commentary on choosing auspicious techniques: Volume 1 and 2 of Wang Yude’s “Xie Ji Bian Fang Shu”

Jul 16,2024 11 43

Annotation and commentary on choosing auspicious techniques: PDF e-book download of volumes 2 and 2 of Wang Yude’s “Xie Ji Bian Fang Shu”. Preface Choosing auspiciousness is a custom, its origin is unknown. As a kind of numerology, choosing auspiciousness has been more than two thousand years. Choosing auspiciousness is a kind of numerology and a kind of belief. Regardless of people’s understanding and evaluation of it, because it can give…

Commentary on Selecting Auspicious Techniques: PDF e-book download of volumes 2 and 2 of Wang Yude’s “Xie Ji Bian Fang Shu”.


As a custom, choosing auspiciousness has its beginning, but its end is unknown. As a kind of numerology, choosing auspiciousness has been more than two thousand years. Choosing auspiciousness is a kind of numerology and a kind of belief. Regardless of people’s understanding and evaluation of it, because it can give people psychological and support, it can enhance self-confidence. Therefore, not only in mainland China, but also in foreign Chinese, there is also the art of choosing auspiciousness in Western society. The latter is based on astrology to infer the good and bad days of the day. Representatives who believe in astrology and auspiciousness are former US President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy. By chance, Mrs. Nancy got to know a famous American astrologer when Reagan was not president. They talked very speculatively. Mrs. Nancy accepted the female astrologer’s suggestion and used astrology to choose auspicious days to arrange Reagan’s presidential campaign. Reagan succeeded. As a result, Mrs. Nancy and the new President of the United States became enthusiastic admirers of modern astrology. No matter how the world evaluates it, in short, the state affairs activities of the United States have been carried out under the arrangement of astrology for a full eight years. In January of one year, the female astrologer did not deliver the “Auspicious Almanac” on time, and Mrs. Nancy resolutely refused to arrange any state affairs activities for President Reagan. . Why does choosing auspiciousness have such a strong attraction in the minds of all living beings? More than two thousand years ago, due to the backwardness of science and technology and productivity, people were difficult to grasp the prospects of things and their success or failure. Then, in today’s highly developed economy and culture, even in the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, where science and technology are leading, why are people still enthusiastic about choosing auspiciousness? Is it really effective to choose auspiciousness? Can it really avoid failure? , Bring people to the other side of auspiciousness and success? Does it have scientific basis? Or is it just a bunch of worthless rotten flakes? But it is very regrettable. So far, our understanding and understanding of Jijishu is extremely limited, and even few people have conducted systematic, comprehensive, in-depth and detailed analysis and research on it. Auspiciousness has such a long history, such a strong attraction and a broad social foundation, so it is extremely necessary to conduct a comprehensive system and in-depth and detailed analysis and research on it, which will help deepen the understanding of Chinese traditional culture and Chinese folk customs. The understanding of this will be of great benefit to changing customs and building a new type of distinctive socialist spiritual civilization.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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