Layman Fa Guang, “Ziwei Doushus Four Lives in One Hour”

Jul 16,2024 18 43

Layman Faguang “Ziwei Fights Numbers, Four Lives in One Hour” PDF e-book download. Introduction The gravitational force of the sun and the moon – the center that determines the number of riches and poors – the location of the palace of life, is based on the birth month and the time of birth as the positioning condition. The so-called birth month refers to the earth’s revolution to the zodiac at the time of birth (the zodiac is the orbit of the earth around the sun, which is divided into twelve regions, and the twelve

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The gravitational force of the sun and the moon – the center that determines the number of rich and poor, purple and small – the location of the palace of life, is based on the birth month and the time of birth as the positioning condition. The so-called birth month refers to the earth’s revolution to the zodiac at the time of birth. The difference in the angle of the sun irradiated by itself during one rotation. The earth rotates once, which is a day. The sages divided the angle between the sun and your location in a day into twelve regions and twelve hours, and determined the hour according to the angle between the location and the sun at the time of birth. The fate palace is determined by the birth month and the time of birth. In fact, the location of the fate palace is determined by the earth’s revolution and rotation. For example, if you are born at noon in the first month, your life palace is applying for the position; if you are born at the twelfth hour of the seventh month, your life palace is also applying for the position. What is the reason? The so-called first month, after the beginning of spring and before the start of the sting, the earth is between 315 degrees (beginning of spring) and 345 degrees (the start of the sting) of the yellow longitude. The sun, facing the distance of the big celestial sphere “Shen”. The so-called July is after Liqiu and before Bailu, and the earth is between 135 degrees (Lichun) and 165 degrees (Bailu) in the yellow longitude. Shen’s distance. It can be seen from this that Doushu determines the position of the fate palace in the big celestial sphere based on the revolution and rotation of the earth at the moment of birth. After having the Palace of Fate, arrange the 14 Class-A regular obsidian stars of the Zifu Galaxy, that is, which star should sit in the Palace of Fate (candidates for the commander of the command headquarters), and which stars should sit in the other eleven houses. The layout of the fourteen stars in the Zifu must be determined in accordance with the material and birthday. The number of days used for the number is the number of days in the lunar calendar, that is, the number of orbits of the moon around the earth. With the number of days in the lunar calendar, cooperate with the Fate Palace Bureau to determine the layout of the fourteen stars. For example, those born in this year who are born in the palace of fate (whether it is the time of the first month, the Zishi of July, the Weishi of February, the ugly time of August, etc.) only need to be born in the first day of the new year. Those born on the 15th day of each month (the moon is exactly between the sun and the earth) must sit on Tiantong and Tianliang; those born on the 15th (on the 15th day of each month, the moon is exactly behind the earth) must be born on the 15th. Sitting on Ziwei and Tianfu. From this we can see that as long as the applicant is born this year and sits in the Life Palace (regardless of the month and time), he must sit in Tongliang when he leaves the Life Palace on the first day of the new year, and must sit in Zifu when he rises from the Life Palace on the 15th. The earth’s revolution and rotation determine the house of destiny, and the moon’s orbital day (the angle between the earth, the moon, and the sun) determines the layout of the fourteen Class A obsidian stars. In other words, it is the gravity and angle of the sun and the moon that affect the characteristics of fate and the ups and downs of fate. Another milestone has been crossed. In the 71st year of the Republic of China, the first volume of “Tracking the Orthodox Ziwei Doushu” was released. In 1972, the second volume was released, and the “Sixty Sixties Nayin Obtaining Images and Five Elements Bureau” was introduced into Dousu. In 1976, the tenth volume “Four Lives in One Hour” was released, introducing the need for division of fighting numbers. In seventy-six years, I deeply studied the usability of Xiao Zhoutian’s birthday stems and branches, and was deeply attracted by it. Combined with the calculation algorithm of one hour and four divisions, it became a set of reliable numerology. In the eighty-two year of the Republic of China, the Xiaoxian and Fate Palaces were viewed together and cooperated with each other. In terms of grasping good and bad luck, they were not under the “horoscope”. In this book, it explains in detail how one hour and one fate are divided into four fates, as well as the calculation of fate, fortune of the year, fortune of the month, and judgment of good and bad luck, etc. Don’t rush to read this book.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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