Liu Xunsheng’s “Orthodox Yin-Yang Studies”

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Liu Xunsheng’s “Orthodox Yin-Yang Studies” PDF e-book download. Preface 1. Origin of Yin-Yang Studies: Chinese primitive peoples worship male and female genitals, worship ancestors or worship gods, that is, use symbolic male and female genitals to represent male and female ancestors or yin and yang gods ). From 2852 BC to 2737 BC, the ancient Chinese Emperor Fu

Liu Xunsheng’s “Orthodox Yin-Yang Studies” PDF e-book download.


1. Origin of Yin-Yang Studies: Chinese primitive people worship male and female genitals, worship ancestors or worship gods, that is, use symbolic male and female genitals to represent male and female ancestors or yin and yang gods (see Ethnological Research of Academia Sinica A copy of the eighth issue of the collection). From 2852 B.C. to 2737 B.C., the ancient Chinese emperor Fuxi saw astronomy, geography, birds, beasts, and figures by seeing the river map, and realized the philosophy of yin and yang. And (–) and the law of multiplying squares in mathematics to make eight trigrams and sixty-four hexagrams to describe everything; Later, King Wen made Houtian gossip because of Luoshu, and he and Duke Zhou made speeches because of its image; Confucius wrote The ten wings of the praises form the Book of Changes, which is the great book of Yin-Yang philosophy; and the culmination of the accumulated experience of the sages of the past dynasties in studying the Book of Changes, which forms the daily use of Yin-Yang Studies.

Second, yin studies and life: people are born with the qi of yin and yang. After birth, in daily life, it is still necessary to regulate Yin and Yang, so as to maintain this life for a long time. Daily life, basic necessities of life. People with strong physiques have stronger yang energy and should wear thinner clothes. People with weak constitutions have weak yang energy and should wear thick clothes. The adjustment of this clothing also captures yin and yang; with a hot constitution, the yang energy is relatively strong, so it is advisable to eat cool things. People with cold constitution and weak yang energy should eat warm food and take hot medicine if they catch cold. It is advisable to take cold medicine when exposed to heat. This food regulates yin and yang; the item of living, when it comes to space and environmental induction, has too much influence (volume 1). The yin and yang of space often change due to time, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand and adjust. This yin and yang study is still unfathomable.

Third, yin and yang theory emphasizes regulating qi: Baozhao Jingyun: “The world only loves the cycle to be good, and does not know that the water is chaotic and the mountains are upside down… The vulgarity is not aware of the secrets of heaven, so it turns the mountains and dragons upside down, causing chaos to harm the world , misfortune arrives before blessing arrives.” Those who return to the Zhou Dynasty talk about the situation at the top of the head. Those who have secrets are also the law of regulating qi. There are no false books in ancient books on Luantou. Scholars can find out by themselves (friend Wang Qishen recently published the first volume of Dilingrenjie, which can be used as a reference). Therefore, Zhou Hui is very good, but he can’t use it in the right way, and Ding Cai loses both. The intention is to benefit, but to call for disaster (volume 2 (22) can be a good lesson). It can be seen that the study of yin and yang is more important than form. In line with it, it focuses on rationality.

Fourth, the identification of the authenticity of Yin-Yang theory: Yin-Yang theory, mixed with fake books: some take Fuxi’s eight trigrams as dry against Lizhen as yang, Xunkan Genkun as yin; some use Wenwang’s eight trigrams as dry Kan Gen Zhen is Yang, Xun Li Kun Dui is Yin; there are twelve mountains of Qian Jia Kun Yi Wu Ren Yin Xu Zi Gui Shen Chen as Yang, Gen Bing Xun Xin Mao Geng Hai Wei You Ding Si Chou Twelve Mountains are Yin ; There are those who discuss yin and yang in terms of pros and cons and longevity. They all talk about dreams with idiots. So what is the truth? The big hexagram of Xuankong is also true. Those who are mysterious and empty are time and space. It is said that the yin and yang of space are constantly changing due to time. The reason why the author can distinguish the authenticity from the false is also supported by his own personal test cases (below the detailed volume).

