Shen Pingshan’s “Ziwei Doushu’s Fleeing Years and Disasters”

Jul 16,2024 21 45

Shen Pingshan’s “Ziwei Doushu Fleeting Disasters” PDF e-book download. Introduction This book is the author’s personal fortune-telling method, which is based on star transformation, flying star, three limits of big, medium and small, and changing house positions in fleeting years. Ziwei Doushu is the most spiritual science in the world. It can still be used in divination, feng shui, prophecy, and choosing a date.

Shen Pingshan’s “Ziwei Doushu Fleeting Disasters” PDF e-book download.


This book is the author’s personal fortune-telling method, based on star transformation, flying star, three limits of large, medium and small, and changing house positions in fleeting years. Ziwei Doushu is the most spiritual science in the world. It can still be used in divination, feng shui, prophecy, and choosing a date. However, everything in the world is complicated. It is still difficult to deduce it one by one with the methods of ancient books. Those who are capable should study it day and night. You must be able to find the wonderful meaning of life, and don’t be complacent by clinging to the hind legs of the ancients. Last year, I wrote two volumes of “Ziwei Mingpu”, which were visited and taught by people from all walks of life. I was very surprised, and the first edition was sold out in just three months. Feeling that the book is not large enough to comment on it, colleagues have asked for more practical genres, so this book is written to discuss the problems of fortune and fortune. In general, purely personal divination, the theory is different from the current way of ordering orders, and the main meaning of divination is that there are many doubts about certain divination methods in “Ziwei Doushu Quanshu”, such as: 1. It is difficult to calculate the good and bad years, such as “at what age to get married, have children, divorce”, “when to get sick, accident, car accident, to be cheated”, and “life expectancy”. two. For advancement alone, there are six mixed usages, such as Xiaoxian (counting age), Fleeing Taisui (Jupiter’s palace), Zinian Doujun (Beidou displacement), Fleeting Suijian, Suijiang, and Sihua. If you can’t distinguish its Different meanings can easily lead astray. I would like to think that 1 judges disasters, diseases, bankruptcy, death, good or bad, and it is appropriate to refer to the small limit and fleeting time. 2 Research and analyze the industry and job nature of the year, and focus on fighting the king in the next year. 3. Sui Jian and Sui Jiang are vague and unsuitable for use. 4. The four modernizations are based on the observation of the stars in the universe based on the annual dryness. Because the Beidou has different displacement angles every year, a certain star is the pivot, a certain star is moving, and a certain star is deviated. “Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji” This is where the name comes from. For example, in the first year of Lian Zhen Hua Lu, this star enters the Big Dipper, the power of the star increases, and the relationship between the stars of the same house is relatively expanded, especially in the aspects of money, official position, diet, and lust. Breaking the power of militaryization, forming a star force, expanding power, and affecting the action of Jia Nian. Wuqu Huake, with a bright star, shines on the world, and has unexpected gains in “fame”, “career” and “profit and fortune”. The Sun Huaji, the position of the sun is hidden, the star power is retreating, and the appearance is hidden. People today don’t know it. The four transformations are the “authentic” falsehood of Ziwei Doushu, and he is even obsessed with using the four transformations to occupy his life, so he is qualified to be called a “doushu expert”. three. Although Ziwei Doushu has been studied and analyzed by many sages, there are still some theories, which are too strong, and the stupid words are mixed, which need to be confirmed and corrected. , Hanged for life Ling Chang Luo Wu limit to death, thrown into Hechang for greedy life, smashed bones and broken corpses into horses’ headbands, if they died young, they were punished and wounded seven kills to guard their bodies, and eventually they were poor and the sun lived at noon, which is called the sun God, there is a position of exclusive power, the rich Tianliang of the enemy country meets a horse, and the life of a woman is cheap and promiscuous. This kind of argument is very problematic. If fortune-telling is based on this, it will scare people to death. Could it be that among the seventy-two people, there is one Lianzhen and seven killers? , this kind of specious argument completely ignores the intricate movement of the horoscope, but some superstitious people memorize it fluently and mistake it for the Zen recitation of the fairy formula. Four. There are 144 life palaces in Ziwei Mingyuan. The palace positions are not good or bad. They are all arranged in a good or bad way, so they cannot be judged by their positions. Position, food and salary are well-known Lianzhen Shenwei palace, no killing, rich and famous, spread far and wide, Lianzhen broke the fire, lived in the land, hanged himself in the river, greedy wolves Zi Wumaoyou, rats and dogs steal people, they can’t do anything for life. Divination makes people laugh, but they don’t know that wealth is related to wealth and official star games. How can they read a few fortune-telling examples and make a false assertion that if they meet a prostitute and tell their fortunes for him, if they are greedy, they say: “Great wolf sits There is no doubt that he must be a prostitute”; when he meets a multi-millionaire who approves his luck, if Wu Qu and Tianxiang are appointed, he often says: “Wu Qu and Tianxiang are appointed, and there will be tens of millions of property in custody.”

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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