Wang Huying’s “Secret Biography of Six Lines of Pursuing Good Luck and Avoiding Evil (Resolution)” Word Editable Version

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Download the word version e-book of Wang Huying’s “Secret Biography of Six Lines of Pursuing Good Luck and Avoiding Calamity (Resolution)”. Preface It is inevitable that people will encounter various confusions and setbacks in their lives. In the face of confusion and setbacks, most people don’t know what to do, they just resign themselves to their fate, suffer everything they encounter silently, suffer in pain, and hope for God’s mercy to save themselves from the pain.

Wang Huying’s “Secret Biography of Six Lines of Pursuing Good Luck and Avoiding Evil (Resolution)” word version e-book download.


It is inevitable that people will encounter various confusions and setbacks in their lives. In the face of confusion and setbacks, most people don’t know what to do, they just resign themselves to their fate, suffer everything they encounter silently, suffer in pain, and hope for God’s mercy to free themselves from the pain. However, wise men do not give in to fate, adopt a positive attitude, and use the wisdom of “Yi” to think about how to avoid and resolve disasters.

According to archaeological excavations, as early as two thousand years ago in the Han Dynasty, detoxification had been prevalent, and many town houses and talismans to exorcise evil spirits were unearthed. In the Han Dynasty, there was a man named Zhang Daoling, who founded the Five Dou Rice Way, using talisman water to treat diseases. Because of its efficacy, this method was recognized by everyone, and he himself was honored as Zhang Tianshi by later generations.

With the changes of the times, this method of treating diseases has also become a part of traditional Chinese medicine, which is called “Zhuyou Thirteen Branches” by later generations. However, due to the influence of Western medicine, modern people do not understand this therapy more and more, so “Zhu You Thirteen Branches” was classified as a superstition, and since then this therapy has disappeared from Chinese medicine. The purpose of prediction is to have a good life. When it is predicted that there will be troubles on the road of life, it is necessary to change and avoid them as much as possible to make it develop in a better direction. This is also the original intention of the ancients when they invented the forecasting technique.

Liuyao prediction originated in the Han Dynasty, but only the method of prediction has been handed down in the world, but no method of using Liuyao to resolve it has been handed down. Although there are a few examples of resolution in ancient books, they are simple and unsystematic, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the true meaning of resolution. Therefore, many Liuyao enthusiasts have studied for many years and can only predict, but they cannot resolve the disadvantages for others and themselves. , It is impossible to achieve the real pursuit of good fortune and avoidance of evil.

After long-term research and practice, I also introduced folk esoteric resolving methods, and created a unique set of six-line resolving methods, which made this prediction technique truly perfect. In order to verify my theory and prove the role of the five elements in writing, my Japanese students did such an experiment. He arranged the seeds with the three characters of “water”, “wood” and “gold” respectively, and observed their germination. As a result, the seeds with the word “water” had a germination rate of 90%, and the seeds with the word “wood” had a germination rate of 90%. The germination rate of the seeds is 70%, and the germination rate of the seeds of the word “Jin” is 30%. It can be seen that the five elements contained in the characters do play a certain role. But everyone should remember that resolving is not a panacea, and sometimes the effect is not obvious, maybe it is because of the unfavorable energy that cannot be resolved, or the resolving method found is not appropriate and needs to be adjusted, but in any case, resolving is not possible. It can replace everything, and resolving does not exclude modern science, otherwise it will go to the end of superstition.

Chapter 1 The Purpose of Six-Yao Prediction

Why did the ancients create the Six-Yao Forecasting Method? That is to enable everyone to have a good life, seize all favorable opportunities, avoid all negative aspects, and live a happy life. Why do people and things in the world exist with good or bad luck? This is because everything in the world is restricted by the five elements, and the changes in everything are caused by the birth and restraint between the five elements. Since the birth and restraint of the five elements determine the good or bad luck of things, the use of the birth and restraint of the five elements can also change the good or bad luck of things. In other words, six-line forecasting can not only remind us of good and bad news in life, but also tell us how to seize opportunities, how to avoid and change bad things, the key is how to interpret the information in the hexagrams. Once you master the method of Liuyao prediction and resolution, you will use Liuyao to have a happy life.

When a person comes to this world, he cannot choose his own destiny at will. Whether it is a good fate or a bad fate, destiny really exists, and it will accompany him all his life after he is born , had a great impact on his life. In ancient China, people invented many forecasting techniques in order to decipher fate. For example, Four-Pillar Pushing Fate (八字) is to use the time of birth to infer the fate of a person’s life. But there are many people born at the same time, tens of thousands, and the four-pillar deduction uses the same fate to infer the people born at the same time, that is to say, there will be many people in the world who will have the same life. But in fact, people born at the same time may not have exactly the same life experience, because the fate of a person has a certain degree of plasticity, which is not only affected by the time and space of the universe, but also by acquired education, personal efforts, genetics, etc. So it is impossible for two people to experience the same fate. Even so, people with the same fate still have many similarities and certain common laws in it. This is why forecasting makes sense. If there is no law in fate, prediction is meaningless. Fate is 100% fixed, and prediction is meaningless. Human beings are the greatest primates on the earth. Humans imagined flying in the sky like a bird, so they invented an airplane that can fly in the sky with their own wisdom, and imagined that they could run as fast as a leopard, so they invented a car with their own wisdom Waiting for transportation. Similarly, ancient people used their own wisdom to invent many prediction methods in order to change their destiny. The six-line prediction method is one of many prediction methods.

