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Throw a 14. Zeng Jinquan “Master Zeng Gong’s Fengshui (Poor must be saved): Seven Politics and Heavenly Stars Choose the Sun and Yellow Longitude” (Volume 20 from 1921 to 2020) 16 pages 128.pdf

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Master Zeng Gong’s descendants publicly passed on one-time public transmission of Zeng Gong’s ancestral feng shui secrets, which are never passed on outside the world. The essence of Fengshui, one set is learned at hand, and you don’t need to seek it from others to see the good and bad of Fengshui. It is better to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy materials and save time and money to concentrate on studying at home than to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan and spend time teaching other Feng Shui face-to-face without much gain. The master’s ancestral home is in Jiangxi, and now he lives in Longchuan County, Guangdong Province. The ancestral professional Fengshui and choosing a date have been handed down from Zeng Wenxuan to the present for more than a thousand years. It has been passed down from generation to generation and has never been leaked. This teacher is a veritable master of social Fengshui. There is no secret in the market of congenital sixty-four three-dimensional geography. The information of this teacher is high-end and precious. It is difficult for the nobles to use Feng Shui internally, and it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain. Riding on the east wind of reform and opening up, my master is already old, and I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Now, for the first time, my ancestors have buried the sixty-four hexagrams of Fengshui and the secrets of choosing a date to the whole country. I would like to share with the Fengshui lovers in the world. Rewards are shared by all, so that the poor and poor people in the world can benefit as soon as possible. Fengshui of the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow and the selection of the day of the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow are very mysterious and extremely accurate. But the simpler things are, the simpler things are hard to get. The avenue is in front of you, and the road is just below the road. My Zeng family has no taboos in feng shui, five kings, three killings and all evil spirits, all good fortunes are extremely accurate, and there is a hundred hits. If you want a person, you have a person, if you want a fortune, you want a fortune, and if you want an official, you will have an official. The ancients said that reading ten thousand volumes is not as good as a master giving advice once. To all Feng Shui lovers, you can come to my place to learn, regardless of time, regardless of gender, please act immediately, learn as soon as possible, get blessings as soon as possible, interview for a fee, self-care for board and lodging, smokers and alcoholics, hooligans, thugs, bullying The common people refuse to accept it. Dear Fengshui lovers, if you don’t get the acquired sixty-four hexagrams fengshui in this life, you will regret it all your life. The geography of the three yuan and sixty-four hexagrams in the market is congenital, and the acquired sixty-four hexagrams fengshui comes from unpublished. Zeng Gong Feng Shui is the most authoritative Feng Shui in the world today. It was taught by Zeng Wendi, the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty, and I am Zeng Gong Feng Shui’s heir. In the past, what the common people could not get was the top-secret and accurate Fengshui technique. Zenggong Fengshui is the royal Fengshui used by emperors and generals. Zeng Gong’s feng shui established direction, eliminated sand and received water, and all the selection of the day was done by drawing and changing images with the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow. Our master only found out that Zeng Zinan could use it, but he didn’t make it public. He and Wang Yongqing used it for