Lin Feng’s “Detailed Explanation of the Great Liuren” page 248

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Lin Feng’s “Detailed Explanation of the Great Liuren” 248 pages PDF Baidu network disk sharing catalog Chapter 1, the advantages of the Big Liuren Section 1, the introduction of the Six Kings Section 2, the advantages of the Big Liuren Chapter 2, the basic elements of the Big Six Kings first Section 2, the calculation of heaven and man by the Great Six Kings Section 2, the determination of the occupancy period Section 4, the arrangement of Shigan Jigong and Four Lessons Chapter Three, the starting method of Six Ren Lessons

Lin Feng’s “Detailed Explanation of the Great Liuren” 248 pages PDF share on Baidu Netdisk

Contents Chapter 1, Advantages of the Great Liuren Section 1, Introduction of the Six Kings Section 2, Advantages of the Great Liuren Chapter 2, Big Liuren The first section of the basic elements of the six kings, the second section of the big six kings’ calculation of heaven and man, the determination of the time period, the fourth section, the arrangement of the Shiganji Palace and the fourth lesson, the third chapter, and the first lesson of the Liuren lesson Section 2, Nine Schools Section 2, Qi Dun Gan and Nobles Section 3, Establishing Six Relatives Section 4, Chasing Benming and Xingnian Chapter 4, Basic Knowledge of Judgment Section 1, Judgment of Prosperity and Decline in Liuren Section 2 , The third section of Twelve Noble Gods, the fourth section of December generals, the fifth section of commonly used courses, the fifth chapter of Desha, the first section on Kong Xing and Shensha, the second section on Kong Xing’s general discussion 、Discussion on Shensha Chapter 6, Level Theory and Four Lessons and Three Biography Section 1, The Four Level Theory in Liuren, Section 2, Lesson 4, Yin God, Yang God, and Stem and Branch Positioning Section 3, The role between the four lessons Section 4 of the route, the role and relationship of the four lessons Section 5, Chapter 7 of the Three Biography, Liu Ren’s Judgment Ideas and Responses Section 1, Theosophy Section 2, The Fundamental Ideas of Liu Ren’s Judgment Section 3, Judgment and Response The eighth chapter, the first section of classification prediction, the second section of disease test, the third section of marriage test, the fourth section of wealth test, the fifth section of work and employment, the sixth section of entrance examination, the seventh section of childbirth and pregnancy , The eighth section of measuring lost objects, the ninth section of measuring lost objects, weather forecast


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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