Xu Weigang: The Universe in His Sleeves – New Exploration of the Great Liuren Page 515

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Xu Weigang: The Universe in His Sleeves-A New Exploration of the Great Liuren 515-page PDF electronic version sharing. Preface In China’s long-standing traditional numerology culture, Daliuren is undoubtedly one of the wonderful works shining brilliantly. Liuren is famous and popular in the world for its ability to predict and verify personnel. From the pre-Qin and Warring States period to the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and even in today’s society, the general magic lovers of all dynasties,

Xu Weigang: The Universe in His Sleeves – New Exploration of the Great Liuren 515 pages PDF electronic version sharing.


In China’s long-standing traditional numerology culture, Daliuren is undoubtedly one of the wonderful works shining brightly. Liuren is famous and popular in the world for its knowledge of personnel and affairs. From the pre-Qin and Warring States period to the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and even in today’s society, there have been numerous general magic lovers, quacks, intellectuals, world-class experts, official officials, and cultural celebrities in all dynasties. People are very fond of Liuren’s academics, and devote themselves to research. As a master who integrates the essence of Yijing and all numerology, Da Liu Ren must first understand the basic ideas established by this academic to get in touch with it and understand it. I choose the key points and summarize them into the following six main aspects: (1) Liuren is one of the traditional “three styles”, as famous as Tongjia and Taiyi, and is one of the pinnacles of traditional Chinese numerology. The so-called “shi” is a kind of wooden utensil made by the ancients to imitate the round sky and the earth, and it is used in the practice of Ren Zhan. The basic architectural idea of Ren style is to use the way of heaven to talk about human affairs. It believes that the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Humanity and the Dao of Tunnel are a whole as a whole. From the perspective of phenomena, the manifestations of the Dao of the Three Talents are ever-changing and each has its own particularity; but in terms of its principle and law of evolution, the Dao of the Three Talents is consistent. Therefore, we use the changes in the natural phenomena of heaven and earth to summarize some ways of heaven and earth, and use the identity of the three talents to speculate on possible corresponding changes in personnel. This is one of the cornerstones of Jinxue vertical style. ·····


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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