a long time, so that no one could decipher it. The three-element geography popular in the market is congenital, and its accuracy is very poor. The innate is for the body and the later is for use. Zeng Gong’s Fengshui “poor must be saved” has temporarily published a collection of 40 volumes. Zeng Jinquan’s “Ming Master’s Ancestral Zeng Gong’s Fengshui: Ancestral Zenggong’s Fengshui and Houtian Sixty-Four Hexagrams to Relieve the Poor Fengshui (One Volume)” 160 pages, the first public ancestral Fengshui secrets in the country, with illustrations, easy to see and easy to understand, both pictures and texts, catalog: Xuan Kong The six methods, the sixty-four hexagrams of the acquired day are good and bad, the sixty-four hexagrams of the acquired day are geomantic, the sixty-four hexagrams of the acquired day are used to choose a date, the method of choosing a date for the auspicious class of the emperor and stars, the method of choosing a date for the day class of the gods, the method of choosing a date for the undefeated three elements, and the method of choosing a date for the gods. The method of the sun, the method of the black rabbit and the sun to choose the day, the general theory of controlling wind and evil spirits, the general theory of burial methods, the general theory of practice methods, and the interpretation of evil spirits. Zeng Jinquan’s “Ming Master’s Ancestral Zenggong Fengshui (Poor Must Save) Volume 3 and 4” 279 pages, the first public ancestral Fengshui secrets in the country, catalog: Immortals’ daily lessons, when hanging on nobles, former Ming Dynasty, Jiang Yinquan, Huang Peitian, recognition Longxun acupoints, the secret of identifying peaks to commit crimes, the secret of Lixiang Kungfu, the mysterious Lixiang Kung Fu of the Houtian hexagram of the ancient Mingshou, the mysterious Lixiang of the Houtian hexagram of the ancient Mingshou who opened the scriptures and the Lixiang, the ancient Mingshou is Jiang Yinquan said, On the ancestors of Kunlun, on the three great dragons, on the veins of the south stem, on the veins of the middle stem, on the veins of the north stem, on the imperial capitals of the past dynasties, on the dragon veins, on the emperors must be combined with Xingyuan, on the general theory of the branches, on the stem dragons, Discussion on Zhilong, General Discussion on Zhilong, Discussion on Dragon Veins, Discussion on Zhilong, Discussion on Dragon’s Right Side, Discussion on Dragon’s Old and Young, Discussion on Dragon’s Length, Discussion on True and False Dragon, Discussion on Dragon Nobility, Discussion on Taizu Mountain, Discussion on Shaozu Mountain, Discussion on No Less Zushan, discussing the birth of the parents, the birth of the dragon, the origin of the dragon, the account opening of the dragon, the peeling and changing of the dragon, the passage of the dragon through the gorge, the welcoming and seeing off, the carrying of the clip, the support of the legs, the escorting of the dragon, Discussion on Dragon Standing Station, Discussion on Dragon Dividing Break, Discussion on the Back of Dragon, Discussion on Dragon Guest and Master, Discussion on Dragon Slave, Discussion on Dragon Remaining Qi, Discussion on Dragon Dividing into Three Potentials, Discussion on Dragon Three Falling Discussion, Discussion on Thirteen Forms of Dragon Situation, Discussion on Three Forms of Vessel Outlet , discussing the three classes of Longshou acupoints, discussing the eight heads and five patterns of the dragon, discussing the eight poems of the Semperlong, discussing the twelve meridians of the dragon entering the acupoint, and discussing the five rounds of the Longjie acupoint. Ancestral auspicious lesson, Renshan erected month and day auspicious lesson, Renshan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Zishan erected month and day auspicious lesson, Zishan burial lesson month and day auspicious lesson, Guishan erected month and day auspicious lesson, Guishan burial month and day auspicious lesson , Choushan vertical