Wu Mingxiu “The Essence of Choosing a Day to Learn”

Jul 16,2024 10 39

Wu Mingxiu’s “Essence of Choosing a Day to Learn” PDF e-book download. Introduction The author lives in Taoyuan. The grandfather Wu Jinfa used to be in the Taoyuan area for more than 50 years to deal with people’s shocks, relieve disasters, and eliminate disasters. Unfortunately, in the sixty-fifth year of the Republic of China, he passed away and ascended to immortality. He was ninety-three years old. Yu has been fascinated by his grandfather’s virtues since he was a child, and is deeply impressed by his…

Wu Mingxiu’s “Essence of Choosing a Day to Learn” PDF e-book download.


The author lives in Taoyuan. The grandfather Wu Jinfa used to be in the Taoyuan area for more than 50 years to deal with people’s shocks, relieve disasters, and eliminate disasters. Unfortunately, in the sixty-fifth year of the Republic of China, he passed away and ascended to immortality. He was ninety-three years old. Yu has been deeply influenced by his grandfather’s virtues since he was a child. I am deeply interested in my country’s national culture, numerology and geography. When studying in high school, the ambition to study further sprouted. After graduating from Tamkang English College (now Tamkang University) in the 46th year of the Republic of China. Served as a secondary school English teacher for many years. From then on, he officially began to study the Book of Changes, numerology, geography, and choosing a date. Extensive collection of books related to various arts. For more than 20 years, there is no teacher to guide. Do your own research and verification. Know a thing or two. The school of choosing a day was invented by the sages and sages of our country. For thousands of years, it has been handed down through various generations of continuous textual research. There must be its truth. Nowadays, there are also three-in-one and three-element distinctions in choosing a home. Difficult to converge. The books of choosing a day are like Xieji Bianfang, Tongde Leiqing, and Aotou Tongshu. Xiangji Tongshu, Yongji Tongshu, Liu’s family collection of Chanwei Tongshu, choose Jinjian Suji Shuzheng, choose authentic. Choose to seek the truth, twenty-four mountains to divide the gold secrets, twenty-four mountains to explain the authenticity, Wujidu Tiantu, Kecho handouts, choice secrets, Tianyuan Bird and Rabbit Sutra, astronomy of choosing a day, etc. are too numerous to mention. It seeks good luck and avoids bad luck. Theories vary. no idea. Good or bad is hard to tell. Can’t graduate. But one of them is more worthy of readers. There is no better choice than Ji Tanyuan, edited by Mr. Yuan Shushan, who is a virtuous man. Si Shu is completely based on the correct deduction of Xie Ji Bian Fang Shu. I read it over and over again. It is indeed the most worthwhile study. And compare this book with other books. Fine editing. Those who regard it as complicated will be eliminated. Depending on the omission, increase it. Make it obscure. Make it brief and detailed. But the only fine. Take its essence. make it clear to readers. It can also save beginners from sighing at the inability to get started. Academics are free research and development. There is no need to slander each other. Books and people read. Make it easy for people to understand. So try to be concise. The principle of practical application. edited. This book respects and selects the moon watch chapter of Ji Tanyuan. Choose those that are commonly used by the people, such as offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, praying for heirs, enrolling in school, being promoted to office, getting married, marrying, migrating, laying a bed, building, breaking ground, erecting pillars, erecting beams, opening a market, establishing a business, trading, planting , Shepherding, breaking ground, burial, and opening up twenty-one things are the main ones. Organized into a book. Although there are few names. But the constant use. is included. good use. comprehend by analogy. It is also useful. It is hoped that readers can refer to each other and study the books. more refined. This book is named (The Essence of Choosing a Day to Learn). But the book is in a hurry. Fallacy. Still inevitable. Respect to all the sages. Hui Yu Kuang is fortunate.


Preface 1, Five Elements 2, Year Selection, Year Selection, Compass Compass Zhengzheng, Zhongzheng, Sewing Needle Ganjishen Suizhi Jishen Suijishen Qianjishen 1, Wuji Dutian overlaps Taisui 2, Wujidu Tian and Nian Wuhuang combine Suizhi Shennian 3 yuan and 5 Huang 1, Tai Sui meets Wuhuang 2, Wuhuang meets Lishi 3, and Wuhuang meets Jiesha Tai Sui and the Lord’s Mandate Sixty Changes of Mandate Sitting on the Mountain and Fierce Table Attached to the middle Yuan Guihai year family good and bad gods and evil spirits are relatively long Tian and Yuejian combined Wujidu Tian and Yueyue Wuhuang combined Yue Wuhuang and Yuejian and attached Zhongyuan Guihai Year The first month of the first month is a good and bad comparison table 4. Selection of the day The main purpose of the selection day 1. Selection and construction, ground breaking, vertical columns, and construction Liang, breaking ground, burial, opening day law 2, marriage selection, marriage date law 3, selection of school officials to take office, market opening, bond issuance, trading day law 4, selection of sacrifices, praying for blessings, asking for heirs, emigration, and security Beds, planting, shepherding, day law, marriage and Zhou Tang’s picture, on the picture of the first day of the new year, the day is broken, and the earth king uses his anger to die and leave. The day of the death of the four moons and the new day. Look at the sun. On a dark day, happy gods are responsible for things, people’s natal fate, evil spirits, stems, branches, moon chart, good and bad luck, interpretation and construction, except for the twelve gods, interpretation, no luck, and all the dry branches. . Liuhe. triple. Stage three, longevity. Lu Yuan. Noble person four, when you ascended to Tianmen five, four auspicious times and bad times one, dry two, sun breaking. Three punishments. Six Harms Six. Utilization (1) Discussion on different burials On the establishment of mountains On the direction of establishment On the repair of mountains On the direction of repair On the repair of the square On the repair of the palace On the attachment of the burial On the right to revise the law On the power of the burial On Bulong, on Fushan, on Lixiang, on phase, on funeral date and fate, on the value of the sound, on the value of the person’s life, on the dry branches, on the auspicious gods, on the flying, and on the life, and on the gods, the true fortune, the nobles, and the nobles. Eight, use (3) Four pillars, year, and year The method of the month and the year, the method of the day, the method of the time, the five elements, the mutual generation, the phase nine, the use (4) the control of the evil (1) the control of the evil (2) the sun arrives at the mountain, the sun arrives at the mountain, and the Taiyin arrives at the mountain. Month, July, August, September, October, November, December, and Eleventh. The Sun God Notes in the Monthly Table

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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