Takeda Jushi “Qimen Dunjia Individual Use Secret Meaning”

Jul 16,2024 7 33

Takeda Layman “Qimen Dunjia Individual Use Secret Meaning” PDF e-book download. Introduction The author explains the essence of dunjia from the perspective of modern philosophy and science, and clearly points out the inseparable relationship between “time” and “space”, “numerology” and “dunjia”, and puts forward the individual ” Atmospheric life-making” method, and through the “goal achievement orientation” to achieve various

Takeda Layman “Qimen Dunjia Individual Use Secret Meaning” PDF e-book download.


The author explains the essence of Dunjia from the perspective of modern philosophy and science, and clearly points out the inseparable relationship between “time” and “space”, “numerology” and “Dunjia” , and put forward the method of “creating life with atmosphere” for individuals, and realize various hopes and wishes of individuals through the “direction of achieving goals”. This kind of “direction” has never been mentioned, so it can be proved that numerology and dunjia are inseparable.


(Dunjia) is a science, just like (Numerology), there should be no distinction between certain genres, even in terms of facts, it should not be divided in this way. But now there are still many people who have sectarianism, and only pass it on to their descendants, but not to outsiders. It seems very mysterious, and it makes people feel mysterious and mysterious. This phenomenon can be said to be very common, and it is really worth sighing. If (dunjia) is defined as (divination), then it is like those people’s ideas, it is a certain school, a certain school, and it is mysterious, like metaphysics. But now anything can be called (study), then it is a science. Since it is a science, there is no distinction between a certain school and a certain school. If it must be called a (stream), then this (stream) ) is not the so-called (flow), it is a kind of (theory), so it can also be reasoned by (theory) and (empirical evidence), and can also be called by academic terms, which is the correct meaning of (study) . Since this is a subject (knowledge), disclosure is necessary, and it should be made public in a proper and grand manner. For the truth, (yes) is (yes), (no) is (no), there should be no scruples . About this I have cried out loudly, and I say now more than ever, make it right! In any case, right and wrong must be distinguished, because (learning) has no (absolute) and (end). According to (Numerology), it is completely based on time, while (Dunjia) explains the changes in space through time, that is, it integrates time and space, so there used to be (time and space are relative ), this is wrong, it should be said (time and space are one). In the books I wrote in the past, I have repeatedly emphasized this statement, and at the same time accused the error of this statement (numerology belongs to numerology, and Dunjia belongs to Dunjia). But ordinary people often confuse the two concepts of (time) and (space), and say whatever they say (the azimuth of the virtuous person is auspicious) or (for the change of fate, the day of sacrifice should be determined according to the azimuth of the god) , This kind of understanding about (time) and (space) can only be said to be at the elementary school level. If we can correctly understand the concept of space and time, and use (space) theories and various matters to explain Dunjia and understand Dunjia, then such fallacies will not arise. Those who deceive the world with ignorance and ignorance , really should reflect. (Astronomers) often accuse (Astrology) of being the (dull daughter) of astronomy, and as far as Dunjia is concerned, qi is even more (dull son). In the history of China, there have been many tragedies, which were caused by the distortion of the facts by the rulers at that time, so we should not only blame them for all the ignorance and incompetence of (the dull son), but also hold them responsible All kinds of evils produced by it alone, these evils are all well-documented in history. Now (Qi Xue) has gradually declined, this is a matter of course; incorrect theories cannot gain a foothold, and it has gradually merged into the theory of (Qimen Dunjia), that is to say, its untrue theory has disappeared. It was eliminated, and the desirable part was transferred to (Qimen Dunjia). I believe that the two will merge into one in the future. It is only a matter of time. People who do not understand numerology, that is, the so-called (people in the ivory tower of qi), they deny qi and attack qi, which is no different from strangling their own necks. These phenomena are quite ridiculous. (Dunjia) This book is based on the theory of (Energy Immortality), that is, on the theoretical basis of (Energy Conversion). The energy difference, personal (time) and (space) usage (including specific usage and purpose-specific usage) are then sorted out and introduced to everyone. The publication of this book is the first time in Japan. It can help everyone understand the meaning of (Dunjia) more deeply and apply it in daily life.

Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1 Azimuth Section 1 Meaning of Azimuth Section 2 Azimuth Angle Section 3 Magnetic North and North Section 4 True Azimuth Chapter 2 History of Azimuth Section 2: The Aggressiveness of Dunjia Section 2: Causes and Effects Section 3: Changes in the Value of Energy Chapter 5 Individual Utilization of Three Programs (Sequence and Dao Correction, Supplementary Correction) Section 1 “Response” of “Auspicious Use” Chapter 6 Explanation of Dunjia Section 1 About “Yanbo Fishing Slave Song” Section 2 Section “Eight Gates”, especially Siji Gate Section 3 Jiutianxing (explanation of numerology and Dunjia’s internal and external integration) Chapter 7 The purpose of not using Dunjia Section 1 Questions about wealth Orientation Section 2 Questions about relocation Personal relocation helps families move Healing Directions Section 6 Asking for Examination Passing Directions Section 7 Spouse and Marriage Direction Section 9. Directions that can improve status and reputation. Section 10. Other purposes. Directions. Chapter 8. Points to note in the utilization of Dunjia. Section 1. When individuals use it. Section 2. When family doctors and groups use it. Chapter 9 “Ten Thousand Years” “Pan” Utilization Section 1 Dunjia Pan Utilization (1) Section 2 Dunjia Pan Utilization (2) Chapter 10 Notepad Utilization Postscript

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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