Layman Bai Yushi “Introduction to Numerology and the Essence of the Spirit”

Jul 16,2024 20 42

Layman Bai Yushi “Introduction to Numerology and the Essence of the Spirit” PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity) Introduction After the “May 4th Movement”, there is a big fallacy in Chinese academic circles, which is to use the science at that time as the yardstick to measure everything. Anything that does not conform to its norms or the “science” at that time cannot be recognized Phenomena, things and knowledge that cannot be explained are all denounced as “unscientific”

Download the PDF e-book “Introduction to Numerology and the Essence of the Spirit” by Layman Bai Yushi. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity)


After the “May 4th Movement”, there is a big fallacy in Chinese academic circles, which is to use Science at that time was the yardstick for measuring everything, and any phenomena, things, and knowledge that did not conform to its norms or that the “science” at that time could not recognize or explain were denounced as “unscientific” or “feudal superstition.” As a result, many cultural heritages in our country are thrown away as garbage, and metaphysics is regarded as the garbage of garbage, and is despised and cast aside by the intellectual circles. Not only do they not want to take the time to study it, but even when others talk about metaphysics, they denounce it as “leading people to superstition” and “poisonous youth”. But three-quarters of a century has passed, and now looking back at the science at that time, it is not difficult to find how naive the science was at that time. Many unscientific things and theories that were dismissed as lies at the beginning were proved to be reasonable by the science of the 1990s. For example, genetics theory, Chinese medicine and acupuncture theory, etc. Unfortunately, metaphysics has not been able to make a comeback, and is still regarded as inferior by the society, especially the intellectual circles. The reasons are very complicated, and there are two main points: First, since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, metaphysics has fallen from the court to the market, and too many people who have failed to study and become low-quality people use astrology, astrology, divination (gua) and mountains (feng shui) as their bases. Profession. His ambition is to make money, but he is not good at learning. They exaggerate the role of metaphysics, boasting that metaphysics (that is, themselves) is omniscient and omnipotent. It’s a sensationalist, it’s convenient to make a living, and make some money. As a result, many people place too high expectations on metaphysics, thinking that the prophecy of the practitioner will surely come true, and that metaphysics can reverse his fate and solve various problems for him. But in the end, the words of the practitioners repeatedly fell through, and their hopes were shattered again and again, so they naturally felt that “it was all a lie.” They are too lazy to distinguish and have no ability to distinguish whether it is the magician who deceives people or the knowledge of metaphysics that “deceives people”? There is no perfect thing or knowledge in the world. Even the most precise and accurate laws of physics will be repeatedly overthrown or advanced by later generations; even modern medicine, which uses sophisticated instruments to repeatedly check and test to make a cautious diagnosis, makes mistakes from time to time ; Even the recognized specific medicines are only seven or eight times effective, so how can metaphysics be completely intact? How can it be 100% accurate? However, those who are in the market place, have little knowledge, and have no intention to study the art of learning, but they like to talk like a tongue, bragging about themselves without shame, aiming at making money, and taking misleading people as their duty. How can ordinary people Can we not regard charlatans as liars, how can we not regard metaphysics as a “skill” to deceive people (not knowledge)? Second, almost all those who complain that metaphysics is a superstition do not understand metaphysics or even dabble in metaphysics. I have many such friends. They are experts in other fields and great scholars, but they have not even stepped into the door of kindergarten in metaphysics.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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