construction month and day auspicious lesson, Choushan burial auspicious month and day lesson, Genshan vertical burial month and day auspicious lesson, Genshan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Yinshan erected month and day auspicious lesson, Yinshan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Jiashan burial month and day auspicious lesson, The auspicious month and day of the burial in Maoshan, the auspicious month and day of the burial in Mount Yi, the auspicious month and day of the burial in Mount Yi, the auspicious month and day of the burial in Chenshan, the auspicious month and day of the burial in Chenshan, the auspicious month and day of the burial in Xunshan, and the auspicious month and day in the burial of Mount Xun Lesson, Sishan erected month and day lesson, Jishan burial month and day lesson, Bingshan erected month and day lesson, Bingshan burial month and day lesson, Wushan erected month and day lesson, Wushan burial month and day lesson, Dingshan erected Auspicious moon-making lesson, Dingshan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Weishan erected month and day auspicious lesson, Weishan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Kunshan erected moon and day auspicious lesson, Kunshan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Shenshan erected month and day auspicious lesson, The auspicious month and day of Shenshan burial, the auspicious month and day of Gengshan burial, the auspicious month and day of Gengshan burial, the auspicious month and day of Youshan burial, the auspicious month and day of Youshan burial, the auspicious month and day of Xinshan vertical construction, and the auspicious month and day of Xinshan burial Classes, Xushan erected auspicious month and day lesson, Xushan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Ganshan erected month and day auspicious lesson, Qianshan burial month and day auspicious lesson, Haishan erected month and day auspicious lesson, Haishan burial month and day auspicious lesson. Zeng Jinquan’s “Feng Shui of Zeng Gong’s Ancestral Master (Master’s Descendents Reveal the Heaven’s Secret)” Volume 2, page 186, is the first time in the country to disclose the secrets of ancestral geomantic omen. Table of Contents: The sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow are good and bad, acupoints, provinces, acupoint fields, horizontal sitting acupoint injuries, oblique sitting acupoint injuries, roughly for epigenetics, discussing Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, big machine dizziness, acupoint dizziness, nest Middle dizziness, dizziness at the upper string, dizziness at the mouth of the dimple, and hooking, dizziness in the pincers, dizziness at the jaws, dizziness at the edge of the dimple, dizziness at the high foot, dizziness in the side dimple, dizziness in the side dimple hook, nipple dizziness, protruding in the dimple Middle halo, string of pulses, sticky acupoints get rid of evil spirits, lean on acupoints and flash evil spirits, bend in and meet out, pulse high and faint, pulse deep and faint high, high pulse and faint high, pulse low and faint , obliquely piercing and obliquely coming out, the pulse is muddy and long, the pulse is slightly faint, the pulse is faint, the pulse is faint, the pulse is faint, the seven stars are positioned to generate each other, and the five stars are in charge of each body. Zeng Jinquan’s “Master Zenggong’s Fengshui (The Poor Must Be Saved) Volume 5 and 6” 195 pages, the first public release of the ancestral Fengshui secrets in the country, the catalog: the magical use of yin and yang, the theory of geography, geography and knowledge, In ancient times, it was said that the four phenomena intersect with sixteen things, on the twenty-four mountains with sixty-four hexagrams, the sixty-four hexagrams, the sixty-four hexagrams, the Houtian sixty-four hexagrams, the nine stars and the Yangzhai mystery method: Wushan Qiangua, Wushanhou Gua, Dingshan Da Gua, Dingshan Ding Gua, Dingshan