There are many examples of refuge and resolution in ancient divination books. As early as the Jin Dynasty more than a thousand years ago

There was a man named Guo Pu The well-known forecaster described several cases in his “Cheats of the Cave Forest” that he used the six-line prediction method to seek good fortune and avoid evil, treat people’s diseases, and successfully avoid wars. For example, Dong Zhonglang joined the army and Jing Xu was ill for several years, so he sent his younger brother to Guo Pu for a test. On the day of Weiyue Guiyou, he obtained the Dize Lin Gua. Guo Pu deduced it from the Gua and informed Jing Xu of his illness You must eat rabbit meat to heal. Then Jing Xu’s younger brother caught a rabbit on the way home, and after Jing Xu ate it, he recovered from his illness. How did Guo Pu extract and resolve information from hexagrams? Let’s analyze it.

Children Youjin” White Tiger

Wife Wealth Haishui “should be a snake

Brother Ugly Earth” Gou Chen

Brother Ugly Earth ″ Suzaku

Official ghost Maomu’Shi Qinglong

Parents Sihuo’ Xuanwu

[Judgment] Although the younger brother went to Guo Pu to explain his elder brother’s illness, but At first, it was Jing Xu himself who wanted to predict, and he sent his younger brother there. His younger brother was just a proxy tester, so the god used was not the brother line but the world line. (There are similar examples of this method of using gods in “Changes and Deletes Bu Yi”. For details, see the discussion of “Let him move his thoughts, and be careful not to mention him”.) Being injured by Richen means that his condition is not serious. If it is resolved with Liuyao, as long as Shi

Yao becomes prosperous, the disease will heal. Using the god as the wood, the god of jealousy has not been activated, so there is no need to consider the method of resolving it from the perspective of subduing the god of jealousy, as long as the power of using the god is strengthened. There are two ways to strengthen the use of gods, one is to use the power of the five elements of the primordial spirit to generate the auxiliary gods, and the other is to use the same five elements as the use of gods to compare with the use of gods. Guo Pu adopted the latter.

The same five elements as Yongshen and Yinmu and Maomu, Yinmu and Yuanshen Haishui combine to make Yuanshen greedy and forget life, and have little effect on Yongshen, so Maomu is the best s Choice. There is another reason for using Ugi at the same time, that is, Ugi is also a star of heavenly medicine while helping to prosper and use gods. Although Shensha does not play a role in prediction, when it is used for judgment, it can still be used as an auxiliary star for extracting information. For example, bathing, peach blossom, stage horse, etc. still have a certain success rate. Maomu corresponds to the animal rabbit, Di Zelin is the hexagram of Kun Gong, and Kun is meat. The combination of the meanings of the two is rabbit meat. Shiyao is facing the green dragon, and the green dragon is the main diet, so the patient will borrow energy from the rabbit meat when eating rabbit meat, strengthen the patient’s physique, and achieve the purpose of improving the disease. Let me give another example of Guo Pu resolving a disease. Shu Bao, an official in Yixing County, got typhoid fever and did not get better for a few days, so he asked Guo Pu to predict for him that on the day of Wuyue and Xinhai, he got the hexagram of Dunbian Tianfeng in Tianshan.

Parents Xu Tu′ present a snake

Brother Shen Jin′Ying Gou Chen

Official Ghost Wuhuo′ Suzaku

Brother Shen Jin ′Qinglong

Official Ghost Wuhuo x Shizi Haishui Xuanwu

Parents Chentu″ White Tiger

[Judgment] Shiyao is used as God. Shiyao Although he was helped by Yuejian, he was restrained by Riyao, and Shiyao turned his head back to restrain him. If he did not resolve it, he would definitely be in danger. Guo Pu decided that he could be rescued by the direction of Kun. But at that time, he was in a remote place. There are very few cows. When they were in trouble, someone came from the southwest to lead the cows. They stayed overnight, and Shu Bao’s illness was cured. How did Guo Pu draw this conclusion from the hexagram? This hexagram changed its line and turned back Conquering the world is very important. Guo Pu used the so-called law of restraining the gods and restraining the gods to weaken the gods of jealousy and restrain them, so as to save and use the gods. That is to say, he changed the lines into water, and used soil to restrain the water to protect the gods. From the twelve From the point of view of the Earthly Branches, Chen Xu Chou is not all earth, they can restrain water, but if it is used to resolve it, try to consider whether it will have a negative impact on Yong Yao. Although Xu Earth controls water, it also It is also the tomb of Shiyao, and it may weaken the power of Shiyao, so try not to use Xutu. Weitu can also control water, but Weitu and Shiyao are in harmony. Shubao has a recent disease, which should not be combined , so Weitu is not suitable for dissolving. So what about Chentu? Chentu does not have a negative impact on Shiyao, and it can be used to control water. Chentu can be used. As for Choutu, like Chentu, it can also It was used to dissolve. Guo Pu used external responses and living things to dissolve people. Dragons are legendary animals, which are difficult to appear in real life, so Guo Pu used the ugly soil, that is, cattle to resolve them. At the same time, he was afraid that the strength of the cow would not be enough. , and the energy of the direction is added to dissolve it with Kun Shangniu, because Kun is a cow and also an earth, and the water is made more thoroughly.

Through the research and application of Liuyao prediction, I am expanding While improving my understanding of the universe, it also changed my outlook on the world.

I think destiny exists, and there are certain ways to know its development trend in advance, and part of it can be changed within a certain range.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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