Chen Yanting’s Secret Talisman Class 15 Video 1 Handout Baidu Cloud Download!

Jul 16,2024 50 39

Chen Yanting’s secret spell class 15 video 1 handout, although it is a course many years ago, but the clarity is not bad, suitable for learning.

The content of the course includes the following: 1. Understanding the functions of spells 2. Public talismans, secrets of spell effectiveness 3. Steps and precautions for drawing talismans Gossip mirror, compass consecrates the town house, avoids evil spirits (the principle and use of the Eight Diagrams mirror are open to the public) Usable ten, town house prosperous wealth talisman, home town house, fortune eleven, Fude fortune amulet store fortune, prosperous fortune twelve, fortune-seeking talisman to increase wealth by personal wear thirteen, personal protection talisman can be worn on the body Safeguarding 14th, exorcism talisman, house is not safe, can be used when haunted 15th, children are frightened and slammed to exorcise evil spirits 16th, fetal safety talisman 17th, birth talisman 18th, good luck and luck talisman can be used when luck is bad Nineteen, Maoshan technique to separate the villain secret talisman to offend the villain, use it to drive away the villain 20, the official lawsuit talisman to solve the disaster of the lawsuit 21, the invisible talisman can prevent being amuleted or the head is dropped 22, the system Wan Xie’s head-dropping Yin Sha Talisman has been lowered, use twenty-three when lowering the head, harmony symbols can be used when husband and wife are in discord, family disharmony, and children are disobedient, twenty-four can be used, and marriage symbols can be used by single people to seek marriage. Twenty-five , Examination pass symbol, joint examination, public agency and other examinations 26, Ningdu hanging back talisman can transfer people who have run away from home 27, god statue consecration, company line number, home tranquilization consecration, and then teach the masters in the course All kinds of lucky beasts and house-turning magic weapons are consecrated secrets.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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