Heng Gua, Weishan Xun Gua, Weishanjing Gua, Weishan Gu Gua, Kunshan Sheng Gua, Kunshan Litigation Gua, Kunshan Kun Gua, Shenshan Wei Gua, Shen Shan Jie Gua, Geng Shan Huan Gua, Geng Shan Kan Gua, Geng Shan Meng Gua, You Shan Shi Gua, You Shan Dun Gua, Xin Shan Xian Gua, Xin Shan Lu Gua, Xin Shan Xiaoguo, Xu Shan Jian Gua, Xu Shan Jian hexagram, Xushan Gen hexagram, Qianshan Qian hexagram, Qianshan Fu hexagram, Haishan Cui hexagram, Haishan Jin hexagram, Haishan Yu hexagram, Renshan Guan hexagram, Renshan Bi hexagram, Renshan Boo hexagram, Zishan Kun hexagram , Zishan Fu Gua, Guishan Yi Gua, Guishan Tun Gua, Guishan Yi Gua, Choushan Zhen Gua, Choushan Kai Gua, Choushan Sui Gua, Genshan Wang Gua, Genshan Yi Gua, Yinshan Ben Gua, Yinshan Ji hexagram, Yinshanjia hexagram, Jiashanfeng hexagram, Jiashanli hexagram, Jiashange hexagram, Maoshan Tong hexagram, Maoshan Lin hexagram, Yishan loss hexagram, Yishan Jie hexagram, Yishanfu hexagram, Chenshanmei hexagram, Chenshan Kui Gua, Chenshan Dui Gua, Xunshan Lu Gua, Xunshan Tai Gua, Sishan Fen Gua, Sishan Need Gua, Sishan Xiaohu Gua, Bingshan Zhuang Gua, Bingshan You Gua, Bingshan Kui Gua , one of the mysterious nine-star method, refer to the ancient four Ming Dynasty first lessons, the five elements generate prosperous solar terms, the twenty-four mountains are made according to the seasons, the prosperous phases are the sun, the ten stems belong to each other, the eight houses are good and bad, and Uranus has a daily lesson. “Ming Master’s Ancestor Zeng Gong’s Feng Shui: Zeng Gong’s Geography, the Method of Choosing the Sun, the Sun, and the Stars (Volume 7)” page 16, 30 pages. Very respected by the world. Table of Contents: Section 1, Nine Stars Arriving, 1. Saturn Falling Palace: 1. Table of Solar Terms and Palaces, 2. Table of Saturn Falling Palace, Nine Stars Flying Layout, Nine Stars Good and Bad. Section 2, the sun (nine stars) is on duty to seek the Dharma. Section 3. Calculation of the value of the sun (nine stars). “Feng Shui from Ming Master Zeng Gong: Zeng Gong’s Secrets of Playing Poultry and Choosing the Sun (Volume 8)” 16, 52 pages of content: twenty-eight mansions, moon poultry rising example, sun poultry starting example, black spots are volt breaks, and dark gold volt breaks , Qiyuan Shiqili, 1 yuan Shiqili, 2 yuan Shiqili, 3yuan Shiqili, 4yuan Shiqili, three pass four lessons, turning the bird (the other bird) method, Qin Xingsuo Bo Dedi loses position, playing poultry taboo example: 1. The true disappearance of the sun; Tian Fu Duan, 7, Sky Shadow Day, 8, Qin Xing Liujia is empty, 9, Qin Xing is empty, 10, Qi Yuan, Qin Xingkong is dead, 14, Qin Xing loses every day, Qin Xing general theory, Dongfang Qi There are seven places in the north, seven places in the west, and seven places in the south. “Ming Master’s Ancestral Zenggong Fengshui (Poor Must Save): Luantou King (Volumes 9 and 10)” on page 216 is the first public release of ancestral Fengshui secrets in the country. Table of Contents: The Five Elements of the Mountain Family, The Decision to Solve the Five Ghosts and Yellow Springs, Discussion on Qilong’s Cave Method, Liao Yu’s Theory on Riding the Dragon’s Cave Method, Secret Teaching of Hanshan Huduan, Three-Mouth Set of Fingers, Dragon and Tiger Jue, Dragon and Tiger Martial Bird Jue, General Art of Shaping Sand, The method of breaking the water, the method of distinguishing, knowing the Weijing, identifying the five-star acupoints, Zeng Gong’s theory of the twenty-four mountain evil formulas, the earth cow’s true formula, the Hei Nang Sutra, the method of the entry into the earth, the star and the dragon’s formation of acupuncture points, and the theory of entering the acupoints in the mountains, Twenty-two recognition scriptures, the method of cutting acupoints, and knowing the scriptures, the three auspicious and six beautiful, and the three-star jue method, and the three-star judging method, and the three-star breaking mud water, the twelve mysterious dragons. On Long Zong, on Zhilongge, on