Zhang Deji’s “Golden Mantra and Modern Economy” word version

Jul 16,2024 6 32

Zhang Deji’s “Golden Mantra and Modern Economy” word version e-book download. Preface The development of science has shown people its infinite power. Marx once commented on capitalist human machine production, saying that it created more value in just one hundred years of machinery than in the entire history of human society. Even bigger. This assessment is no more than a summary of the first industrial revolution

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The development of science has shown people its infinite power. Marx once commented on capitalist machine production, saying that it created more value in just one hundred years than the entire history of human society. The value created in it will be even greater. This evaluation is nothing but a summary of the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution, the third industrial revolution, the fourth revolution, the fifth revolution… . The rapid development of society is dizzying, and the era of man-machine dialogue has come to an end. Some people even worry that the wisdom of machines will surpass that of humans. Miracles created by human wisdom, machine labor replaces human labor, and the emergence of modern computers endows machines with wisdom. This is the miracle created by the computer “Deep Blue”. exist! On May 3, 1997, Kasperov unexpectedly defeated Kasperov, who was weaker than the world chess champion Azerbaijan. It became a big news that caused a sensation all over the world. What is behind the success of “Deep Blue” is a profound revelation. That is to say, a machine is superior to an individual because it can integrate the wisdom of hundreds, thousands, or even more people at the same time. and function normally. In other words, the success of “Deep Blue” is due to the fact that an outstanding world chess master Benjamin and many former American chess champions designed a variety of complex game recognition functions and countermeasures for “Deep Blue”. This also reveals a profound problem, the predictive programming of the machine and its own synergy, that is to say, it is difficult to integrate the wisdom of many people at the same time, but the machine can do it. The development of the modern economy is synchronized with the development of machines, but the economy itself has its own laws, that is to say, no matter how clever a computer is, it cannot integrate the intelligence of all people engaged in economic affairs. Then, how to grasp the fleeting opportunities in the modern economic tide, so as to create the brilliance of life. Modern economic analysts can only provide high-level guidance, but they cannot invest in the economic market. Stock analysts only publish their forecasts in newspapers, but cannot enter the market. Therefore, some people say that there are only winners and losers in the economic market, and there are no experts.

When the development of modern science feels that the path it is taking is getting narrower and narrower, people have to look back to the ancients for inspiration. The “Dark Blue” mentioned above, which embodies the most advanced machine in the contemporary era, may be attributed to the Chinese Book of Changes theory if the source is traced, because one of the most important problems in the invention and creation of electricity and computers is its arithmetic carry rule , the solution to this carry rule is inspired by the theory of yin and yang in the Book of Changes to invent binary. There are also many new theories in modern physics, which also seek breakthroughs from the Chinese Zhouyi theory. Yang Zhenning once earnestly warned scientists to read the Book of Changes. These all illustrate the value of ancient Chinese metaphysical theory. If modern science wants to continue to develop, some things must be broken and re-established, and the establishment of new theories must seek inspiration from the ancients.

The thoughts of the ancient sages are still shining with the brilliance of simplicity. How the ancients grasped the whole universe formed the holistic view of ancient science. Modern holographic science has absorbed rich spiritual nutrition from Eastern philosophy in its exploration of the source. This overall view, as Engels said, is essentially correct. If ancient science is an undifferentiated seed, then modern science is the unfolding of this seed, and it only reveals the content of this seed in detail. In essence, today’s science has not surpassed the ancients in essence, but only proved the correctness of the ancients’ thinking in detail. This is why our science has to go back to the ancients one by one. Therefore, many far-sighted scientists are paying more and more attention to the combination of modern science and Eastern classical philosophy, especially Chinese classical philosophy, which is a major trend in future development.

The principle of nature in the big universe contained in the ancient Chinese traditional philosophy unconsciously uses the holographic thought of the universe and uses the positioning theory when examining all things, which makes traditional Chinese philosophy more reasonable It is more in line with the natural principles of the universe. It is in this sense that we can see the reasonable core of those mysterious places in ancient cultures, and it is precisely this that makes us spend our whole lives researching them deeply. Ancient Chinese metaphysics theory is being used in some modern economic fields. Japan is more successful in this aspect. Some Japanese corporate management draws nutrition from it. For example, the five-element management method is an effective management model. . Some important elements of metaphysical theory are forecasts, so they can show their talents in the field of economic forecasting.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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