Xu Lewu’s commentary, Liu Ben’s edited “Ziping Zhen’s Interpretation and Commentary”, page 446

Jul 16,2024 26 38

Xu Lewu’s Commentary. Liu Ben edited “Ziping Zhen’s Interpretation Commentary” 446-page PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity) Introduction “Zi Ping Zhen Interpretation” was originally a work on horoscope numerology written by Shen Xiaozhan, a Jinshi of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. It is above the classics such as “Shenfeng Tongkao” and other eight-character classics, and it is more systematic in the study of numerology.

Xu Lewu’s Commentary. Liu Ben edited “Ziping Zhen’s Interpretation and Commentary” 446-page PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity)


“Zi Ping Zhen Interpretation” was originally written by Shen Xiaozhan, a Jinshi of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty Numerology works, because the book is based on the eight-character classics such as “Yuanhai Ziping”, “Sanming Tonghui”, “Shenfeng Tongkao” and other eight-character classics, and it has a more organized description of numerology. Focusing on the order of the moon, using the success or failure of the gods, gains and losses and changes, looking at the pattern and looking at the gods, etc., and put forward the rules of pattern and fortune, which makes the logic of numerology clearer and greatly improves the accuracy of horoscope numerology. Therefore, at that time, people rushed to copy it, and it became the most complete and most refined classic life book alongside “Di Tiansui”. In the early years of the Republic of China, Mr. Xu Lewu, a numerology expert, commented on it because he was “too simple and had opinions and had no precedent”. Although there may be some expositions that are limited to personal subjectivity, its interpretation of most chapters, as well as the narrative method that escapes from classical numerology, provide a clearer and more logical path in the study and operation of numerology; “Interpretation and Commentary” has been highly praised since its publication, and has become a must-read classic for those who learn numerology later, and has a profound influence on the development of later numerology. Since learning numerology, I have read “Ziping Zhenquan Commentary” several times, and the annotations are densely packed; however, due to the original arrangement and sentence reading, and the formula is too simple, every time I read it, I still have the feeling of starting from scratch, which is difficult to understand at a glance; so I re-read it Typing, punctuation, and adding detailed instructions have reduced the time of “circling and unnecessary consumption”. Liu Ben originally wanted to imitate the sages and make a “deeper, more logical, more clear, and more modern” elucidation work on Ziping’s numerology, but the project was huge and difficult to achieve for a while; so he came up with the idea of this self-preserving notebook, reorganized, and intended To help those who are troubled by the same “circling time” so that everyone has a more convenient tool; but they dare not steal the beauty of the predecessors, hence the name “Zi Ping Zhen An Annotation New Edition”. In the compilation of this book, in addition to careful consideration of punctuation, the reading of sentences is as far as possible according to the sub-items of the narrative theme to avoid confusion. Many of the original notes only list the horoscope without fate, or describe the luck without the arrangement of the Universiade; in order to echo and verify the narration, the editor adds and attaches [there are many fates, not marked one by one]. In the formula, the editor added some symbols to assist in the interpretation, and the meaning of the symbols refers to the above description. Since it is said to be [New Edition], everything will return to the spirit of the original note, and the editor will not elaborate too much on his personal ideas; he will only make a point-and-shoot sidenote for the spiritual part of the second volume, or where the narrative is out of focus or obviously wrong; If [Liu Ben’s note] is removed, it is still a clear and easy-to-read original work of “Ziping Zhen’s Interpretation and Commentary” [the order is more detailed, or there are more auxiliary illustrations]. The study of numerology is boundless; the editor does not dare to be arrogant, and only wants to help each other with the “New Edition” because of the fate of the same people. Let’s pray together! If you have advice, Liu Ben bows and waits.

Some screenshots


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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