Qianlongge, Yang’s secret scriptures for saving the poor, and the twelve powerful sticks on making hair. “Feng Shui of Master Master Zeng Gong (Poor Must Save): The Essence of Regulating Qi (Volumes 12 and 13)” 16 pages 79, the first public release of ancestral Feng Shui secrets in the country. Table of Contents: Going to the water to break the situation and the great evil, the twenty-four mountains on the direction of the yellow spring, the twenty-four mountains the nobleman’s song formula, the yin and yang rituals, the Baihe Immortal Master Haili’s bead Jue Jue, the left-handed dragon knot leads to the fixed situation, the right-handed dragon knot leads to the fixed situation , the 12 palace water method, the twelve earthly branch water, the secret to teach the direction of the water to make the game formula, the eight obsidian killing theory, the star formula method, the words and poems, the three auspicious six beauty, and the three stars breaking the muddy water, the heavenly stems and the yellow springs, the earthly branches Huangquan, Dahuangquan water, discussing the method of cutting Huangquan water, Luma street water, the position of the four gods, discussing the official sand regardless of the orientation, discussing the method of Qi Kong, Liao Yu riding the dragon’s cave, the secret teaching of breaking the cold mountain, two sets of fingers Misunderstandings, three sets of finger fans, Dragon and Tiger Jue, Dragon, Tiger and Martial Bird Duan Er, General Jue of Dispelling Sand, Method of Duanni Water, Method of Distinguishing Jue Water, Knowing Micro-Sutras, True Jue of Changing Earth, Identification of Five-Star Acupoints, Liao Yulun 20 Four Mountains Sha Jue, Earth Niu Zhen Jue, Black Nang Sutra discusses how to get started with the Earth, Tianyan Dry Condensation Caves, Twenty-Four Mountains Concave Wind Breaking Pit and Wind Breaking, Algebra, Judgment of Good and Bad House Location, Duan Yang House Jue, List of Yang Houses, Doorways Sha Duan, discussing the Yang base of valleys, theory of entering acupoints in mountains, theory of four potentials, songs of strange acupoints, Pingyang formulas, twenty-two scripture recognition, judging the right and wrong of human life, cutting acupoints, breaking evil formulas, Pingyang formulas, and establishing acupoints , the theory of the method of water to prosper the tomb, the method of breaking the grid in the ten generations, the method of diagnosing the acupuncture points, the method of breaking the wind in the twenty-four mountains, the method of breaking the wind and the wind in the pit, the method of breaking the tomb and changing the method of changing the water, the method of recognizing the head of the mountain, the method of breaking the water, Ten houses are broken, Yang Gong is ten afraid of scriptures, twenty-four mountains and seas to search for pearls, entering the house is a final decision, discussing sand and water, Luo Wengui is a nobleman. “Master Zenggong’s Fengshui (Poor must be saved): Uranus Daily Lesson (Volume 11)” page 63, the first time in the country to disclose the secrets of ancestral Fengshui. Uranus is the largest family in geography. Since the creation of Pangu, Uranus has occupied the largest planet in the sky. It has a long history and has been passed down for thousands of years. This book is rarely published, and it is used secretly by domestic military advisers and Ming leaders treasure house. However, there have been signs of leakage for a long time, and a few people know that there is a person who has obtained the true biography. The number theory is based on the twenty-four mountains, twenty-four qi, and three hundred and sixty degrees. To Xiang’s secret and clever use of this lesson, don’t avoid all evil spirits, long-term wealth, Ding Caigui, prosperous, ever-victorious, and thunderous. This book can quickly select the best auspicious lessons. “Master Zenggong’s Fengshui (The Poor Must Be Saved): The Sutra of Practicing the Way (Volumes 14 and 15)” on page 73, the