Zhang Qicheng’s “Easy Map Exploration” page 266

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Download the 266-page PDF e-book of Zhang Qicheng’s “Explore the Secrets of Easy Maps”. Introduction If hexagrams are the cultural genes of the Chinese nation and determine the appearance and direction of Chinese culture, then the interpretation of hexagrams in the past dynasties is the cultural river of the Chinese nation, enabling the continuous development of Chinese culture. Later generations’ interpretation of hexagrams and lines can be divided into Xiangshu School and Yili School. The Xiangshu school invented various hexagrams and lines

Zhang Qicheng’s “Exploring the Secrets of Easy Maps” 266-page PDF e-book download.


If it is said that the hexagrams are the cultural genes of the Chinese nation and determine the appearance and direction of Chinese culture, then the interpretation of the hexagrams in the past dynasties is the cultural river of the Chinese nation, which enables the continuous development of Chinese culture. Later generations’ interpretation of hexagrams and lines can be divided into Xiangshu School and Yili School. The Xiangshu school invented various Yi diagrams such as hexagrams, Hetu Luoshu, Taiji diagrams, etc., thus making the already mysterious symbols of the Book of Changes more mysterious and unpredictable: What is the relationship between these Yi diagrams and Yi symbols? ? What information do the various gua and yao diagrams interpret the gua and yao symbols? Was the gua and yao invented based on the Hetu Luoshu, or was the Hetu Luoshu created to match the eight trigrams? Is the picture made for the purpose of interpreting gossip? The “deciphering” of Hetu Luoshu and Taijitu itself is no less lively than the “deciphering” of the symbols of the hexagrams and lines. Various “deciphering” results have come one after another: Hetu Luoshu is the climate map and azimuth map of the nomadic era; The book is the matrix of Yi Mathematics; the Taiji diagram is the electroencephalogram in the functional state of qigong; the Taiji diagram is the unity of the cosmic field and the cosmic number; The three-dimensional cosmic structure of time and space; Hetu Luoshu and Taijitu are real objects left over from prehistoric civilizations, and they are gifts from extraterrestrial visitors to the people on earth… There are so many of them.

This book makes a calm and objective analysis of the above “deciphering”. First of all, starting from historical materials, including document records and unearthed cultural relics, sort out the development and evolution of Yitu from a large number of historical materials, restore the true original appearance of Yitu, and then analyze Yitu from the perspective of logical structure and cultural functions , Put forward your own point of view, and strive to be fair and just.

I insist that: Yifu and Yitu, as the carrier and illustration of “Yidao”, show the ontological consciousness, thinking mode, value orientation, cognitive method and Human Spirit. In a sense, the symbols and schemas of Yi Xue are the representatives or foundations of Chinese traditional philosophy, traditional natural science and life science. Chinese traditional science and Western traditional science have different characteristics. Western traditional science is characterized by “public theory”, while Chinese traditional science is characterized by “model theory”. This “model” is represented by Yifu and Yitu. Model”.

With this as a starting point, I put forward the theory of “Tai Chi unified model”, trying to establish a unified model of Yifu and various Yitu, revealing the homogeneity, isomorphism, interaction and complementary relationship between them .

In the integration and sublimation of the backbone of Chinese culture – “Yidao”, Yifu and Yitu will open up the channel between ancient civilization and modern science, and explore the theoretical model of life in the universe – unifying ” Equation” or “continuous field” provides a methodological enlightenment, and then makes an important contribution to the integration of Chinese and Western cultures and the future civilization of mankind.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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