Jiang Zhiyuan’s “Golden Mouth Formulas to Relieve Disasters and Change Luck”

Jul 16,2024 10 44

Jiang Zhiyuan’s “Golden Mouth Formulas to Relieve Disasters and Change Luck” PDF e-book download. Introduction The traditional Golden Mouth Formula contains a large number of formulas, which can accurately predict various daily things, but there is no countermeasure to solve the problem. As a predictive science, we should not only be satisfied with discovering problems, but also be good at solving them. Aiming at the predicted problems, this book uses the principles of golden formulas to regulate the five elements, tending to

Jiang Zhiyuan’s “Golden Mouth Formulas to Relieve Disasters and Change Luck” PDF e-book download.


Traditional golden mouth formula works contain a large number of formulas, which can accurately predict various daily things, but there is no countermeasure to solve the problem. As a predictive science, we should not only be satisfied with discovering problems, but also be good at solving them. Aiming at the predicted problems, this book uses the principles of golden formulas to adjust the five elements, seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and realize a happy life.


Jinkoujue forecasting has advanced predictive functions. People can use its scientific theory to achieve the goal of avoiding disasters, and then solve disasters and change fortunes to achieve a harmonious life. This is beneficial to the country and the nation . “

We have introduced the historical origin of Jinkoujue many times, so let’s talk about it briefly here. According to legend, Jinkoujue was invented by Sun Bin, a great military strategist in the Warring States Period. Its full name is “Da “Six Kings Golden Spells”, also known as “Sun Bin’s God’s Class”, in the world it is called “Six Rens God’s Class Golden Sentences”, and there are other names. Da Liuren, Qimen Dunjia, and Taiyi’s magic number are collectively called “Three Styles”. In the industry, it enjoys the reputation of “the combination of three forms can reach the gods”. They are very magical high-level forecasting. Because of their inscrutability, there are relatively few study researchers. The big six kings pay attention to the world, the earth, Four Lessons, Three Biography, etc. are cumbersome to operate, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get started, let alone proficient. Sun Bin simplified Da Liu Ren into four characters and one Gan Shen Jiang Fang, forming a brand-new forecasting science. It is miraculous and accurate in solving things, so it is called “Jinkou Jue”. Once Jinkou is opened, it cannot be changed. “It is a successful case of Sun Bin using the golden formula. According to the formula of “the parent dies when the big tree dies”, he chose a favorable time and space environment, and wiped out Pang Juan’s troops in one fell swoop in Malingdao, which has become an eternal story.

Needless to say, people come to learn the golden formula. However, people who have really reached this level are very rare. This cannot be blamed for the stupidity of the learners, largely because of the wrong method. Improper learning methods and improper use methods are difficult. Reach the level of being superb or even predictable. Under normal circumstances, the Jinkoujue class and the situation of the parties are – — -corresponding. We can find out the relevant information in the class about anything. Therefore, only when the method is correct and the thinking is clear can we accurately grasp the information in the class and provide scientific decision-making guidance for those involved.

“Golden Mouth Jue Solution Disaster Reform and Operation Method is the author’s experience in solving disasters in real life. As we all know, there are a lot of formulas in the traditional golden mouth formula works, which can accurately predict all aspects of daily things, but there is no clear solution to the problem (plan) The author believes that as a high-level discipline: Forecasting, it should not only be satisfied with discovering problems, but also be good at solving them. Of course, the ancients must have a set of feasible solutions to problems, but there are no detailed written records. This book focuses on forecasting Combined with the actual situation of the parties involved, the principle of golden formulas is used to regulate the five elements, seek good fortune and avoid evil, and finally achieve a harmonious and happy life.

It should be pointed out that various forecasting studies have a great impact on solving disasters and reforming The problem of luck has its own unique method, but it is always inseparable from the basic principles of yin and yang and five elements. If yin and yang are balanced and the five elements circulate, it will be auspicious and festive; At the time, I should have the Tai Chi picture in my mind, there is movement in the stillness, there is stillness in the movement, and the combination of hardness and softness is harmonious and complete. Under normal circumstances, try to use the means of eliminating evil spirits as much as possible, and use less or avoid forcible restraint of evil spirits. Because “sha” is The triggering factor of disasters is people’s “enemies”. It is not the best policy to win with restraint. It is the best choice to turn enemies into friends and use them for our own benefit. For example, in the Jinkou Jue class, the line used is Tomoki, who was overwhelmed by gold and was in a deadly place. Gold is the enemy. If you use fire to make gold, although the gold is subdued for a while, it also consumes Tomoki’s own strength , both parties suffer losses. If a harmonious strategy is adopted, water can be used to vent the energy of gold, and gold, water and wood will grow together in a row, and gold will be defeated without fighting, and it will be saved naturally by using Yao. This is the principle of “peace is the most precious”.

From the perspective of the causes of disasters, there are two aspects: internal and external. Because I do not follow the rules, and even violate the law and discipline, which leads to disasters, I am free to take it upon myself. The only way to solve the disaster is “the person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell”, let him reform himself, correct his mistakes, and never repeat the same mistakes. Due to external factors, unexpected accidents, such as natural disasters and man-made disasters, are hard to prevent. We can make various preparations in advance with the help of forecasting to reduce or avoid losses. For some inexplicable and strange things, we can also resolve them through religious methods, such as Xinfu, reciting “Ksitigarbha Sutra”, “Dazhi Mantra” and so on.

In short, solving disasters and improving luck is a comprehensive knowledge, which should be used flexibly according to individual conditions. This book only briefly introduces the operation skills in this area. If there are deficiencies, please criticize and correct teachers and scholars.

In the process of editing this book, I have received the care and help of many Yiyou colleagues and teachers. Here, thanks!

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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