first time in the country to disclose the secrets of ancestral Fengshui. Table of Contents: Guishan Dingxiang, Jiazi divides the gold, Wu Jianzhen Xiaofang Wangren Ding Jin Dazi Lai Bingzi divides Jinyang Wuqu Changfang Wangren Ding Jin Tiandi, three houses and five sons share the Wuzi’s gold, Yang still has three houses Ding Tong enters the field from Wuziwang, Gengzi divides Jinyangwen into the third house, the five sons pass the method to get money, Choushan has no direction, Xin Xiaotanlang, You Xiaosimen Guikun is small, Yichou divides the gold, prepares the third house and five two hairs After the game is ruled, the gold is distributed, and the three families of the Si family are prosperous, and they receive gold and silver. , Kuichou divides the gold and Quzhong Fangwang’s Ding Xue makes money into Tian Dafa, Gen Shan Kun Xiang, Bing Xiaowu Xinwu Dagui Yichou divides Jin Dawang’s Ding Jinqi Caicai Niuyang Da Liu’s own four employs Ding Chou to divide Jin Sanfangtong Guiwang Rending and Xuecai Tian hired Dafa Rending Article Tuxiu, Si Chou divided Jinchang’s house, Sun Dawang Ren Ding Xuecai’s land property Dafa bought land into the land, Xin Chou divided gold and three houses and made fortune, Ding Xuecai became prosperous Within a hundred days, Gui Chou, Yinshan Shenxiang Xin Xiaopo Kun Ziji, Jiayin divides the gold into the middle house, Ding Qi comes and makes money, Bingyin divides the gold, Xiao Haowang, Ding Fengcai buys the land, and Wuyin divides the gold The ugly sons of the three households are sent together to enter the field and the second mountain is also issued, Geng Yin divides the gold, the three households and the five sons share the windfall, Renyin divides the gold, the three households and the five sons share the same distribution, Jiashan Geng Xiang Ding Xiaoji, Xin Xiaowen Kun Ziji, Jiayin Divide the gold, three houses and five sons enter Tian Xun to make a fortune together, Bingyin divides the gold and three or four parties enter the field, and the fortune will not be made, Wuyin divides the gold and the long ten thousand houses lose people, and Ding is a plus or minus, Geng Yin divides the gold, Dan Lianzhen, the second and third houses Both are unfavorable, and Renyin divides the gold strips and deposits them in the three houses, which will damage the family wealth. “Feng Shui of Master Zeng Gong (The Poor Must Be Saved): The Secret Order of Yin and Yang Houses (Volumes 16 and 17)” 16 pages 69 Contents: Baozhao map, mountain and dragon against the stars, mountain for yang and stars, water dragon against Stars are reversed, water is yin and reverse, the general map of yin and yang, nine stars and five elements originally intersect, Zilong Wushui Sunda goes to Shunzi Bureau, Guilong Dingshui Si goes to Shunzi Bureau, Ugly Dragon Weishui Geng goes to Nizi Bureau, Gen Long Kunshui Youxiang Shunzi Bureau, Yinlong Shenshui Xinxiang Shunzi Bureau, Jialong Gengshui Weixiang Nizi Bureau, Maolong Youshui Kun Xiangzi Bureau, Yilong Xinshui Shenxiang Shunzi Bureau, Chenlong Xushui Renxiang Nizi Bureau, Xunlong Qianshui Zi Xiang Shun Zi Bureau, Silong Hai Shui Gui Xiang Shun Zi Bureau, Binglong Renshui Xu Xiang Shun Zi Bureau, Wulong Zi Shui Qian Xiang Shun Zi Bureau, Ding Long Gui Shui Hai Xiang Shun Zi Bureau, Weilong Chou Shui Jia Xiang Ni Zi Bureau, Kun Long Gen Shuimao to the Shunzi Bureau, Shenlong Yinshui Yi to the Shunzi Bureau, Genglong Jiashui Chou to the Shunzi Bureau, Youlong Maoshui Gen to the Shunzi Bureau, Xulong Chen Shuibing to the Shunzi Bureau, Qianlong Xunshui Wu to the Shunzi Bureau , Hailong Sishui Ding Xiangshunzijue, Renlong Bingshuichen Xiangnizijue, Sanyuan couple Shuikou picture, couple riding a dragon and facing Zhenshuikou, the husband belongs to Yang and the woman belongs to Yin, Du Tianbao according to the picture, Gelong Jue, Star Jue , on staring, yin and yang theory, chanting Luojing, eight trigrams and lines, congenital gossip theory, theory of heaven and earth, the theory of male and female matching, sixty-four