Pan Fuxing’s “Digital Information Forecasting” Volume 1, 2

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Pan Fuxing’s “Digital Information Forecasting” three volumes PDF electronic version sharing. Excerpts from the content Chapter 1 Introduction to digital information forecasting Digital information forecasting is based on the most primitive thirteen numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, B, 9, 10, 11.12 A proven arithmetic system for making predictions for computing tools. the numbers we use

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Excerpts from the first chapter on digital information forecasting

digital information forecasting is based on the most primitive 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, B, 9, 10, 11 .12 These thirteen numbers are a complete and proven system of numbers for calculation tools to predict. The numbers we use come from the number of branches in the eight stems, four dimensions and twelve branches of Baguawairi. Since the numbers we use come from the Zhouyi gossip, they must strictly avoid the restraint of Yin and Yang and the five elements, and include the analogy of everything in nature, representing good and bad fortune in the world. It can be seen that the number itself has its specific energy, “(field, and the number itself has specific attributes of yin and yang and the five elements. The theoretical foundation of the number faith prediction is the mutual growth and decline and destruction of yin and yang and the five elements. I think that the opposite When a pair of tit-for-tat and irreconcilable contradictions collide with each other, one of them must be injured. Just as the saying goes, “When two tigers fight each other, one will be injured”. The three talents of heaven, earth and man each have their own capabilities, and each has its own strength. .Magnetic field. Heaven, earth and man are interacting with each other all the time. As long as the harmful magnetic force lines of the celestial magnetic field, or the harmful magnetic force lines of the geographical magnetic field are shared with the harmful magnetic force lines of human beings, people will see evil. As long as the favorable celestial magnetic force lines , or when the geographical magnetic force lines overlap with the favorable magnetic force lines contained in the human body, auspicious things will happen. It seems that the weather and geographic magnetic force lines are external factors, and the human time magnetic force lines are internal factors. It will produce good and bad. Some scholars believe that good and bad will be produced when the three major magnetic fields of heaven, earth and man overlap. This is correct. If you only emphasize that “only when the three major magnetic fields of heaven, earth and man overlap, can there be sound and bad luck!” Yes. This kind of one-sided view is easy to lead people who learn Yi into a misunderstanding, and it will also cause serious mistakes in calculation.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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