5. Motivation for writing this book: Huang Shiming, a Jinshi of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, added the main points of the Sanyuan selection collection. When Yanhan came to the gate, Xizhi became an official, took his books and hid them. Fuzhao Chan Master Yixing forged the Bronze Letter Sutra to make the common people foolish. There are many families, and this is also a figurine. Since then, I no longer know where I belong. After reading it, the author felt deeply and wrote this book for the benefit of the world. But hope that the filial sons and grandsons of the world will be known and applied by everyone. Don’t be fooled by laymen!

6. Contents of the book: There are three volumes in this book, and there is one volume in total. The application diagrams in the volume can be substituted with mathematical formulas. The following volume is a test case, which proves that the regulation of qi and its usage are absolutely true. Other than that, they are all false techniques, so they are absolutely unbelievable!

Liu Xun ascended in Taipei on June 30th, Fifty-fourth Year of the Republic of China

Table of Contents

Volume 1. Yin-Yang Studies and Personnel Good and Bad II. Onmyangology is the most complicated natural science III. Onmyangology and Deformed People IV. Yin-Yang theory can cure old diseases 5. River map six. Fuxi gossip seven. Luoshu eight. King Wen gossip nine. Flying Star Palm Jue Ten. Inverse push Zibai palm formula eleven. Diagram of Xuankong Dang Gua and Compass XII. The Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches belong to the Five Elements and Thirteen. The Five Elements and Their Names Fourteen. Heavenly stems and five earthly branches, six and fifteen. The earthly branches are three-in-one, six-in-one and sixteen. Sixty Jiazi Seventeen. Three Yuan Nine Movement Calculation Method Eighteen. Twenty-Four Mountains and Their Classifications Nineteen. Twenty-Four Mountains Divided into Yin and Yang Studies Twenty. Shi Gangrou Xiangmao gossip Xiangdang twenty-one. The secret of the Xuankong big hexagram to hit the star twenty-two. Three Yuan, Nine Movements, Twenty-Four Mountains, Standing Pole to the Central Palace, Twenty-three. Yin-Yang Allocation Method Twenty-Four. Test flight nine-star method twenty-five. Interpretation of some sub-methods Twenty-six. Nine Stars Decline, Prosperity, Life and Death Discrimination Twenty-seven. On the Importance of Fate, Palace, Health and Restraint Twenty-eight. Calculation method and checklist of male and female life palace twenty-nine. Discuss in detail the fulfillment of good and bad luck of the nine stars Thirty. Thirty-one. On forty-eight innings thirty-two. On Standing by the Water Thirty-three. On the Thirty-Four Hexagrams. On Orientation and Dispelling Evil Thirty-five. On the distribution of gold thirty-six. On the Water of the City Gate Thirty-seven. Lunshan thirty-eight. On water thirty-nine. On the orientation, number of stars, image, sound, color and use of mountains and rivers forty. On the Palace and Orientation 41. Shan Xiangzhi’s theory is forty-two. Suijianlunjian forty-three. On housing forty-four. On the kitchen forty-five. On changing Tianxin forty-six. On cremation forty-seven. On Tai Sui forty-eight. It is determined that women also produce male eggs with the theory of yin and yang forty-nine. According to the theory of yin and yang, electrons are positive and nuclei are negative. Geographers should know Yin-Yang Studies fifty-one. Scientists should know Yin-Yang Studies fifty-two.

