“Yujia Annotation Yujing Ao Jue” written by Du Qian. Annotated by Li Xuzhong. Annotated by Wan Minying. Annotated by Gou Pan Chan Monk. Edited by Li Qiangtao and Zhuangzhuang, 220 pages

Jul 16,2024 3 31

“Yujia Annotation Yujing Ao Jue” written by Du Qian. Annotated by Li Xuzhong. Annotated by Wan Minying. Annotated by Gou Pan Chan Monk. Edited by Li Qiangtao and Zhuangzhuang. 220-page PDF e-book download. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below) Introduction The theory of revising sequence and numerology has been passed down for a long time. In the early Ming Dynasty, Song Lian wrote an article “Lu Ming Discrimination”, saying: “It is a long time since the Five Elements and Jiazi are used to push people to rest.

“Yujia Annotation Yujing Ao Jue” written by Du Qian. Annotated by Li Xuzhong. Annotated by Wan Minying. Annotated by Gou Pan Chan Monk. Edited by Li Qiangtao and Zhuang Zhuang. Download the 220-page PDF e-book. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


Edited order

The theory of numerology has been passed down for a long time carry on. In the early Ming Dynasty, Song Lian wrote an article “Lu Ming Discrimination”, which said: “Gai uses the five elements of Jiazi to push people to rest, and his skills have been practiced for a long time. It did not start from Sima Jizhu as Lu Cai claimed. Along with later generations, Lin Xiaogong has “Book of Lu Ming”, and Tao Hongjing has “San Ming Chao Lue”. There are quite a few people in the Tang Dynasty who have learned their books, but Zhang Xingxing, Sang Daomao, and Li Xuzhong have refined their books. After Xu Zhong, only Xu Ziping made his own Xun Ao Ye.” “Lu Ming Shu”, “San Ming Chao Lue” and other books have all been lost, and Li Xuzhong’s “Li Xuzhong’s Ming Shu”, the rest of the line of study still has “Yujing Ao Jue”.

The poem said: “You can visit the Yujing chapter, but the world is an immortal on earth.

Reopen the five qi divisions, and break the barriers to see the sky.”

The “Jade Well Pian” mentioned in the poem is the “Yujing Ao Jue”. “San Ming Tong Hui” was written in the sixth year of Wanli by Wan Minying. Volume 10 of the current version of “San Ming Tong Hui” contains the article “Yujing Secret Jue”, which is not divided into volumes, and the author titles it Anton Duqian. At the end of the article, there is Wan Minying’s postscript, and the full text is as follows:

“The Secret Jue of Yujing was written by Anton Duqian. It contains interesting and wonderful images, which can be seen and stored. It is not easy to be reborn, to become a saint and extraordinary. If you want to live in a desperate situation, you must know its prosperity and retreat. When the utensils are full, they will be dumped, and things will be damaged when they are over. , the decline of qi is based on emotion. Whether it is used or not, the true and false should be distinguished; the change does not change, and the category is first divided. Therefore, the qi is thick and thin, clear and turbid, high and low, and dark and bright. It is myriad of threads and ever-changing .Qi has life and control to the end, and makes use of the principles outside the theory; things have good fortune and living methods, and they are extremely involved in the mystery of the mystery. It is true that Li Xuzhong’s school of Yuxue is the true story. There are many books that are not seen in the world. It is revealed from the table. It is a record of educating me.” Anton Du Qian didn’t know who it was. In the article “Yujing Secret Jue”, “flying upside down and cooperating, one point and three points”, the theory is clear and the technique is exquisite. Wan spoke highly of “Yujing Ao Jue”, and believed that “it is the true story of Li Xuzhong’s Yu school”.

My friend Tianganshan has devoted himself to studying the article “Yujing Ao Jue” for many years. Based on the comprehensive judgment of the writing and style of the book, he believes that “Yu Jing Ao Jue” was written before the Ming Dynasty, and the specific time should be in the Song Dynasty. The textual research is considered credible.

The postscript of Wan’s “Yujing Ao Jue” says “there are many books that are not seen in the world”. Outside of “The True Story of the Outline”, it is indeed not seen.

In the tenth year of Wanli, Yang Cong wrote “The True Story of the Compendium of Star Studies”, and the first volume also included the article “Yujing Secret Jue”, which is called “Tang Li Xuzhong Annotated Yujing Secret Jue”, Li Xuzhong should be Later generations entrusted their names. The full text is divided into three volumes, the first, middle and lower volumes. The small note under the name of the middle volume says “Gou Pan Chan Monk Collection Notes”. Can not test also. The third volume of “Yuanhai Ziping” contains “Lun Ming Xi Fa”, titled “Xun Seng Juan Zheng Biography Song, that is, the biography of Zen Master Yin Jing”.

Seng Xun judged or judged Zen monk Gou, “Xun” and “Gou” should be an error in publication. The popular edition of “Yuan Hai Zi Ping” that survives in the world is also edited by Yang Cong, which has a different origin with “Xing Xue Compendium Zheng Zhuan”.

The first volume of “Compendium of Stars” and the tenth volume of “San Ming Tong Hui” included “Yu Jing Ou Jue” After checking one by one, the texts are different from each other. Jue” has multiple paragraphs of text mixed into the notes. As for the annotations, the “Yujing Oujue” included in “Xingxue Gangmu Zhengzhuan” is far more detailed than “Sanming Tonghui”, and there are many differences between the two annotations on the same content.

“Xingxue Compendium True Story” Yang Cong’s preface said: “Catching Xu Shengzhai in the Song Dynasty, he also took life’s birthday as the main method of Ziping, specializing in financial officials, similar to their pattern, and observing the end of nature They all learn the righteousness of the school from the rest of the emptiness, and their way is great.” The method of “Yujing Ao Jue” is quite different from the method of Ziping in later generations. It can be said that the method of emptiness has been passed down in one line. Dig.

The “Yujing Ao Jue” included in “San Ming Tong Hui” in the sixth year of Wanli is quite different from the current version since the Qing Dynasty. “Huayan” is called “gorgeous”, and the like is too numerous to enumerate. Since the Ming Wanli version of “San Ming Tong Hui” has never been published since the Qing Dynasty, and there were many additions, deletions and revisions in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, in order to maintain the original appearance of Wan Minying’s annotations, this compilation of Wan’s annotations does not refer to any version after the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, Wan’s commentary outside the chapter of “Yujing Ao Jue” was added to complete the text.

This is a joint publication of “San Ming Tong Hui” in the sixth year of Wanli and “The True Story of Xingxue Compendium” in the tenth year of Wanli. .

Suici Bingshen Mengchun Donghai Zhoushan Villa was rounded up in Shanghai Kezhou Hall

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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