Tong Tienan’s “Six Yao Mankou Sutra” 250 pages

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Tong Tienan’s “Liu Yao Man Mouth Sutra” has 250 pages missing 102 pages PDF download. Brief Introduction Folk blind masters often have very magical and precise divine judgments when breaking six lines, especially in breaking ghosts and gods, which makes people feel incredible! Today’s “Liuyao Mankou Jing” and “Liuyao Shengui Jing” were handed down by Huang Laodao, a wandering hermit more than 30 years ago, and passed on to the author by word of mouth.

Tong Tienan’s “Liu Yao Man Kou Jing” 250 pages missing 102 pages PDF download.


Folk blind teachers often have very magical and precise divine judgments when breaking six lines, especially in breaking ghosts and gods, which makes people feel incredible! Today’s “Liuyao Mankou Jing” and “Liuyao Shengui Jing” are compiled by Huang Laodao, a wandering hermit more than 30 years ago, who closed his door and handed them down to the author, and after more than 30 years of practice by the author. A masterpiece that has been lost for a long time. It is a rare treasure of ancient Chinese culture. The combination of theory and practice in the book, and now with the addition of the three books “Liu Yao Broken Ghosts and Gods Experience Collection” to form a complete system of ghosts and gods, I believe it will give you a qualitative leap in breaking hexagrams!

This set of books is rich in content and involves many aspects of life to seek good luck and avoid evil, including gossip and disease, gossip and gods and ghosts, natal star kings, natal yuanchen, natal celestial beings, Buddhist gods , the gods of Taoism, the gods of the underworld, the gods of the layman, the main points and taboos of worship, soothe the gods and invite the gods, spells and spells, writing and rules of prose, six-line actual combat holographic hexagrams. The content is detailed and specific, it is really a rare treasure book of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

What is commendable is that this book discloses many secrets of using spells, and introduces in detail the meaning, scope of use, method steps, and specific operations of these spells. Including Synchronous Resonance Method, Receiving Life Sutra Method, Establishing the Hall Gate Method, Sending Five Ghosts Method, Beating Salt and Rice to Exorcise Evil, Sending Body Substitute, Drawing Talisman and Reciting Mantras. Teaching these spells is the center and focus of this book, and it is also the core knowledge that everyone urgently needs. Only by mastering this knowledge can we truly seek good fortune and avoid evil, solve difficulties and eliminate disasters, and master our destiny. Only in this way can we learn to cure illnesses and exorcise evil spirits, urge officials to urge wealth, urge men to urge marriage, take exams and do business, and avoid official disasters.

The outstanding features of this book are: specific and practical, easy to understand, and highly practical.

Beginners can be improved: those who are proficient can be further studied: those who are proficient can fill in the gaps in their own learning. Refer to a hexagram and multiple breaks. No matter what kind of prediction method is used, you can refer to the relevant chapters of this book. It is a book suitable for all ages and both refined and popular.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Searching for ghosts and collecting gods The sixth section of the eight palaces, five elements and twelve branches of the gods and ghosts, the seventh section of the eight palaces, the five elements and the twelve branches of the gods and ghosts. Five ghosts and hexagrams and bodies and six relatives and concubines

Chapter 2 Diseases Section 1 Correspondence between gossip and human diseases Section 3 Correspondence between five elements and diseases Section 4 Correspondence between earthly branches and diseases Section 5 Section 6 Correspondence between Yao positions and diseases Section 6 Correspondence between Yao positions and good and bad results Section 7 Correspondence between six gods and diseases Section 8 Correspondence between six relatives and diseases Section 9 Correspondence between sixty-four hexagrams and diseases

Chapter 3 Master’s Biography of Family House Secret Method Judgment 1. How many five elements are masters? 2. Six relatives have no masters? Miscellaneous Languages of the House and House Secrets Section 7 Willow Nerves Section 8 The Floor Selection Method of the Birth and Yuanchen

Chapter 4 The Birth Star Lord Section 1 The Origin and Use of the Birth Star Lord Section 3 The Birth Star Lord and Appearance, Temperament, Occupation

Chapter 5 Birth and Yuanchen The first section is the meaning of worshiping natal Yuanchen. The First Section of the Twelve Gods Come to the Destiny, the Second Section of the Natal Hour

Chapter Seven The Supernatural Functions of the Gods, the First Section, the Buddhist Gods, the Second Section, the Taoist Gods, and the Third Section Gods of the Underworld Section 4 Lay Gods

Chapter 8 What You Need to Know about Worship Section 1 The Relationship between Worship and Feng Shui The main points of the gods Section 6 The gods of the underworld Section 7 The position, height, size and color of the altar Section 8 The function of the magic lamp and the type and method of use of the incense burner Neglected Taboos Section 11 Altars should always be kept clean Section 12 Do not behave impolitely in front of statues Section 13 Do not worship gods in filthy places Section 14 Consequences of tranquilizing the gods

Chapter Nine, Asking the Gods to Calm the Gods, Section 1, Methods of Choosing Auspiciousness, Section 2, Choosing the Date of Inviting the Gods, Section 3, Choosing the Date of Running Section 1 Synchronous Resonance Method Section 2 Sutra Method of Rebirth Section 3 (Liuyao Shengui Sutra) Litang Mouth Method Section 4 Five Ghost Confirmation Method笄解化法

Chapter 11 Talismans Section 1 Theory of Charms Section 2 Basic Procedures and Essentials of Drawing Talismans Section 3 Methods of Using Talismans Section 4 Introduction to Various Practical Talismans

Chapter 12 Mantras Section 1 Basic procedures and essentials for reciting mantras Section 2 Drawing mantras and secret mantras The Eighth Temperance Substitution Curse The Ninth Temperance Curse (the same as the paper figurine) The Tenth Season Beating Salt and Rice to Exorcise the Evil Section Thirteen (Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Original Vow Sutra) Purify Your Mouth, Purify Your Mind, Purify Your Body, and Settle Your Land Section 18: Invite the City God’s Curse Section 19: Invite the Earth God’s Curse Amulet Twenty-fourth Purification Curse Twenty-fifth Life-Suppressing Palace Grieving Curse Twenty-six Life-Suppressing Palace Guansha Palace Twenty-seventh Life-Suppressing Palace Tribulation Curse Twenty-eighth Demon-Suppressing The twenty-ninth curse of human beings, the curse of suppressing evil and ghosts, the thirty-first curse of suppressing foxes, the thirty-first curse of inviting immortals, the thirty-second curse of ghosts, the thirty-third curse of marriage and auspicious dates The Thirty-fourth Curse of the Unlucky Day The Curse of the Lonely and Widowed Persons The Thirty-fifth Curse of the Suspected Ghosts and the Stalking of People The Thirty-sixth Curse of the Exorcist and the Widowed Person

Chapter Thirteen Wen Duan’s three-person disease and family house

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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