Apply diagrams in the volume to discuss star and flying star No. 1. Application diagram Shangyuan first movement Renshan C to the second. Application diagram Shangyuanyi Yunzishan Wuxiang (Guishan Dingxiang same) Third. Application Diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Choushan did not go to the fourth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shen Xiangtong) Fifth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Jiashan Gengxiang Sixth. Application diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Maoshan Youxiang (Yishanxinxiang same) Seventh. Applied Diagram Shangyuanyi Yunchenshan Garrison Direction Eighth. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan First Movement Xunshan Dry Direction (Same as Sishanhai Direction) Ninth. Application diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Bingshan Ren Xiang tenth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) Eleventh. Application diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Weishan Chou to the twelfth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) Thirteenth. Application diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Gengshanjia to the fourteenth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Yiyun Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) Fifteenth. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Yi Yun Shushan Chen Xiang XVI. Application Diagram Shangyuan Yi Yun Qianshan Sunda direction (Haishan Si direction is the same) Seventeenth. Application diagram Shangyuan Eryun Renshan Cxiang eighteenth. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Eryun Zishan Wuxiang (Guishan Ding Xiangsong) Nineteenth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eryun Choushan did not go to the twentieth. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Eryun Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shenxiang Tong) Twenty-first. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eryun Jiashan Gengxiang 22nd. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eryun Maoshan Youxiang (Yishanxinxiang same) Twenty-third. Applied graphic diagram Shangyuan Eryun Chenshan garrison direction twenty-fourth. Applying Diagrams to the Second Movement of the Yuan Dynasty and the Dry Direction of Xunshan Mountain (the same direction as Sishanhai) Twenty-fifth. Application diagram Shangyuan Eryun Bingshan Renxiang twenty-sixth. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Eryun Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) Twenty-seventh. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eryun Weishan Chou to the twenty-eighth. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Eryun Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) Twenty-ninth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eryun Gengshan Jia Xiang Thirty. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eryun Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) Thirty-first. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Second Movement Shushan Chenxiang Thirty-second. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Eryun Qianshan Sundial Direction (Haishan Sixiang Same) Thirty-third. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Renshan Bingxiang Thirty-fourth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Zishan Wuxiang (Guishan Ding Xiangsong) Thirty-fifth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Choushan Mixiang Thirty-sixth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shen Xiangtong) Thirty-seventh. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Jiashan Gengxiang Thirty-eighth. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Sanyun Maoshan Youxiang (Yishan Xinxiang is the same) Thirty-ninth. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Chenshan Garrison Direction Forty. Applying Diagrams to the Three Movements of the Yuan Dynasty and the Dry Direction of Xunshan Mountain (the same direction as Sishan and Haishan) 41. Application diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Bingshan Ren Xiang No. 42. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Sanyun Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) 43. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Weishan Chouxiang 44th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) Forty-fifth. Application diagram Shangyuan Sanyun Gengshan Jiaxiang 46th. