A Brief Explanation of Zeng Zinan’s Three-Yuan Geography with Graphics and Texts

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XZFS0080 Zeng Zinan-A Brief Explanation of Sanyuan Geography with Graphics and Texts

Du Tianbao said in the scriptures: “…life’s misfortune and fortune are determined by heaven, The virtuous can live in peace…” What is the sky? Shuowen Jiezi said: “The “one” of the sky and the “big” refer to the good and bad fortune of human beings, the rich and the poor, the poor and the longevity, all belong to the greatest one in the universe, that is, the creator and true god who created all things in the universe and human beings. Six thousand years ago, Fuxi, the sage of our country, looked up to the sky and looked down on the earth, observing the phenomena of the natural movement of the universe and creating gossip. That is, “Tai Chi” gives birth to Yin and Yang. Four images and eight trigrams, sixty-four hexagrams, and so on are endless. This “Tai Chi” is the center of the big universe, and the Creator is also the true God. But what is “fate”? Shuowen Jiezi said: “Ming, Shi Ye,? Kou? Ling” Ming is a compound word of “kou” and “ling”. The ancient sage means that “ming” comes from the “password” of the Creator and true God. An old Taoist interpreted it differently: “Fate is a compound word of “person”, “one” and “kowtow”. As the saying goes: “Those who follow the sky will prosper, and those who go against the sky will perish” refers to this. Confucius said: “If you don’t know your destiny, you can’t be a gentleman.”

But why do you want to study geomancy? Originally, the human soul is immortal and is not bound by “numbers”, but human beings are one in form and energy. Because the soul resides in the body and has a body, it is controlled by “numbers”. That is, it is still affected by “time” and “space”. Numerology is the study of the four pillars of the year, month, day, and hour of a person’s birth. How to control the birth and restraint of Ganzhi and Five Elements, and use them to infer the academics of “destiny”. Sanyuan geography is the orthodoxy of Gemology, which is to study the situation of Qi in the house and tomb, and whether it conforms to the natural principles of the universe, which is the “orientation” and “space”. Therefore, it is a way to infer the good and bad fortune of the house grave and seek good luck and avoid bad luck. The great Greek philosopher Pitalas (transliteration) said: “The great cause of heaven and earth is number.” Therefore, the principle of the grave is prosperous without the situation and conforms to the natural principle of the universe, and rebellion is disaster. Yi said: “Heaven’s evil is still to be violated, self-inflicted evil cannot live.” This is the ancient sage’s instruction that we should not only listen to “fate”, but those who are destined to be evil must “revolution”. But can it be revolutionized? The ancient sage said: Worship the true God who is the ruler of the universe, follow the will of heaven, and move the sky with sincerity, so as to change the “password of the sky”, which means that the sky can be violated by doing evil and cunning. But the so-called secretly targeting and doing everything without knowing how to correct all good things, and rebelling against the will of heaven, this so-called self-inflicted evil cannot live, and it is sure to invite disaster. Therefore, the ancient sages even warned the world: “There is no way to misfortune and fortune, but people bring it on themselves.” Today, it is up to me to create misfortune and fortune, and it is true that this statement is true. Therefore, those who obey the law of heaven will be blessed by God bestowing cows with auspicious places to sleep (see Chapter 2, p. It all comes from the “weather” endowed by geography. (Please refer to pages 65 and 69 of Chapter 2 of this book, etc.) After understanding this principle, it is meaningful to study geomantic omen and seek auspicious places, so that it will not happen Error. Xuankong Dagua is the truth of the nature of the universe, and Sanyuan geography is based on the theory of Xuankong Dagua, so it must be like a swan’s house to bury a grave. , In addition, ancient classics are all based on hidden mystical poems, which make people feel as if they have fallen into a fog after reading it. Those who want to explore whether Gemology is true or false feel boring and have nothing to gain. Ordinary people regard Gemology It’s superstitious. A few years ago, the author saw a book on Kanyu empirical book written by Zeng Shizinan, a famous geographer, in a bookstore. The teacher invented the method of substituting “A” for Yang Yao and “B” for Xuan Kong Da of Yin Yao. The calculus of hexagrams is exactly the calculus of algebra. (Refer to the seventh picture of this cellar and the third and sixth pages of Chapter 2), so it can be called a scientific view. Master Zeng graduated from a university and once worked as a professor. The author Interested in and admired by this book, it was on July 1, the 53rd year of the Republic of China (Jiachen Year) that Master Zeng began to publicly pass on the mysteries of the Three-Yuan Geography Xuankong Dagua, that is, the secret of not passing it on to outsiders. At that time, I seized this golden opportunity that I had come across in a thousand years, and paid homage to my disciples for research. In order to facilitate the disciples from far away to be proficient in geomancy, Master Zeng wrote the secret recipes dictated as handouts in language style. Secret Fu hexagrams, readers are like opening a door into a room. It is effortless and interesting to study, and the progress is rapid. It is different from ordinary Kanyu books. It is difficult to understand. Although you have read thousands of books, you don’t know the secret. Master Zeng’s Secret Fu handouts. If you read it, you can get twice the result with half the effort. When you have any doubts, it will be easier to comprehend after Master Zeng breaks down the tricks and analyzes. Master Zeng has some insights from the author’s learning, which is to promote the public table to learn the experience of geomanticism. Thinking about talent and lack of knowledge, he hesitated to move forward, but Master Zeng repeatedly encouraged and urged the Three-Yuan Geography Mysterious and Space Gua, which has been passed down in our country for thousands of years, so that the spiritual and cultural heritage will not be obliterated, and he will use it to inspire future learning. Become a part of science and carry forward. The meaning of Taosi is so great that it is hard to say, and it is not good to make people seek good luck and avoid bad luck because of it! So I don’t think about it, and I am determined to publish my learning experience. The first chapter is Sanyuan Geography Correspondence lectures, quizzes and answers, are excellent hexagrams. Teacher Zeng has questions every time he teaches academics. Scholars answer them and then Master Zeng guides them. This chapter is the mysterious hexagrams answered by the author. Master Zeng believes that some of the hexagrams are ancient and modern Kanyu books An excellent hexagram picture cloud that has never been seen before. The second chapter is the correct explanation of the essence of the Sanyuan geography correspondence lectures. When Master Zeng taught the lectures, the essence was expressed in poems and prose. For the sake of popularization, the author uses “vernacular text” It should be interpreted as far as possible from a scientific point of view, so as to adapt to the trend of the times, innovate and reform, and make it suitable for the tastes of modern intellectual youths, and create a unique style. The cross-referencing of the annotations in the second chapter makes it easier to understand the principle and energy of the Xuankong Dagua. However, the author is ignorant, has limited knowledge, and writes in his spare time, and hastily published, so the text is inelegant and the citations may be incorrect. It is unavoidable that superfluous things are superfluous, so I sincerely ask Master Zeng, all advanced geologists and readers of this book to correct me, and I am very fortunate. It is for sequence. In June of the fifty-fourth year of the Republic of China (Yisi Year), Zhang Shantu wrote it in Sanzhaoshe Apartment


