanyu Yangzhai 18

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At 4:30 am on July 26, 1971, under the huge thrust of the three-stage rocket, the American Apollo Ning spaceship finally broke free from the gravity of the earth and entered space orbit. Astronaut Ed Ning saw the pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China. Suddenly, he found nine black dots lined up beside the meandering Yellow River, which he believed to be the secret weapon of Red China, and immediately took a photo to report to the President. This top-secret report was processed by the Pentagon and the CIA. It was sent to President Nixon, who was on vacation at Camp David. The report from space has kept the Pentagon busy for quite some time. Ten years later, Edning followed the first batch of tourists who set foot on the mysterious land to appreciate the feeling of “you are not a hero if you don’t reach the Great Wall”, and proposed to go to the place at 10738′ east longitude and 34° north latitude to take a look. . Edning thought that the Chinese government would never allow a person of his status to go to “that place”, but when he stood on the Weibei Plateau where more than 20 imperial tombs are neatly lined up, he woke up like a dream However, the “nine small black dots” photographed in space are not launchers and secret weapons, but the mausoleums of emperors of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Where did Edning know that the emperor’s mausoleum and palace are not comparable to secret weapons. Its connotation and magic are no less than atomic weapons and aircraft carriers. All of them are the crystallization of the highest level of culture, science, and technology at that time. It condenses the achievements of Chinese philosophy, aesthetics, geomagnetism, geometry, metallurgy, architecture, mechanics, etc. on the earth. In the world, everything has become confusing and mysterious. Qi, wind, water, yin and yang, five elements, eight trigrams, looking for dragons, observing sand, watching water, acupuncture, orientation… The palace of a dynasty is tied to the rise and fall of a dynasty, and the mausoleum of an emperor has poured the minds of countless people. The Lishan Mountain, like a dustpan, swallowed up the foundation of the first emperor of the ages, Qin Shihuang; the Forbidden City, surrounded by rivers and mountains, continued the history of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties for more than 700 years… All of this seems to be the natural good fortune, the divine will, and it seems to be the unique wisdom and exquisite choice of human beings. The glory and splendor, decline and catastrophe of the past have become a thing of the past. The dance pavilions and towers have become the best places for people to rest, and the underground mausoleums can most arouse people’s nostalgia for the past. The hidden treasures in the palace sent many greedy villains to the guillotine, and the underground treasures buried the dreams of many people. The enigmatic yin house and yang house contain countless magical and enigmatic legends, deduce the enigmatic stories that can never be told, and make the following enigmatic and beautiful articles. No matter which emperor’s palace or mausoleum you stop at, you will feel the deep and deep wind of history. In this vast history, individuals are insignificant, and those emperors did not and could not retain the footsteps of history, but from the bricks, stones, trees and tiles of the emperor’s private and male residences, we can understand the special characteristics of the long-standing Chinese culture. charm. If you don’t reveal the secrets, you don’t know the root of good fortune; if you have infinite ingenuity, you can only observe the position of yin and yang. Xiaoming November 1995

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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