Songlin Shanren “Palmistry Changing Luck Color Picture Monitor”

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Songlin Shanren “Palmistry Changes Color Chart” PDF e-book download. Introduction To master your destiny, you must refer to the “common nature” and “know your destiny and manage your luck”, “change your luck and solve your misfortune” to seek good luck and avoid evil in advance, and do a good job in career planning to have “self-knowledge” to move towards the pinnacle of life “fate is in your own hands hands” is not just a sentence…

Songlin Shanren’s “Palmistry Changes in Luck” PDF e-book download.


In order to master destiny, one must refer to the “commonness” and more importantly, “know fate and control luck”, “change luck and solve misfortune” to seek good luck and avoid evil in advance, and do a good job in career planning in order to have “self-knowledge” towards life The peak “fate is in your own hands”, this is not just an encouraging word. And so it is. The sage said: “How to reap, how to plant first.” But whether the “harvest” is satisfactory or not depends on whether he has grasped the good luck in advance. Some people also said: “One cannot fight fate.” And: “There are no young and old on the road to Huangquan!” Although the words are true, in fact, there are many people who succeed in fighting fate. The reason is that he first did the work of “knowing fate and controlling luck”. If a person wants to fight with his fate, he must first recognize the level of his own fate, as well as the ups and downs of the internal and external environment, conditions and fortunes, so that he can make a proper plan for his future, and know what to “avoid”, and other The result is bound to be success. However, it is better to ask for yourself than to ask for others. Learning to read palmistry by yourself is the basic skill of “knowing your fate and controlling your fortune”. You can use this to recognize how capable you are; input, resulting in miscalculation consequences. Therefore, a person’s success or failure is traceable. Whether it is Western astrology (constellation chart) or Chinese Ziwei horoscope and horoscope and four pillars, they all make some “common” inferences according to some specific formulas, and only the same fate can be inferred from the common chart. In , the shared properties, rather than “characteristics”. A person’s palm, face, and personal constitution are his “characteristics”, which are affected by the environment in which he grew up, social background, etc., and there are differences, and it is impossible to make an accurate judgment based on a fixed fate model . Therefore, in order to control one’s own destiny, in addition to referring to the above-mentioned inferences of “commonness”, it is also necessary to understand one’s own innate conditions and current changes based on one’s own “characteristics”, that is, the situation presented by hand and face. Do a good job of career planning in advance, and develop your future in the direction that suits your personality. Only in this way can we grasp the opportunity, integrate the right time, location, and people, and properly “seek good luck and avoid evil”, and then we can be regarded as a person with “self-knowledge”. In view of this, the author organizes the notes made during the daily study of relevant Chinese and Western classics and materials, and considers his own research experience in practice, compiles this book, and attaches many precious photos worthy of reference , for those who are interested in research and those who want to learn “Knowing Fate and Controlling Fortune” for reference. It should be helpful to the hearts of the world. The book was written in a hurry at the end of the study, and there are many omissions. I hope that the advanced sages at home and abroad will not hesitate to correct me. Renwu Year Spring Prime Minister Lin Shan Ren Jinzhiqian Taipei Yingge

Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1, General Introduction Contents of palmistry Theory of Stretch Changes Chapter 2, Nail Viewpoints, Nail Shape and Nail Color Chapter 3, Finger Alignment and Brokenness Chapter 4, finger length, finger length, length of thumb, length of index finger, length of middle finger, length of ring finger, length of little finger Chapter 6, Keys to different parts of palm print Introduction Introduction to Western European Views, Eastern Views p> Some screenshots


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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