Li Shuanglin’s Four Shuanglin Manuscripts PDF e-book

Jul 16,2024 29 42

Li Shuanglin’s Four Shuanglin Manuscripts PDF e-books

[Recommendation] Li Shuanglin’s “Shuanglin Manuscripts” A, B, C, D 4 copies! The first numerology book is published! Finally meet you all! About 200 real selected cases, horoscopes, basic knowledge of Qimen, five elements, gossip, heavenly stems, earthly branches, ten gods and meanings, boy’s life, Bucai treasury, seeding foundation, Beijing time and solar time selection, special fate, Congge cases, guidelines for more than ten years of fate perception, suggestions for Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and small ways to seek good fortune and avoid evil! ! It has been ten years since we first started sharing cases in 2012. In the past ten years, I have seen all kinds of life experiences: some are rich and some are poor; some are happily married and some are divorced; Yes, there are also those who find it difficult to have children. The more I saw it, the more it slowly aroused my thinking about life. Why is this so? Why is everyone’s life so different? What is the cause? From my obsession with magic at the beginning, to my exploration of Buddhism later, I gradually understood what is destiny and how to change our destiny. Therefore, since 2016, I have gradually changed my style of writing, starting with the analysis of Yi theory to make people believe in life, and then starting with Buddhism to persuade people to break the confusion. Until 2018, I completely understood some truths and made my articles completely different. From focusing on spells at the beginning to the pursuit of the Tao and the dissemination of the Tao, I have persisted for so many years, insisted on selecting articles, and persisted in sharing wisdom. Although from my personal point of view, I no longer have to work so hard. But in order for everyone to truly understand what destiny is, how to face your own destiny, how to change your own destiny, and how to resolve the many pains you encounter in life, I still choose to keep writing. Although I have just started on the road of exploring the truth, I have also gained a lot in the process of sharing. Sometimes a sentence can not only wake up the world’s obsession with certain things, but also wake up me, slowly waking up from my sleep. My articles are no longer simply case studies, but spiritual food for countless people, including myself, who also need it for nourishment and nourishment. In order for these words to be preserved, it can be used as a bedside book to remind myself to examine my own life through other people’s stories. Therefore, starting from 2019, I planned to sort out the cases and compile them into a book, and it took three years until 2022 to complete it. Each of these cases is my brainchild, and each article represents a day and night, and represents the heart that had the great wish to spread the Dharma sincerely at that time. In 2020, because of some difficulties, I wanted to give up, but many friends left messages, hoping to have such a book, not only for collection, but also to remind myself that I am very happy and lucky . This book brings together nearly 200 cases, of course, this is only a small part of the 3000 cases, each case is true, not only can be used as a reference book for learning numerology, but also as a pillow book for mind cultivation. Many times, when worrying about one thing, maybe one of the stories can wake me up and free myself from the sea of troubles and sufferings. What I hope most is not that everyone can learn much easy-to-learn knowledge from it, but that they can find their own value, find their own meaning in life, know how to be grateful, and know how to be content. I can live a good life happily, and I can finish my life in peace. There are 4 copies of Li Shuanglin’s “Shuanglin Manuscript” A, B, C and D! The first numerology book is published! Finally meet you all! About 200 real selected cases, horoscopes, basic knowledge of Qimen, five elements, gossip, heavenly stems, earthly branches, ten gods and meanings, boy’s life, Bucai treasury, seeding foundation, Beijing time and solar time selection, special fate, Congge cases, guidelines for more than ten years of fate perception, suggestions for Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and small ways to seek good fortune and avoid evil! ! The real fortune-telling case “Shuanglin Destiny Draft” is finally on sale. From the original cases and experiences from 18 to 21 years, this book selects about 200 most representative essence articles in all aspects. It is accompanied by the basic knowledge content of Yi learning (yin and yang and five elements, celestial stems and earthly branches, Xing Chong persecution, ten stems and twelve longevity, sixty Jiazi empty death, the application of six relatives and ten gods, and the basic content of Qimen Bazi, etc.); imagery content (five elements, Eight Diagrams, Ten Stems, Twelve Earthly Branches, Ten Gods, etc.) Rivers and lakes customs content (children’s life, money treasury, seeding foundation, Beijing time and solar time selection, etc.) More suitable for beginners and improvers who are interested in Yi Xue and Bazi personnel.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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