hexagrams of King Wen, passing Lei Ze to return to sister, nine-star luck combined and broken, starting nine-star example , Distinguish the authenticity, the diagram of Tianyuan Twisted Interaction, the diagram of Earth Yuan Twisted Interaction, the diagram of Renyuan Twisted Interaction, Xiantian Eight Diagrams Sitting Twenty-Four Folk Songs, Fuxi Xiantian Eight Diagrams Treating Couples, King Wen’s Later Heaven Eight Diagrams, Successive Tianhe Jie, Fuxi Taiji Diagram, Taiji Diagram, Confucius Taiji Sheng Liangyi, Sixiang, Bagua Diagram, Liangyi Diagram, Bagua Diagram, Circle Diagram, Site Fang Diagram, Fang Diagram Turning Circle Diagram, Tianxin Nine Movements, Remedy Qi Yun, Remedy Water God Diagram, Antigua According to the Five Elements of Yuankong, Renzhai directly fights the Jiafei Star Bureau, Zizhai fights the Jiafei Star Bureau, Guizhai fights the Jiafei Star Bureau, ugly house fights the Jiafei Star Bureau, and Genzhai fights the Jiafei Star Bureau , Gen Zhai fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Yin Zhai fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Yin House fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Jia House fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Jia House fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Maozhai fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Mao Zhai against Jia Fei Star Bureau, Yi Zhai against Jia Fei Star Bureau, Yi Zhai against Jia Fei Star Bureau, Chen Zhai against Jia Fei Star Bureau, Chen Zhai against Jia Fei Star Bureau, Xun Zhai directly fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Xun Zhai directly fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Si Zhai directly fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Si Zhai directly fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Bing House directly fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, and Bing House directly fights Jia Fei Star Bureau Feixing Bureau, Wu Zhai Shun fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Ding Zhai Shun fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Wei Zhai Shun fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Wei Zhai Shun fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Kun Zhai Shun fights Jiafei Star Bureau, Kun Zhai Shun fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Shen Zhai Shun fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Shen Zhai Shun fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Geng Zhai Shun fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Geng Zhai Shun fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, You Zhai Shun fights Jia Fei Star Bureau, Youzhai goes against the JFF Star Bureau, Xin Zhai goes against the JFF Star Bureau, Xin Zhai goes against the JFF Star Bureau, Xu Zhai goes against the JFF Star Bureau, Xu Zhai goes against the JFF Star Bureau, and Qian Zhai goes against the JFF Star Bureau , Gan Zhaishun hits the Feixing Bureau, and Hai Zhaishun joins the Feixing Bureau. “Fengshui of Master Zeng Gong (Poor must be saved): Poverty Alleviation Law (Volume 19)” 16, 90 pages, catalog: Liujia and five elements, twenty-eight constellations and five elements, the format of the inscription God’s main tablet, and the inscriptions are combined with 6, 11, 17 and big and small. , Three Hexagrams, Great Yuan Kong Hexagrams, Discussion on Gate Tower Scripture, Discussion on Zhai Shen Zhai Fate Orientation, Gossip Affiliation, Huntian Star Degree Five Elements, Ba Zhai Azimuth Good or Bad, Direction Method, Dayou Nian Ge Jue, Yang Fu Ge Jue, Yin Fu Five Elements, Nayin Song, Passing Deed Tie Style, Longshangrensha, Watershangrensha, Eight-way Huangquan Dasha, Huangquan Dasha, Yin Qi Jue of Burial Ground, Auspicious Words for Sacrifice Tombs, Renshan, Zishan, Guishan, Choushan, Genshan , Yinshan, Jiashan, Maoshan, Bishan, Chenshan, Xunshan, Sishan, Bingshan, Wushan, Dingshan, Weishan, Kunshan, Shenshan, Gengshan, Youshan, Xinshan, Xushan , Ganshan, Haishan, Anmen method, water release