Zhou Chuncai’s “Manga Book of Changes”

Jul 16,2024 17 45

Zhou Chuncai’s “Manga Book of Changes” PDF e-book download. Author brief introduction Zhou Chuncai, born in Beijing in 1957, is a professional painter and an independent writer. Over the years, the author has made a new interpretation of Chinese culture from the perspective of methodology by comparing it with Western culture. His works are vivid and systematic, and have a wide influence at home and abroad. Introduction to Comic Book of Changes

Zhou Chuncai’s “Manga Book of Changes” PDF e-book download.

About the author

Zhou Chuncai, Beijinger, born in 1957, is a professional painter and an independent writer. Over the years, the author has made a new interpretation of Chinese culture from the perspective of methodology by comparing it with Western culture. His works are vivid and systematic, and have a wide influence at home and abroad.


“Comic Book of Changes” is the oldest book of divination in my country, and it is also a philosophical work that condenses the wisdom and insight of ancient ancestors. It takes “—” (“Yang Yao”) which symbolizes Yang and “–” (“Yin Yao”) which symbolizes Yin as the basic symbols. Bagua (each hexagram is composed of three lines) and sixty-four hexagrams (each hexagram is composed of six lines) formed by overlapping any two hexagrams in the gossip are the basic graphics. The law of the generation and change of things and phenomena. “Comics” simplifies and interprets the origin and principles of Hetu, Luoshu, Bagua and Sixty-Four Hexagrams in the form of comics. This book is popular and vivid, and it combines practicality, information and retention value. The Book of Changes hides mysterious secrets and mysterious laws. For thousands of years, the monarchs of all dynasties and generations in China have regarded the Book of Changes as their standard. At present, political leaders on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have studied the Book of Changes with teachers. Some people say that it can seek good fortune and avoid evil, and some say it can predict the future. What is the magical power of this holy book that appeared in ancient times?

Partial preview of

“Manga Book of Changes”


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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