Lu Ying’s “Chinese Style Interpretation of Dreams”

Jul 16,2024 17 41

Lu Ying’s “Chinese-style Dream Interpretation” PDF e-book download. Content Summary There are many stories about dreams in Chinese history, such as the emperor’s dream of a dragon, the dream coffin of an official (official), and the literati’s dream pen. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a famous literati Jiang Yan. It is said that when he was young, he dreamed that someone gave him a five-color brush. later for

Lu Ying’s “Chinese-style Dream Interpretation” PDF e-book download.

Content Summary

There are many stories about dreams in Chinese history, such as the emperor dreaming of a dragon, the dream coffin (official) of an official, and the literati’s dream pen. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a famous literati Jiang Yan. It is said that when he was young, he dreamed that someone gave him a five-color brush. Then why did Jiang Lang’s talents run out? It turned out that he dreamed that the sender of the pen asked for the five-color pen to return. There are many such stories, and their veracity is doubtful, but these legends at least reveal a kind of mentality of the ancients, believing that dreams have some mysterious connection with reality, or that dreams have a predictive effect on reality. To reveal this connection and “clarify” the mysterious prediction, it is necessary to resort to dream divination. The so-called divination of dreams is also what later generations call dream fulfillment, dream interpretation or dream interpretation. Warlocks predict the good and bad of human affairs based on what people see in their dreams. Zhanmeng has a long history and once had a relatively high status. Among all kinds of miscellaneous divination techniques including tinnitus, birds and beasts, saccades, sneezing, etc., dream divination is considered to be the most advanced. Therefore, in “Hanshu Yiwenzhi” there is a saying that “all people are not one, But dreams are big.” The reason why Zhanmeng can have such a status is directly related to the superstition of dreams by the ancients. Modern science has proved that dreams are the result of the activities of some thinking cells during people’s sleep, and are closely related to people’s daily experience and psychological needs. Therefore, people often say: “Thinking every day, dreaming at night.” There is a saying that “Southerners do not dream of horses, and northerners do not dream of boats”. However, due to limited understanding, the ancients interpreted dreams as the activities of ghosts and gods. Ghosts and gods communicate with people when people sleep, convey God’s will, and guide the maze.

Table of Contents

Long-established dream-divination culture (1) Long-established dream-divination culture (2) Long-established dream-divination culture (3) Long-established dream-divination culture (4) “Zhou Li” uses “sun, moon, and stars divination “Dream” Medical scientist Wang Fu’s “Dream Divination Guideline” Dream interpretation theorist Ji Xiaolan said that dream interpretation book interprets dreams “Huangdi Neijing”: Dream is a physiological and pathological phenomenon (1) “Huangdi Neijing”: Dream is a Physiological and pathological phenomena (2) Le Guang: Dreams are “thoughts” and “causes” “Zhuangzi”: Dreams are the theory of dream divination in “Guan Yinzi” Buddhism: dreams are based on illusion Taoism: gods Induction and the Three Corpses: Chen Shiyuan: The Interaction between Heaven and Man under Mysticism (1) Chen Shiyuan: The Interaction between Heaven and Man under Mysticism (2) Asking about Worry, Dreaming, Auspiciousness, Dream Book, Dreaming, Facing Divination, Reverse Divination, Word Divination (1) Word test and dream interpretation (2) Code-changing dream interpretation, interpretation and reasoning, dream interpretation and superstition

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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