method, Tianxing breaking peak, judging the good and bad of water, judging the good and bad water, Nayin Jiazi song, disappearing peak, Shengwangnushaxie, Compass Sutra, the five elements of the orthodox body, are Nine Star Preface and Five Elements Jue, Zibai Palm Starts Zero Cun Jue, Five Elements Born into Kexie Ge Jue Poetry, Ganjia Two Mountains belong to Gold, Kangui Shenchen belongs to Water, Gen Bing Two Mountains belong to Earth, Zhenmao Genghaiwei Four Mountains belong to Wood, the two mountains of Xun and Xin belong to wood, the four mountains of Wuli and Renyin belong to fire, the two mountains of Kunyi belong to soil, the four mountains of Duidingsi You and Chou belong to gold, specialize in the method of choosing a date for making a stove, transforming qi and five elements, Liujia fetal god and heavenly stem Occupying the day, as the master of the stove, giving life to the smoke-free formula, choosing the day for the stove, it is better to use the orthodox body and the five elements, starting the fetus formula, starting longevity, yang and yin, children are evil, when children are killed, the white tiger is at the disadvantage, and Lulu chooses the day to practice the formula Available: Year of Child, Year of Chou, Year of Yin, Year of Mao, Year of Chen, Year of Si, Year of Noon, Year of Shen, Year of You, Year of Xu, Year of Hai, Day of the Great Thieves, Day of Killing Zhan Fang, Day of Killing the Master, Day from Day Time to kill the teacher, the day of the loss of the teacher, the year to kill the teacher, the side to kill the teacher, the day to kill the master, the day to kill the craftsman, the day of Luban’s evil side, Luban is not available, Zhengsixu, the direction of Anzao, the inner disk of the compass, the good and bad of the well, and the opening of the gate The method of heaven and stars, through the orifice of the sky to determine the game, the auxiliary star to the water and the eight trigrams to break the game, the water method, the three auspicious and six beautiful figures across the gorge, the eight trigrams and the dragon method, the sixty dragons penetrating the earth, the twenty-four mountains of jewels, the twenty-four mountains of mistakes and emptiness, the twelve Mountain Fire Pit, Xiao Yuan Kong and Five Elements, Auxiliary Star Water Method (Turn Gua), Discussion on Nine Stars Management Bureau Twenty-four and Three Corrupt Wolf, Auspicious Time Method. “Ming Master’s Ancestor Zenggong Fengshui (Poor Must Save): The Method of Staring the Stars (Volume 18)” 16, page 42 Contents: The method of staring at the stars, Renshan belongs to soil, Zishan wood, Zishan belongs to water, Zishan belongs to water, Guishan water, Guishan belongs to earth, Choushan soil, Choushan belongs to fire, Genshan gold, Yinshan soil, Yinshan belongs to water, Jiashanshui, Maoshanshui, Yishantu, Chenxun Ershanshui, Sishan gold, Dingshan soil , Weishan wood, Kunshan soil, Shenshanshui, Gengshan soil, Youshan gold, Xinshan gold, Xushan belongs to gold, Ganshan belongs to gold, Haishan belongs to wood, Yang Gong walks the horse and shakes the whip, the formula of the first and last days, the first day Aligning with Houtian, two mountains share hexagrams, three mountains share hexagrams, 12 zodiac signs, 24 mountains, waters and soils go together, discuss the four major water mouths, the formula for breaking the heavens and the heavens, the golden dragon, and the secret, the five ghosts for fortune, and the twenty-four mountains. Water positive. “Fengshui of Master Zeng Gong (Poor must be rescued): Qizheng Tianxing chooses the sun and yellow longitude” (Volume 20 from 1921 to 2020) 16 pages 128 “Fengshui of Master Zeng Gong (Poor must be rescued): Searching for Pearls Under the Sea (Volumes 21 and 22)” page 16, page 48 Contents: The wooden game combined with the four major water outlets. , the water bureau combines the four major water mouths, th


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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