Qu Wei’s “Four Pillars of Information Obtaining Images” page 107

Jul 16,2024 50 33

Qu Wei’s “Four Pillars of Information Capture” 107-page PDF e-book download. Introduction The four pillars and eight characters are an information carrier, which can holographically reflect all aspects of the life owner. The reason why the four pillars can holographically reflect all aspects of the life master’s information is because the eight characters of the four pillars have a one-to-one correspondence with all aspects of the person. We use this correspondence to extract the fate.

Qu Wei’s “Four Pillars of Information Capture” 107-page PDF e-book download.


The four pillars and eight characters are an information carrier, which can holographically reflect the general situation of the life master. The reason why the four pillars can holographically reflect all aspects of the information of the life master is because the eight characters of the four pillars have a one-to-one correspondence with all aspects of the person. We use this correspondence to extract the image of the information of the fate. The corresponding relationship is the most basic and important relationship in the four-pillar forecasting. It is the most important basis for extracting the four-pillar information. If you don’t know the corresponding relationship, you can’t talk about the image of information extraction. Therefore, we must first grasp the corresponding relationships among the four pillars. The more you find the corresponding relationships or corresponding points, the more accurate you can extract the image of fate information more comprehensively and accurately. Four pillars and eight characters, from the perspective of the body, the four pillars (year, month, day, hour pillar) and eight stems and branches correspond to the various parts and organs of the life owner’s body; The ten gods in the Zhuming Bureau correspond to specific houses and six relatives; from a social point of view, the four pillars and eight characters correspond to all kinds of people and things related to the life master in society. In short, every column and every word has many corresponding relationships, but the corresponding relationship is different from different angles. This problem will be discussed in detail in the following sections

Some screenshots


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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