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Sanyun Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) Forty-seventh. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Sanyun Shushan Chenxiang Forty-eighth. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Three Movements Qianshan Sundial Direction (Haishan Sixiang is the same) Forty-ninth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Siyun Renshan Bingxiang Fifty. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Siyun Zishan Wuxiang (Guishan Ding Xiangsong) Fifty-first. Application Diagram Shangyuan Siyun Choushan Mixiang Fifty-second. Application Diagrams of Shangyuan Siyun Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shen Xiangtong) Fifty-third. Application Diagram Shangyuan Siyun Jiashan Gengxiang fifty-fourth. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Siyun Maoshan Youxiang (Yishanxin Xiangsong) Fifty-fifth. Applied Diagrams to the Fifty-sixth Direction of the Chenshan Garrison in the Fourth Movement of the Yuan Dynasty. Applied graphic illustration of the Xunshan dry direction during the fourth movement of the Yuan Dynasty (the same direction as the Sishan Hai) fifty-seventh. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Siyun Bingshan Renxiang fifty-eighth. Application Diagram of Shangyuan Siyun Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) Fifty-ninth. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Siyun Weishan Chou to the 60th. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Siyun Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) Sixty-first. Application Diagram Shangyuan Siyun Gengshan Jia Xiang No. 62. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Siyun Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) Sixty-third. Applied Diagram Sixty-Fourth Movement of the Yuan Dynasty and Shushan Chenxiang. Applied Diagrams of Shangyuan Siyun Qianshan Sundial Direction (Haishan Sixiang is the same) Sixty-fifth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Renshan Bingxiang No. 67. Application Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Zishan Wuxiang (Guishan Ding Xiangsong) Sixty-eighth. Application Diagram Sixty-ninth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shenxiangtong) Seventieth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Jiashan Gengxiang Seventy-first. Application Diagrams of Shangyuan Five Movements Maoshan Youxiang (Yishanxin Xiangsong) Seventy-second. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Chenshan Garrison Direction No. 73. Applied Diagrams of Shangyuan and Five Movements of Xunshan Mountain Dry Direction (Same as Sishanhai Direction) Seventy-fourth. Application diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Bingshan Renxiang seventy-fifth. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Wuyun Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) Seventy-sixth. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Weishan Chouxiang 77th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) Seventy-eighth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Gengshan Jia Xiang No. 79. Application Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) Eightieth. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Wuyun Shushan Chenxiang Eighty-first. Applied Diagrams of the Sixth Movement of the Shangyuan Dynasty, Qianshan Sunda Direction (Same Direction of Haishan Mountain) Eighty-second. Application Diagram Shangyuan Liuyun Renshan Bingxiang Eighty-third. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Liuyun Zishan Wuxiang (Guishan Ding Xiangsong) Eighty-fourth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Liuyun Choushan Mixiang Eighty-fifth. Application Diagram of the Sixth Movement of the Yuan Dynasty, Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shenxiangtong) Eighty-sixth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Liuyun Jiashan Gengxiang Eighty-seventh. Application Diagram of the Six Movements of the Yuan Dynasty, Maoshan Youxiang (Yishanxin Xiangsong) Eighty-eighth. Applied Diagram Eighty-ninth Direction of Chenshan Garrison in the Sixth Movement of the Shangyuan Dynasty. Applied graphic illustration of the Xunshan dry direction of the Sixth Movement of the Yuan Dynasty (same as the Sishanhai direction) 90. