Li Jizhong’s “Introduction to One Hexagram and Multiple Breaks in the Book of Changes” page 317

Jul 16,2024 2 44

Download the 317-page PDF e-book of Li Jizhong’s “Introduction to One Gua and Multiple Breaks in the Book of Changes”. Abstract: The traditional Shushu culture is full of splendor and various categories, such as: Bagua Liuyao, Sizhu Numerology, Plum Blossom Yixiao, Qimen Dunjia, Big Liuren, Xiao Liuren, Ziwei Doushu, Tieban Shenshu , palmistry, face …. too many to list. Looking at these techniques

Li Jizhong’s 317-page PDF e-book download of “Introduction to the Book of Changes, One Hexagram and Multiple Breaks”.

Content Summary

The traditional culture of magic numbers is colorful and diverse, and it can be described as vast, such as: Eight Diagrams and Six Yaos, Four Pillars of Numerology, Plum Blossom Yixiao, Qimen Dunjia, Big Liuren, Xiao Liuren, Ziwei Doushu, Teppanyaki number, palmistry, face …. The list goes on and on. Looking at these schools of arithmetic, they all form their own systems because of their different operation rules. In Chinese history, there are many people who are proficient in arithmetic. Jiang Ziya and Sun Bin in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Zhang Liang and Jingfang in the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period, Li Xuzhong and Yuan Tiangang in the Tang Dynasty, Shao Kangjie and Chen Tuan in the Song Dynasty, Liu Bowen in the Ming Dynasty, etc.… .Because of their profound attainments in the art of arithmetic, they have made their names passed down through the ages. With the development of history into the 21st century, in the ancient land of China, the cultural undertakings of the Book of Changes have made new developments. Traditional theories have been continuously enriched and improved, “one hexagram with one break” and “one hexagram with multiple breaks” compete with each other in prediction techniques, and some new theories are constantly emerging. Facing the voluminous Yi Xue classics, while lamenting its profoundness, people also have a feeling that a tiger eats the sky and has nothing to say. Is there a golden key that opens the door to the treasure house of Yi Xue? Is there a ladder that allows all curious beginners to step into the high threshold of Yi Xue Mathematics? Yes! The director of the exhibition, and work hard for the development of Yixue. Among them, there is one outstanding person who has done a particularly outstanding job. He is Li Jizhong, a well-known Yixue scholar, palmistry expert, and general manager of Haikou Zizhu Planning Service Co., Ltd. and Oriental Heluo Research Center. Mr. Li Jizhong began to study Chinese algebra when he was young, and later learned from many famous masters. In terms of physiognomy, he was personally taught by Mr. Cao Baojian, an old Anhui folk artist, and was taught by Mr. Chen Dinglong, a teacher of palm and face: in Fengshui, you can get Xuankong Pai teacher Feng Baocheng’s personal biography, he was taught by Mr. Chen Yuliang, a teacher of Sanhe School, and Mr. Yang Qineng, a teacher of Bazhai School; on the Eight Diagrams and Six Lines, he was fortunate to be personally taught by Zhen Yangzi, the head of Beijing Baiyun Temple. However, the rumored gossip unique knowledge-108 formation was passed on to him. This 108 formation is an exclusive secret method specially used to mediate various difficult diseases and resolve human diseases. Mr. Li Jizhong learned from a hundred schools of thought, integrated and mastered, and his mind and nature were enlightened, and he accumulated a lot of knowledge. He learns from the ancients but does not stick to the ancients. He is unique and self-contained. Its six-yao and eight-diagram techniques can be described as proficient in use. Four-pillar numerology, Qimen Dunjia, Yin-Yang Fengshui, palmistry, and facial expressions all have high attainments. In particular, using the 108 hexagram array method to adjust Fengshui and resolve disasters is even more amazing, which is amazing and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. So far, he has adjusted thousands of cases of Feng Shui for many star hotels, some large and medium-sized cities, and official residences. At present, Mr. Li Jizhong has been employed by many listed companies, real estate companies, and four-star hotels as the general consultant of business planning. In order to promote the cause of Yixue, better inherit the culture of Yixue, and benefit more people, Mr. Li Jizhong established Zizhu Planning Service Co., Ltd. in Haikou City, founded the Yixue magazine “Oriental Heluo Research”, and established a practical Yixue website. Carry out planning and consulting services at home and abroad.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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