Wang Tingzhi’s “Ziwei Doushu Elementary Lecture Notes of the Zhongzhou School”

Jul 16,2024 2 43

Wang Tingzhi’s “Zhongzhou Pai Ziwei Doushu Elementary Lecture Notes” PDF e-book download. Introduction Ziwei Doushu is a kind of magic number developed in the Northern Song Dynasty. Its predecessor is (Eighteen Flying Stars). The background that stimulated the rise of this technique was the competition between [Five Stars] and [Ziping]. It turns out that the most successful method of calculating fortune and destiny in ancient my country is [Five Stars]. it depends on the person

Wang Tingzhi’s “Zhongzhou School Ziwei Doushu Elementary Lecture Notes” PDF e-book download.


Ziwei Doushu is a kind of spell developed in the Northern Song Dynasty. Its predecessor is (Eighteen Flying Stars). The background that stimulated the rise of this technique was the competition between [Five Stars] and [Ziping]. It turns out that the most successful method of calculating fortune and destiny in ancient my country is [Five Stars]. According to the year, month, day, and hour of a person’s birth, it is first arranged into eight characters of stems and branches, and then calculated according to the formula based on the eight characters. , collectively referred to as [Seven Politics]; in addition, according to the formula, the twenty-eight mansions, and the palace degrees of Ziqi, Yuebo, Luohu, Jidu, etc. This kind of fortune-telling is therefore also called [Seven Politics and Four Remains]. However, due to the imprecise calculation formulas of ancient astronomy, over time, it will become a misplaced palace. Therefore, although the “Qintang School” rose later, the “Measurement Ruler” was determined separately, and the new spot-push method of the conjunction of the stars was established. , but still to no avail, the result still gave [Zipingjia] an advantage. [Ziping] can be said to be a revolutionary development of the first half of [Five-Star] Destiny Technique. It is generally believed that it was founded in the Tang Dynasty. Its calculation method is still based on the year, month, day, and hour of a person’s birth, starting with the thousand-branch horoscope, which is called “four pillars”, and then according to the horoscope’s yin and yang, five elements, birth restraint, punishment, breaking harm, three-in-one and six-in-one, and Congchen. Sha wait to infer the fate, and ignore the distribution of the [seven political and four surplus] in the twelfth house. The study of [Ziping], from the Song Dynasty, has experienced the development of literati and scholars, and has achieved great achievements, especially the [Di Tiansui] handed down by Liu Bowen in the Ming Dynasty, which has developed this fortune-telling into a philosophy. In the Qing Dynasty, Chen Su’an, the Prime Minister of the Qing Dynasty, inherited the past and wrote “Numerical Principles and Proposals”, thus establishing the status of the so-called “Study School” and dividing it into two major barriers to Ziping School with the “Jianghu School”. In fact, the [Jianghu School] is not without advantages. They have more practical experience than the [Study School], so although the theory is not as good, they can still infer accurately. Some formulas handed down from generation to generation, such as “sit on a daily basis and be a bridegroom three times”; “Guishui begets a man with a five official, and a young man is destined to marry a white-headed husband” etc., do have certain accuracy. Many of these formulas are accumulated and summarized from actual experience. Therefore, although the [Study School] is promoted by literati and scholars, the [Jianghu School] can still stand up to this day. This is tantamount to the development of science, the theory is refurbished day by day, but the experiment is still the basis of the theory.

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Wang Tingzhi – Zhongzhou Pai Ziwei Doushu Elementary Handout


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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