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Liuyun Bingshan Renxiang Ninety-first. Application Diagram of Shangyuan Sixth Movement Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) 92. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Liuyun Weishan Chou Xiang Ninety-third. Application Diagram of the Six Movements of the Yuan Dynasty to Kunshan Genxiang (Shenshan Yinxiang to the same) 94th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Liuyun Gengshan Jia Xiang Ninety-fifth. Applied Diagrams of the Six Movements of the Yuan Dynasty, Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) Ninety-sixth. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Liuyun Shushan Chenxiang Ninety-seventh. Applied Diagrams of the Seventh Movement of the Yuan Dynasty, Qianshan Sunda Direction (Same Direction of Haishan Mountain) 98. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Qiyun Renshan Bingxiang Ninety-ninth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Qiyun Zishan Wuxiang (Guishan Ding Xiangsong) The first ○○. Application Diagram Shangyuan Qiyun Choushan Weixiang No. 101. Application Diagram Shangyuan Seventh Movement Genshan Kun Xiang (Yin Shan Shen Xiang Tong) 102. Application Diagram Shangyuan Qiyun Jiashan Gengxiang No. 103. Application Diagram of the Seventh Movement of the Yuan Dynasty, Maoshan Youxiang (Yishan Xinxiang is the same) 104th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Seventh Yunchen Mountain Garrison Direction No. 105. Applied Diagrams of the Seventh Movement of the Yuan Dynasty to the dry direction of Xunshan Mountain (the direction of Sishanhai is the same) Chapter 106. Application Diagram Shangyuan Qiyun Bingshan Renxiang No. 107. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Qiyun Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) 108th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Qiyun Weishan Chou Xiang No. 109. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Qiyun Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) 110. Application Diagram Shangyuan Qiyun Gengshanjia to the first one by one. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Qiyun Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) 112. Application Diagram Shangyuan Seventh Movement Shushanchenxiang 113th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Renshan Bingxiang No. 114. Application Diagram Shangyuan Ba Yunzi Shan Wu Xiang (Guishan Ding Xiang Tong) 115th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Choushan did not go to No. 116. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shenxiangtong) 117th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Jiashan Gengxiang No. 118. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Bayun Maoshan Youxiang (Yishanxin Xiangsong) 119th. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Yunchenshan Garrison Direction No. 120. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Eighth Movement Xunshan Dry Direction (Same as Sishanhai Direction) 121. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eight Movement Bingshan Ren Xiang No. 122. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) The first two three. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Weishan Chou to the first twenty-fourth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) 125. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Gengshanjia to the first twenty-sixth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) 127th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Eighth Movement Shushan Chen Xiang No. 128. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Eighth Movement Qianshan Sundial Direction (Haishan Sixiang Same) Chapter 129. Application Diagram Shangyuan Jiuyun Renshan Bingxiang No. 130. Application Diagram Shangyuan Jiuyun Zishan Wuxiang (Guishan Ding Xiangsong) The first three one. Application Diagram Shangyuan Jiuyun Choushan did not go to the first three two. Application Diagram Shangyuan Jiuyun Genshan Kunxiang (Yinshan Shenxiangtong) 1st 33rd. Application Diagram Shangyuan Ninth Movement Jiashan Gengxiang First Thirty-Four. Application Diagrams Shangyuan Jiuyun Maoshan Youxiang (Yishan Xinxiang is the same) 135th. Applied Diagram Shangyuan Ninth Yunchen Mountain Garrison Direction No. 136. Applying Diagrams to the Ninth Movement of the Yuan Dynasty and the dry direction of Xunshan Mountain (the same direction as Sishanhai) Chapter 137. Application Diagram Shangyuan Ninth