Wan Zhen’s “Life Turns into Qimen Dunjia” Oral by Wu Xinhui

Jul 16,2024 5 42

Wan Zhen’s “Life Turns into Qimen Dunjia” Wu Xinhui’s dictation PDF e-book download. Introduction People can’t “get something for nothing”: but neither can they “get something for nothing”. Timing, favorable location, and harmony with people are the three elements to accomplish all deeds. There are dozens of cold and heat in life. If you don’t know how to grasp the opportunity of success at the right time, even if you have a hundred years, life is like a dream. This book “Life Transformation into Qimendun”

Wan Zhen’s “Life Transformation into Qimen Dunjia” PDF e-book download dictated by Wu Xinhui.


One cannot “get something for nothing”: but neither can one “get something for nothing”. Timing, favorable location, and harmony with people are the three elements to accomplish all deeds. There are dozens of cold and heat in life. If you don’t know how to grasp the opportunity of success at the right time, even if you have a hundred years, life is like a dream. This book “Life Transformation into Qimen Dunjia” completely fades the veil of mystery through the ages. The author, Wan Zhen, with his superb knowledge, explains this profound and difficult esoteric art with examples, and makes it simple and easy to learn. The purpose is to teach you how to effectively use the principle of magnetic field changes on the earth, and precisely the interactive relationship between good, bad and good fortune in each direction (space) at twelve hours a day. Let you understand: there are bad times on auspicious days, and good times on bad days. Make good use of this book, then—everyday is a good day, always is a good time—the state of mind will change from mind to state. Therefore, it seizes the time, occupies the land, and enters the harmony of people. Make sure that “working hard and getting rich” or even “working hard and getting rich” opens the door to happiness in life.

Preface to “Living Qimen Dunjia”

“Qimen Dunjia” is the metaphysics of emperors and generals, and the secret art of secret arts. Due to the long history, its founder has not been able to be investigated in detail, but according to the general preface of Qimen Dunjia: “The Yellow Emperor fought Chiyou in Zhuolu, dreamed of the gods to grant amulets, and after the fate of the wind, the Qimen was played. The origin of this Dunjia Also, Emperor Yao ordered Dayu to control the waters, and Xuannv passed on the text, and because of Luogui’s paintings describing the nine domains, this Dunjia is also written by.” And the origin of the Qimen Dunjia lineage: “The theory of Qimen, the commentator calls it the beginning According to the theory of the two families deleted by the Yellow Emperor in Lu Wang and Zhang Liang, it can be known that Qimen Dunjia has been handed down since the time of the Yellow Emperor, and then Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty took over the world with “Qimen Dunjia”. Zhang Liang assisted Han Gaozu to destroy Xiang Yu, and Kong Ming assisted Liu Bei to make the Three Kingdoms stand together. These are enough to illustrate that the ancient “Qi Men Dun Jia” was used to win battles and assist the emperor to rule the world, so it is regarded as the emperor’s study. However, times have changed, and democratic politics has replaced the feudal system. Today’s industrial and commercial society emphasizes efficiency and fast pace. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and the competition is more intense. If you think poorly, you will lag behind by a thousand miles. If you can properly use the knowledge of “Qimen Dunjia” to develop your potential and improve your strength, you can increase your income. The probability of success produces quick results, so the modern “Qimen Dunjia” is more widely used, for example: ◎ In shopping malls: contacting customers, negotiating, debt collection, project bidding, receiving orders, buying and selling, market opening, opening. ◎Wealth luck: stock market, partial wealth, bidding, financial investment, real estate sales, borrowing, investment, wealth luck. ◎Emotional: turning defeat into victory, reconciliation of men and women, dating, blind date, engagement, marriage. ◎In the officialdom: apply for jobs, recruit employees, get promoted, take office, pay respects, and get promoted step by step. ◎In the examination room: develop your potential, improve your strength, enroll, pass the exam, and get a title on the gold list. ◎Health: scare and nightmares, get rid of bad luck, travel safely, strengthen the body and get rid of illnesses, seek medical advice. ◎Yangzhai, Yinzhai: construction, repair, breaking ground, breaking ground, calming the gods, moving, entering a house, decorating. ◎Travel: entertainment, banquet, shopping, leisure, competition, going abroad, traveling. ◎Others: immigration, litigation, visa, etc. can be used. This book “Living Qimen Dunjia” is to teach you how to effectively grasp the most beneficial and best method of “changes in the magnetic field on the earth”, so that you can clear your mind, store electrical energy, change luck and enhance your strength, and at the same time give full play to your The potential of the book can improve your fortune, so as to achieve good luck and avoid bad luck, reverse disadvantages, improve fate, and then benefit family members and help others. Therefore, the three major characteristics of this book “Life Transformation into Qimen Dunjia”: 1. The most mysterious , Mysterious knowledge is expressed in the most simple and easy-to-learn way. 2. Explain how to apply each “Use of Qimen Dunjia” in a detailed, easy-to-understand and “old saying” way. For example, as long as you know the “123” button, you can easily “fire” a missile. 3. To expose the most mysterious and miraculous “response phenomenon”. It expounds and develops the mysterious metaphysics of emperors in the past into a life-changing method that can be learned by men, women and children, and used throughout their lives, so that all readers can grasp the key to fate and open the door to luck in life. 1996 (Bingzi) Duanyue Wanzhen Preface in the Heart Garden