Chapter 1 Sanyuan Geography Correspondence Lecture Questions and Answers Figure 1: Yin and Yang of the eight parental hexagrams are treated with popular hexagrams; the second picture is round and circular; square and square; The hexagrams of Futong’s parents (group two) The fourth picture is the popular hexagram of yin and yang in the six lines of the Xuankong big hexagram Figure (C) Serial yin and yang treatment of popular hexagrams Figure 7 (D) Yin and yang treatment of fashion and algebraic laws Figure 8 Hexagram of the secret to staring at ten hexagrams Jue diagram (there are eight hexagrams) The tenth diagram of the Xiantian Great Circle is divided into six lines of hexagrams The eleventh diagram of the Xiantian Great Circle is divided into five Yaos The picture is divided into three hexagrams. The fourteenth picture is divided into two hexagrams. The fifteenth picture is divided into one hexagram. The positive and opposite hexagrams of the Dayuan diagram The eighteenth diagram The sub-hexagrams and opposing hexagrams of the Dayuan diagram Shi hexagram, Lu hexagram, Qian hexagram, Xiaohu hexagram, Yu hexagram, Dayou hexagram, comparison hexagram, the six groups of hexagrams, the key points of giving birth to a child Etc. key diagrams (four diagrams) The twenty-second diagram of Qiankun, the parent hexagram of Futai and the child’s breath hexagram The secrets of Yin and Yang treatment of popularity diagram The twenty-third diagram of Kanli, the Jiji Weiji hexagram and the child’s interest circle diagram The twenty-first The four pictures Zhenxun, Hengyi hexagram parents, child interest treatment picture 25 Tu Gendui, loss Xian hexagram and child interest relative treatment picture 26 picture with (0) for yin line and (1) for yang line The sixty-four hexagrams in the horizontal diagram No. 27, with (0) (1) replacing the sixty-four hexagrams of the yin and yang line, the three straight diagrams of the twenty-eighth diagram, using (0) (1) to replace the sixty-four hexagrams of the yin and yang line The 29th diagram of the combination of squares and circles, the twenty-ninth diagram of the Xuankong big hexagram, the sixty-four hexagrams, the male and female intersection diagram, the second chapter, the essence of the three-element geography correspondence lecture notes Thousands of years ago, Fuxi’s gossip is a combination of algebra, five mysterious and empty big hexagrams and science, six mysterious and empty big hexagrams, and there are many changes. Tricks Eleven Big Dipper Seven Stars Robbery Method Twelve Mysterious Sky Big Hexagrams Like National Organization Thirteen Heavens and Earth Orientation Hexagram fifteen A hexagram has four parents May I ask you to know that the five elements and seventeen of the sixteen Xuankong big hexagrams are named from the outside and enter from the inside. For the sake of decline, nineteen Xuankong big hexagrams, three yuan hexagrams, fortune twenty, to make Yinpoor and Mao rich, only some big brothers treat luck with twenty one liang of water Twenty-three hexagrams, what is the opposite? Seventeen Mysterious and Empty Hexagrams Use Three Uses, Six Uses and Nine Principles Twenty-eight Strange Talks Between Ancient and Rare Old Men and Father-Son Classmates Let’s take a look at the experimental examples of scientists. 31. The wonderful theory of the Qingsangjing and the solitary yin and yang. 32. The wonderful poems of Cai’s old classmate. 33. Good words, Yin and Yang. Purity is true interpretation Thirty-five Qingsang Sutras are the secrets of the Austrian language Thirty-six real acupoints and earth patterns are believed to be reliable Thirty-seven zero gods and righteousness how to distinguish thirty-eight hexagrams are not out of position thirty-nine dry directions and dry mountains Forty Youshan and Youxiang Forty-one Houde people send cattle to sleep in auspicious land Forty-two Pingyang Dragon’s Cave If you don’t believe it, please see the world’s metropolis Forty-three Xuankong big hexagram How to get five auspicious dragons Forty-five The use of the three yuan dragon is to combine the five auspicious dragons into a real dragon. Forty-six Pingyang dragon caves need to sit empty and the back needs water. Forty-nine people are inseparable from each other and geography is inseparable. Fifty mountain dragons are the most precious. The wind in the sand gathers the gas and grows quickly. Fifty-one time teachers only know to see dead geese. Afterword


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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