Movement Bingshan Renxiang No. 138. Application Diagram Shangyuan Ninth Movement Wushan Zixiang (Dingshan Guixiang is the same) The first thirty-ninth. Application Diagram Shangyuan Ninth Yun Weishan Chou Xiang No. 140. Application Diagram Shangyuan Jiuyun Kunshan Gen Xiang (Shen Shan Yin Xiang Tong) 141. Application Diagram Shangyuan Ninth Movement Gengshan Jiaxiang 142. Applied Diagrams Shangyuan Jiuyun Youshan Maoxiang (Xinshan Yixiang is the same) 143. Application Diagram Shangyuan Ninth Movement Shushan Chenxiang 144th. Application Diagram Shangyuan Nine Movements Qianshan Xun Direction (Haishan has the same direction) Three Yuans and Nine Movements General Discussion Shangyuan First Movement Twenty-four Mountains Application Full Map List Shangyuan Second Movement Twenty-four Mountains Application Full Map List Shangyuan List of full application maps of the 24 mountain directions of the third movement of the Chinese Yuan Dynasty List of the full application charts of the twenty-four mountain orientations of the seventh Yunyun of the Yuan Dynasty The full application chart list of the twenty-four mountain orientations of the eighth Yunyun of the next Yuan Dynasty A list of Zishan Wu’s applications to the first to ninth movement (Guiding Tong) Choushan Wei’s application to the first to ninth movement The full list of Genshan Kun’s application to the first to ninth movement (Yin Shentong) Jiashan Geng’s application to the first to ninth movement Map list list of full map application of Maoshan unitary direction from 1st to 9th movement (Yixintong) Chenshan Shuxiang 1st to 9th movement application full map list Xunshan dry direction 1st to 9th movement application full map list (Sihaitong) Bingshan Renxiang 1st to List of Ninth Games Application Full Maps List of Wushan Zi Xiang One to Ninth Games Full Maps List (Ding Guitong) Weishan Chou Application Full Maps List of One to Ninth Games Kunshan Gen Xiang One to Ninth Games Application Full Map List (Shen Yintong) Gengshan Jiaxiang A full list of applications for the first to ninth movements of Youshanmao (Xin Yitong) A full list of applications for the first to ninth movements of Shushan Chen A list of the stars of the twenty-four mountains in the ninth year of the Yuan Dynasty A comparison table of the pros and cons of the twenty-four mountains in the ninth year of the Yuan Dynasty A list of the advantages and disadvantages of the twenty-four mountains in the twenty-four mountains

Example of the test under volume Example of breaking test, the tomb of Liu Xuegui’s parents in Funingjiao District, Jiangsu Province, the second movement of Gengshan Jiatong. Example of breaking the test: Funing six districts Dongmou residence three transport Renshan C to the third. Breaking test example Funing Six District Xie Defu’s house three transport Renshan C to the fourth. Breaking test example Funing six districts Zhao Yan mirror house three transports Renshan C to fifth. Breaking test examples Funing Six Districts Sun Da Miyake Sanyun Renshan C to the sixth. Breaking test example Funing Bichaigang Gu Bochun ancestral tomb three transports Renshan Bingxiang seventh. Example of Determination of the Tomb of Qian Mou, the first layer in Funing, the third movement of Guishan Ding to the eighth. Gu Naiqing’s ancestral tomb in the sixth district of Funing. The third movement of Guishan Ding Xiang ninth. An example of a test case: Fan’s residence in the sixth district of Funing City, the third movement of the ugly mountain has not moved to the tenth. Example of Determining the Tomb of Zhou Xiangting’s Parents in the Sixth District of Funing, Xingxiang Eleventh in the Third Movement of Yishan Mountain. Cases of Determination of Funing Sixth District Author’s Mother’s Tomb Three Movements to Gengshan Jiaxiang No. 12. Example of Determination of Cases, Rugao, Jiangsu Province, Chenshi Fanzu Tomb, Three Transports, Qianshan Sundance, Thirteenth. Example of Determination of Dai Shuji’s Mother’s Tomb in the Sixth District of Funing Fourteenth Movement of Renshan Bingxiang. Examination example of Zhao Changji’s house in the sixth district of Funing, fourth movement, Renshan C, direction No. 15. Breaking test example Pan Shuangxi’s house in the sixth district of Funing, four transports, Renshan C, direction No. 16. Examination example: Zhao Changlou House, Sixth District, Funing, Siyun, Renshan