XZFS0100 Lecture on Zeng Zi’s Nanyang House Fengshui Destiny

Jul 16,2024 2 45

  ; Feng Shui Fate Lecture Special Issue    Destiny is good, fortune is good, luck is bad, bad luck is bad luck   Single girl escaped from the clutches of oppression and was held again    Snatched women’s purses eight times                    A thousand sorrows after death    Is your Nian Geng Ling evil list on the list?    Master’s lectures, tens of thousands of people listen to celebrity hosts, it’s more magnificent   It’s freezing in the sky, who is afraid of the cold, let’s compare it to striptease   To help the poor, the gods and bodhisattvas, the heart is strong and the body is wealth                      Benevolence is a witness to carry forward geomantic and public opinion.     Young man   Six and six Dashun, riches and honors, prosperity and longevity   Masters of all dynasties came from Jiangxi, Jiangxi Zeng lived first in Jiangxi      The demeanor of the master is really good. Choi   Shengji can cure mono-infected diseases and one dose of Diling will be effective    1. Fascinated, dead alley, dead seesaw    Two. Go straight to the dead end and lose talents    Three. A dead end, fierce death    Four.     Five. The prison house lives in an official lawsuit    VI. It’s not auspicious to have a tree withered in a graveyard    VII. It is unlucky if the house foundation is high at the front and low at the back   8. Households on the water have bad fortune   9. The cesspool under the bed is very unlucky    X. It is unlucky for the toilet door to the stove    Eleven. Kitchen well is unlucky    XII. It is unlucky to have a toilet in the house    Thirteen. Houses with high front and low rear are unlucky    Fourteen. A coffin-shaped house is inauspicious    Fifteen. La Zhiwu is inauspicious    Sixteen. It’s unlucky to have villains in front    Seventeen. Houses with high rear and low front are auspicious    Eighteen. The top beam of the desk seat is unlucky    Nineteen. The mirror in front of the bed is unlucky    Twenty. It is unlucky to have a beam on the head    Twenty-one. Liang Yazao is in bad luck    Twenty-two. There is no wall and bad luck    Twenty-three. The stalagmites in the house are rich and rich    Twenty-four. It is unlucky to have no rooms on one side    Twenty-five. Other people’s roof beams are coming straight to attack    Twenty-six. It is unlucky to have a pointed head in the south of the house grave    Twenty-seven. The water flowing in front of the door is unlucky    Twenty-eight. The house of scissors is unlucky    Twenty-nine.     Thirty. Thirty-one.     Thirty-two. Bad luck    Thirty-three. The Road of Scissors is inauspicious    Thirty-four.     Thirty-five. It’s unlucky to go straight to the house on the fifth road    Thirty-six. Good luck on Menqian Road    Thirty-seven.     Thirty-eight. Turning against the water into making a fortune by encircling     Thirty-nine.     Forty. Three peaks penetrate the sky and come out three males    Four one. The bed is full of teeth and wat officials are expensive    Four two. The water gathers in front of the door and the heart of the sky is auspicious    Four three. The grave of Wanpai Chaozong’s house is auspicious    44. Thousands of peaks towering emerald, four waters return to the hall, Shangji    Four five. The mouth of the house    Four six. The butt of the house    Four Seven. Fort-style round houses are inauspicious    48. Good and bad luck in Xinxingdi    Trinity Marriage Law Zero God and Evil Luck Checklist    1. The Three Laws of Xuankong and Five Elements    II. The Three Laws of Xingxing Guayun    In the age of science, we must witness that Fengshui is an exception    Where the testimony of Fengshui can be verified in ancient houses and ancient tombs        Overseas Chinese are blessed and lucky. Ask for blessings and you will be blessed    For more people in one year, please see Dafa Wealth Records    A young man    Ding Cai is prosperous, rich and powerful, and all four happy things come to the door. What is the reason?   Shivering in the wind, what disease does not change, how do adults get married       How to make a fortune in a place where corpses are turned upside down, laughing   The power of the earth’s spirit is accurate and the strength of the earth’s spirit is not accidental       Diabetes could not be cured in eight years, Earth Spirit healed and made a fortune    Four generations passed on a single pass, now Ding Wang returns to your youth and Dr. Doctor       Who is my biggest disciple? You and him   Who will teach you the three-dimensional geography method        Great changes in house luck    Longevity testimonies of Yang Zeng and Erxian Gong    There is a secret to buying books and transfer is the most convenient    Ideal castle ideal poem    Ancient Chinese Observatory     (4) Observation and Fable    (5) Astronomy and Calendar    (6) Celestial Intercourse and Astrology               Dragon bamboo shoots    Zhigui    Heavenly Dao Seven Luck Good House Buying    Opening Speech of Golden Times Square Building    Chairman Zeng Cuts the Ribbon in Person at the Opening of Golden Times Square Building    Zeng Chairman Wang Yangzhai Kungfu has long been affirmed and built the Golden Times Square Building    Introduction to Xianshi Garden Fuguilongxue


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 16,2024 未知