“Book of Changes and Commercial War” by Du Xinhui

Jul 16,2024 4 42

Du Xinhui “Book of Changes and Commercial Warfare” PDF e-book download. Foreword Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, China has undergone earth-shaking changes; the economy has developed rapidly, the country’s comprehensive strength has continued to increase, and people’s material and cultural life has been greatly improved. And all this is due to the reform of the socialist economic system and the establishment and improvement of the market mechanism. Economic restructuring is not only

Du Xinhui’s “Book of Changes and Commercial Warfare” PDF e-book download.


For more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has undergone earth-shaking changes; the economy has developed rapidly, the country’s comprehensive strength has continued to increase, and people’s material and cultural life has been greatly improved. And all this is due to the reform of the socialist economic system and the establishment and improvement of the market mechanism. Economic system reform not only greatly promoted the improvement of social productivity, but also greatly affected and changed people’s way of life and concept of life. The basic law of market economy – “free competition, survival of the fittest” has gradually become the basic law of enterprise organizations and even everyone. With the development of the market economy in breadth and depth, the market form has quietly changed from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. This shift may seem small, but its impact is astounding. Therefore, in recent years, all businessmen have lamented almost unanimously: the business is not easy to do, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. The era of making money easily by relying on guts and relationships is gone forever. Nowadays, in the face of the turbulent market, without business wisdom, not only cannot guarantee the development of the enterprise, but even the survival has become a problem that the merchants have to face. The wealth accumulated by some enterprises in the early days of the market economy has been destroyed after several efforts. Such cases are too numerous to mention. The basic law of market management is: where there is demand, there will be opportunities and there will be profits. The demand is determined by factors such as the economic environment, political and legal environment, social and cultural environment, and natural geographical environment in which people live. But what troubles many merchants is that the above-mentioned environmental factors are always in the process of development and change, which directly leads to the uncertainty of market opportunities and the difficulty of capturing market opportunities. As the saying goes, “the opportunity cannot be lost, the time will never come again”. The wise will use their keen market insights and superb business strategies to push their careers to peaks one after another; while the fools can only face lost market opportunities with remorse, frustration, and helplessness. Therefore, someone brilliantly pointed out that the market The core competitive resource of operation is operation wisdom. The basic law of market competition is the survival of the fittest. The buyer’s market form with more monks and fewer groceries makes the competition among merchants increasingly fierce. In any country or region with fully developed market economy in China or even in the world, there is almost no market vacuum without competition. It can be said that competition is everywhere and all the time. Some people vividly call this kind of “gunpowder smell” business competition a business war. Therefore, various business wars such as capital wars, information wars, price wars, resource wars, talent wars, and brand wars are being performed every day. Although business wars are not as bloody as wars, they are also extremely tragic. The winners gain both fame and fortune, while the losers lose everything. Some people even vividly say: In modern business wars, the chariot of success always rolls over the corpses of the losers Forward. Where to go? This is a question that every businessman or person in the game is thinking about all the time. The winning technique in business warfare has become the magic weapon that all businessmen have been striving for all their lives. Therefore, learning “advanced management experience” from western developed countries has become a focus of businessmen under China’s market economy system. In fact, the Chinese nation does not lack business wisdom, but after thousands of years of feudal society’s “emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business”, Chinese businessmen and their business wisdom have been greatly suppressed and become relatively introverted. In recent years, the discovery of ancient Chinese business wisdom first originated in the Western Chinese world, and has since spread rapidly in the global business community. “Sun Tzu’s Art of War”, “Book of Changes” (also called “Book of Changes”, “Yi” for short), “Qi Men Dun Jia” and so on have entered the classrooms of world-renowned universities. The business wisdom contained in the famous works of Chinese sages has also attracted From the eyes of Chinese business circles and academic circles, it is said that the past serves the present.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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