C, Xiangxiang No. 17. Examination example of Xie Zuobin’s tomb in Six Districts of Funing Four transports Guishan Ding to the eighteenth. Example of Determining Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum in Nanjing Siyunzi Mountain Noon to the Nineteenth. Example of breaking test Funing futon port wish Xijia residence four Yungui Ding and Meridian twentieth. Cases of Determination of Test Cases Xie Yangbo’s House in the Sixth District of Funing Four Yun Guishan Dingxiang Twenty-first. Example of breaking test Liu Yinfeng’s house in the six districts of Funing, four transports and long Guishan Ding to the twenty-second. Example of Determination of Zhang Zhuangyuan’s Tomb in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, Four Yun Gui Ding Ping and Ugly Wei 23rd. Breaking test example Funing six districts Jiang Jing five houses four Yun Jiashan Geng to the twenty-fourth. Example of Determination Nantou Qianqiu Dou Qianqiu Li Qianqiu Lane No. 2 Zhang Xilai Parents Tomb Siyun Maoshan Youxiang Twenty-fifth. Examination example Taipei Chongqing South Road Section 136 Alley No. 4 Prehistoric President’s House Siyun Wushanzi Xiang 26. Case study of the six districts of Funing. The tomb of the author’s stepmother. Example of Determining Funing Sixth District Author’s Parents’ Tomb Siyun Gengshan Jiaxiang Twenty-eighth. Example of Determination of Experiments: The Tomb of My Parents in Zuoxiang, Funing Three Districts. Example of Determination of Wang Yangui’s House in the Sixth District of Funing Four Transports Qianshan Xunxiang Thirty. Examination example of Jiang Shouren’s house in the sixth district of Funing, four transports, Qianshan Sunda direction, thirty-first. Breaking test example Funing six districts Zhao five residential four Yun Qianshan Sunda to the thirty-second. Example of breaking test: Wang’s residence in the sixth district of Funing, Siyun, Qianshan, Sunda, XXXIII. Example of breaking test, Xindian Township, Taipei County, Guoxue Road, Army Roll House, Wuyun, Renshan C, Xiang 34. An example of a test case, No. 261, Guisui Street, Taipei, Lin Xurubi’s house, Wuyun Renbingping and Ziwu 35th. Example of Determination of Tests, No. 19, Lane 150, Songjiang Road, Taipei, Zhu Gengwei House, Wuyunzi Xianwuxiang No. 36. An example of a test case, No. 7, Lane 162, Jianguo South Road, Taipei, Li Suzhen’s house, Wuyunzi Mountain, Noon Xiang, No. 37. Example of Determination of Tests, No. 35, Lane 20, Andong Street, Taipei, Sun Dongbao’s House, Wuyunzi Mountain, Wuxiang No. 38. An example of a broken test, No. 21, Huahongyuan, Zhujiang Road, Nanjing, the former Air Force Major Jin Deqing’s house, Wuyunzishan Wuxiang No. 39. An example of a test case, No. 11, Lane 162, Jianguo South Road, Taipei, Geng Shenzhi, Chengzhang House, Wuyunzishan, Wuxiang 40. Examination example, No. 210, Longjiang Street, Taipei, former Vice Admiral Wang Enhua’s house, Wuyunzi Mountain, Wuxiang 41. An example of a test case, No. 13, Lane 25, Shuangcheng Street, Taipei. No. 42, Wuyunzishan Wuyunzishan, Wu Shaofen’s house. An example of a broken test, No. 45, Guiyang Street, Taipei, former supervisor Xue Jianwu’s residence, Wuyun Meridian and Guiding 43rd. Example of breaking test Taipei Heping East Road, Section 2, Lane 211, Chenggong New Village, Wuyun, Ziwuping, and Guiding, forty-fourth. Example of Determination Test No. 1, Lane 74, Aiguo East Road, Taipei. Example of Determination Test No. 75, Section 1, Huanhe South Street, Taipei, Wuyun Guiding and Ziwu 46th. Example of Determination of Tests Opposite to the Post Office on Zhongzheng Road, Taipei Shanxi Restaurant Wuyun Guishan Ding Xiang 47. Example of Determination of Tests, No. 145, Pifu Road, Muzha Township, Taipei County, Wang Lan’s Monk’s House, Wuyun Guishan Dingxiang No. 48. Example of Determination of Tests, No. 34, Section 1, Section 1, Xiyuan Road, Taipei, Li Chunfu’s House, Wuyun Guishan Dingxiang, No. 49. Example of Determination of Tests, No. 39, Lane 143, Section 1, Hangzhou South Road, Taipei, Gaolong Baozhai, Wuyun Guishan Dingxiang No. 50. Example of Determination Test No. 287, Linhua Road, Guangzhou Jiekou, Taipei Examination example: Xindian, Taipei County, Seven Zhangs, Twelve Zhang Road, No. 51, Police School Family House, Wu Yun, Ugly and Gen Kun, No. 52. Case Study of Foreclosure, Section 4, Section 1, Xinyi Road, Taipei, Lane 176, No. 9, Lu