Table of Contents

1. Preface 2. Introduction 3. Students’ testimonials and learning experience 4. Application of “Life Transformation of Qimen Dunjia” 1. What is “Qimen Dunjia” 2. The purpose of Qimen Dunjia 3. The main purpose and four characteristics of this book “Life-turning Qimen Dunjia” 4. How to enter the realm of “Life-turning Qimen Dunjia” (1) Learn first How to judge the concept of orientation and direction ①The orientation on the time plate of “Qimen Dunjia” ②The orientation on the compass ③The twelve earthly branches are also orientations ④The orientation on the map ⑤The compass or compass The application of “Life Transformation Qimen Dunjia”: A. Improve luck (nourishing, charging, storing electricity, good luck) B. Worshiping gods and praying (seeking wealth, marriage, promotion, exams, health, relieving bad luck, eliminating bad luck.) C. Negotiation (negotiating with customers, negotiating, debt collection, debt collection, buying and selling, and lending.) D. Seeking medical treatment (outpatient consultation, visits, production, surgery, treatment, inspection, health care, prevention…) E. Litigation (lawsuit , mediation, peace talks, reporting, delivery of complaints…) F, posting advertisements (finding people and things, house rental and sales, recruiting employees, product advertisements.) G, examinations (interviews, certification examinations, general examinations, qualification examinations, promotion Waiting for exams, school exams, various exams.) H. Asking for wealth, asking for help (the nobleman is shining, and there are many happy events.) I. Partial wealth (lottery, buying lottery tickets, winning prizes, short-term stock trading, bids… .) J. Seeking fate (marriage between men and women, interpersonal relationship, chance, unmarried for a long time.) K. Dating (dating between men and women, love, blind date, love, private and private.) L. Opening (New Company store, factory opening, market opening, start of construction, thanking the soil, goodbye…) M, rising step by step, improving fortune N, winter solstice (☷☳雷雷复——一阳生) solar terms O, safe travel (Leisure, going abroad, business travel, studying abroad, study tour, immigration.) P. Breaking ground (building, shifting, turning, transporting, decorating, changing roads, calming the gods, wealth, Wenchang, coach, Beds, tables…) 5. Brief introduction to the basic use of the time plate 1. Look at the direction from the time plate 2. See the content from the time plate 3. Use of the entire time plate 4. The use of eight gates 5. The use of nine stars 6. The use of Yashen 7. Heaven and earth 8. Time difference of the true sun 9. Longitude and addition and subtraction time of Southeast Asia and Taiwan 10. How to adjust the time difference 6. Grammar phenomenon A, Sanqi (Bingding) to Gongkeying phenomenon B, Jimen (open, rest, birth) and Sanqi (B, C, D) congregation restraint phenomenon C, eight gates restraint phenomenon in the eight trigrams and nine palaces D, heaven and earth plate ten days dry restraint seven, Jige on the time plate He Ji Ge A, Ji Ge B, Ji Ge Eight, “simple daily chart” clear checklist A, daily chart Yang Bureau B, daily chart Yin Bureau Nine, portable “time disk auspicious party” ten, simple ” The number of yin and yang escape games in the time plate” clear check table: (from AD 2012 to AD 2031) XI. How to arrange the time plate of Qimen Dunjia (1) First determine the number of games (2) Row of sites (3) Rows of heaven (4) Rows of turntables (5) Rows of eight gates (6) Rows of nine stars (7) Rows of Yashen (8) Rows of yin and yang times, different places Time, Yang escapes along the cloth, Yin escapes against the cloth ② When looking for the Bamen Zhishi’s Luogong: Yin escapes clockwise and counterclockwise, Yang escapes clockwise and counts ③ When arranging eight gods, Yang escapes forward, Yin escapes retrograde (9) It is easier to troubleshoot the time plate ① The site symbol head falls in the second five o’clock, and the eight gates directly make it “five dead” instead of “two dead” When the Yang game is played, the first game is Yang, the second game is Yang, the third is Yang, the fourth is Yang, the fifth is Yang, the sixth is Yang, the seventh is Yang, the eight is Yang, the nine is B, the Yin game is Yin, the nine is Yin, the eight is Yin, the seven is Yin, and the six is Yin. Yin five bureaus Yin four bureaus Yin three bureaus Yin two bureaus Yin one bureau Thirteen, advertisement page (new book introduction) Fourteen, copyright page

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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