Wanquan House, Wuyun Genshan Kunxiang, No. 9, Lu Wanquan, No. 53. Examination example Taipei Xinyi Road, Section 4, Lane 176, 72, Nine-three, Zhang Shizhong’s house, Wuyun, Genshan, Kunxiang, fifty-fourth. Example of Determination Test No. 213, Section 3, Roosevelt Road, Taipei Wulong Wenzhai Wuyun Genshan Kunxiang 55th. Example of Determination of Tests Taipei South Airport Kenan Street Kongnan Second Village Military Family Dormitory Wuyun Genshan Kunxiang 56th. Example of Determination of Inspection, No. 14, Lane 174, Jianguo South Road, Taipei, Gu Rongjun’s House, Wuyun Yinshan Shenxiang No. 57. Example of Suspension Test, Jiu’anli, Kongnan 3rd Village, Military Family Dormitory, Dongyuan Street, Taipei, Wuyun Yinshan Shenxiang 58th. Example of Determination of Tests, No. 31, Lin 31, Lane 228, Jianguo North Road, Taipei, Xu Dechang’s House, Wuyun Jiashan Gengxiang 59th. An example of a test case, No. 19, Lane 262, Nanjing West Road, Taipei, Chen Zizhuan House, Wuyun Jiageng and Maoyou No. 60. An example of a test case, No. 31, No. 3, Lane 3, Zhangzhou Street, Taipei. Example of Determination Test, No. 4, Eighty-nine Lane, Section 3, Heping East Road, Taipei, Tengyun Han House, Wuyun Maoyou and Jiageng No. 62. An example of a broken test, No. 178, Guangming Road, Xindian, Taipei County, Wu Qiujian House, Wuyun B, Xin and Maoyou, No. 63. Cases of Determination Test of a tomb of a certain surname in a certain place in the Three Gorges of Taipei An example of a broken test, No. 109, Kunming Street, Taipei, Dadongyang Ham, Wuyun, Yishan Xinxiang, No. 65. Example of breaking test, No. 165, Youning South Road, Taipei, No. 167, No. 169, Wuyun Yishan Xinxiang No. 66. Examination Example No. 30, Jinshan Street, Taipei, Yao Songru House, Wuyun Yishan Xinxiang No. 67. An example of a broken test, No. 145, Section 1, Hangzhou South Road, Taipei, Chen Zhengkui’s house, Wuyun Yishan Xinxiang No. 68. Examination example, No. 43, Section 1, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei, Xifuyi former clinic, Wuyunchen Mountain Shuxiang 69. Example of Determination, Nantou County, Qianqiu Dou, Qianqiu Lane, Qianqiu Lane, Li Qingzu’s Tomb, Wuyunchen Mountain, Shuxiang 70th. Example of Determination of Cases Cai Maokui House, No. 21, Chenggong Lane, Wuchang Street, Keelung, Wu Yun Si Hai and Bing Ren No. 71. Example of breaking test, Xindian Township, Guoxue Road, Army Dependent House, Wurenbingshan Renxiang, No. 72. An example of a test case, No. 1054, Zhongzheng Road, Taipei, Chen Tianlong House, Wuyun Bingren and Wuzi No. 73. An example of a test case, No. 6, Lane 45, Shuangcheng Street, Taipei Examination example: No. 2, Xiaweitang House, No. 2, 3rd Street, Lane 118, Section 3, Renai Road, Taipei, Wuyun Wushanzi Xiang 75. Examination example Taipei Chongqing South Road Section 136 Lane 4 No. 4 Former President Li’s official residence Wuyun Wushanzi Xiang 76. Examination example: No. 62, Xing’an Street, Changchun Road, Taipei; former legislator Xu Yuanquan’s house; Wuyun Wushanzi Xiang 77. Example of a test case The temporary house of Director Cheng of the Fengyuan Post Office in Taichung County, Wuyun Wushanzi Xiang 78. Example of Determination of Tests Pan Huaguo House, No. 91, Longjiang New Village, Changchun Road, Taipei, Wuyun Wushanzi Xiang 79. An example of a test case, No. 3, Minle Street, Taipei. Example of Determination, Zhang Guiying House, No. 4, No. 146, Lane 2, Section 4, Xinyi Road, Taipei, Wuyun Wuzi and Dinggui No. 81. An example of a test case, No. 2, Lane 146, Section 4, Xinyi Road, Taipei, Lu Jinfa House, Wuyun Wuzi and Dinggui No. 82. Example of Determination of Tests: No. 196, Section 1, Heping East Road, Taipei, No. 83, 35th Yunwuzi and Dinggui. Example of breaking test. Taiping New Village Military Dormitory, Xindian Town, Taipei County, Wuyun Dingshan Guixiang Eighty-fourth. Example of a broken test Taipei Hangzhou South Road Section 143 Alley No. 24 Huang Yuchun House Five Yun Dingshan Gui Xiang No. 85. Example of Determination of Tests Six Yu Shancai House, No. 40, 221 Lane, Jiaxing Street, Taipei, Wuyun Weishan Chou Xiang 86. Example of Determination Test No. 71, Pifu Road, Muzha Township, Taipei County, Liuliu Lei Zhen’s House, Five Luck, Weishan Chou Xiang, No. 87. Example of Determinat


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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